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Sat 22nd Oct 2022 11:12

Lost in Ruin, Ep2

by Lieutenant Darius Cole

Warcaster's log, day 22?
A breakthrough has been had, I have successfully adapted an arcane circuit to this worlds ambient magic. As such it requires no batteries but is giving reduced output, I will work to continue to refine it as I am able. What I would give for the lab right now Sebastian. Along with this I am beginning the process of translating our spells to this world, it will likely be a lengthy process still. We have found a... survivor in the otherwise dead city. A strange dragonlike creature, capable of speech and flight and seemingly free of blight. I suspect she may simply be a draconic hybrid like the minions of Everblight but do not have the knowledge to really test this theory.
On a side note it seems tensions in the camp continue to rise as groups are beginning to form, most based around friendships formed before coming to this land. None of my soldiers have appeared and I appear to be the only one from Immoren among us. Multiple such groups, which they now title guilds, have sought to recruit me to their sides though what this could mean for the long run I can only speculate at. It seems that Hero's presence is an oddity among these people and understandably would rather recruit us then possibly face us at a later date.
As of yet only one group has not asked me to join them, a group of dour knights calling themselves Hellknights. By my best measure they are quite alike Menoth's followers, law and order to be upheld regardless of cost or public image. I'm relieved they haven't asked if I'm honest commander, not sure I could work with them for an extended period.
The other guilds are as such, the Mithral Dragoons, a group of arcane knights similar to our storm knights. The Frontier Coalition, made up of a diverse group these ones focus on expansion and discovery of the strange technologies we find here. You'd like them I'd wager. The last is the Stouthearts, dedicated to the defense of the community and betterment of it, theres no direct comparison I can come up with at this time for them but they seem genuine enough.
As always, I will continue to seek a way back to my country and yes, to you.
In service,
Lt. Darius Cole