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Fri 23rd Dec 2022 06:52

Empire of Ruin, Ep 5

by Lieutenant Darius Cole

Much has changed in my knowledge of this work in the last several days.
Firstly it was revealed that the shadow creatures here come in a number of types, some simply spirits the locals call "Guardians" and the others.. Were the residents of this city at one point, they were killed and converted by the guardians. Secondly the local grymkin serve one such guardian they call "The great spirit", it believes us invaders and is directing the grymkin against us in attempt to drive us from this world. I have learned this from one such grymkin, Ko'ho'no'ka'Lu'ki which translates to One Who Laughs At Cat, a moniker boasting of his bravery. He was captured in the second raid on our food stores and is my captive until his fate is decided. He is both informative and frustrating, poor thing is a zealot thug only given enough information and conviction to serve its masters and slated to be killed by them if he strays. A slave soldier, how sad. Unfortunately tempers are running high around the camp as two of our companions have been kidnapped by the locals and are being subject to torture, twice now I have had to turn away attempts to torture Ko'ho'no'ka'lu'ki in retaliation the last of which I genuinely thought I was going to have to fight the leader of the hellknight detachment who stormed in with a red hot iron. I can only hope our actions tomorrow pan out and we can put an end to this situation for good.
Speaking of the knights I have concluded them to an analog to the Menites of our homeworld. They are obsessed with law and quick to anger, torture seems to be stock and trade against their adversaries. I will work with them as long as I need to but I believe we will find ourselves at odds before long. They have begun omitting information from other members of the camp under the guise of... security I guess, there seems to be a number of excuses but the result is the same. I will need to start preparations and finding out who among this camp allies with them in mentality if not procedure. What I would give for Sargent Tibs and his unit to be here with me.
The push into the city is progressing despite the recent setbacks, with the intersections secured we will be moving to fortify the area. I intend to mount an expedition to the armory and find the adaptor I need to start utilizing the crystal technology here. With that we will be able to hold the docks and start developing there. I am starting to get a grasp on the local language thanks to recent events so theres that as well. I will report back after tomorrows rescue efforts, wish me luck?
~Lt. Darius Cole
Journeyman Warcaster
4th Cygnaran Storm Corp.