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Sat 7th Jan 2023 04:19

Lost in Ruin, Ep7

by Lieutenant Darius Cole

It was so simple, so simple I wouldn't have seen it for another month at least. The converter I have strived so hard to recreate runs off of ambient magic in the form of light, not arcantric currents like I assumed. The raid on the city's armory was a success though some failsafe has rendered it inaccessible for the time being I got what I was after and am well on my way to recreating them in mass. The wraith's days in the docks are numbered for certain now. With the assistance of Rags and Ambrose we have assembled a form of ballista that fires beams of light instead of steel bolts, we fully intend to test it shortly.
As for dealings around the camp we are now seeing more and more people arrive through the portal, I can only assume the dragon's spell is still active somehow after its death. Still no one from Immoren, let alone Cygnar but I will hold out hope for reinforcements still. Interestingly there is a short Hellknight who rides a warjack of industrial design, Gemma, she seems intelligent enough but her association with those knights is worrying for my future here.
Our next step is to fortify the dockside area fully and then we can begin to move in to the area in full and get out from under this damned wyrm. Morrow willing we won't have to stay there long.
In service,
Darius Cole
Lt Warcaster