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Wed 12th Oct 2022 04:47

Lost in Ruin:

by Lieutenant Darius Cole

Warcaster's log, day 12?
It has been a very strange time since being drawn into that portal. This world is alike to a fever dream I cannot wake from in many ways.
During the menite border skirmish the started on the 22nd our forces came under assault from a group of druids and their beasts. Rather then risk them harrying us all the way to base we dug in, thirty men of the 42nd trenchers, three gunmages, myself and my ironclad should have been able to hold out for reinforcements in the terrain. But the beasts were relentless and their master more clever then I gave him credit, it was going poorly to be honest. During the sixth day of fighting I found myself under assault from the menites, probably desperate to take our emplacements for themselves, and face to face with a vertical pool. It stood free in the air and rippled with obvious magic, through it I saw a ruined city overgrown with plants. I'm still not sure why I stepped through, I felt a presence like I would feel a jack, it was desperate and pleading. Stepping through what I now know to be a portal felt like drowning before I breached the surface into a large vestibule with many others. Before I had time to even consider where I was a dragon spoke, yes spoke. It said we needed to help it save the city before turning to obsidian glass. I do not know this dragons name though it is close in size and appearance to the dreaded Galefang of the northern mountains. I do not know what happened but I worry the blight may be slowly effecting the others here, we need to get clear of it soon.
The others are a topic unto themselves. As best as I can figure they were drawn through similar circumstances to here by the same means. They are not from Immoren, nor from any land we know of as yet. Many wield strange magic and speak like the gods have no bearing on such, they do not suffer stigma from healing magics, no arcane reflux either. I have conducted what experiments I am able to and have concluded that arcane energies permeate this place like a gas, I am working to adjust my spells to the climate. Also of note, the arcane circuits laced within my plate are not functioning, same with my ironclad's armaments though I'm convinced I can restore function thanks to said ironclad. Despite having run out of fuel on the second 'day' here it is still operational. The convergence engine which normally channels magic from the warcaster is able to siphon the ambient magic of this world, as such my warjack is able to operate without coal, though steam production is limited at this time....
Sebastian, I worry for my soldiers, what happened to them, and what you think happened to me. Please wait, I will find my way home, I have not abandoned the trust you've shown me.
In service of the crown,
Lieutenant Darius Cole
4th Cygnaran Storm Corps.