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Sun 13th Nov 2022 09:44

Lost in Ruin, Ep3

by Lieutenant Darius Cole

A lot has happened since I last wrote in here, a lot. ..
Over fourty sleep cycles have passed since we arrived, the lack of sun making this the only way for me to mark the passage of days at this point. Over this time we have had a few new arrivals appear within the fonts waters, and have even located a single survivor from the ruined city itself. She has no memory or knowledge of what happened here and best we can tell has been in some form of suspended animation for an extended period. With her assistance however and the persistence of Zeke we have finally cracked the first of the two languages here. Finally. This will make traversing the city easier and with any luck I will be able to forge a link with the local jacks, I can sense they can hear me, feel my trying at least.
On another note we recovered an in tact map of the city proper and are organizing to push out from the island into the docks. The local fey seem to be withdrawing from the area little by little, as with the wildlife who have taken refuge there. The problem of the City Shades still persists but we have discovered a few ways to weaken and or keep them at bay though not well if I'm honest. Something must be able to drive them back and keep them there. The Strider, a colossal warjack is capable of simple eradicating them, if I could link with it we would be most secure indeed.
On the topic of warjacks, the convergence engine continues to supply fire for Hero's boiler and shows no signs of stopping. I have begun modifications to increase efficiency of his other systems and he is steadily regaining the lost power from the system change. On a more curious note, the active time of Hero continues unabated and he is showing signs of potential new quirks, reasoning almost. I worry for what this is doing to him but there seems to be no manner to stop him other then cutting the circuits and risking cortex failure. Without him though I am at a significant disadvantage so I will not being attempting to interrupt the circuits flow.
There are growing factions now, and I have been tasked with managing one of them at least. The last thing I think we need is politics here but some structure wouldn't be missed in the slightest. We will simply have to wait and see how it turns out.
In service,
Lt. Darius Cole.