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Sat 11th Feb 2023 05:36

Lost in Ruin, Ep8

by Lieutenant Darius Cole

Days have continued to march forward and I feel players moving behind the scenes. The Hellknights recruiting efforts have picked up steam and it feels like half the camp has joined them. At Gemma's insistence I had a long conversation with their leader Krokkin about transparency of information and recent events. While I'm satisfied with the matter for now it did little to dull my worries. Of the two times I had been kept in the dark either by design or accident it seems both were by accident or oversight. More concerning is that the second matter was foreign to Krokkin as well and she did not grasp the significance of it. To be frank I'm not sure what to make of the situation overall but I will be more cautious with my limited resources when it comes to their planned missions from now on.
On better news the ballista project is complete and we are prepping for mobilization to the barricade strong points and getting off this island. I have a particular building scoped out for a proper workshop that will allow us to make adjustments to our jacks as well as construct tools and parts for further construction efforts. We have acquired a local laborjack, its processes are rudimentary at best but it possesses enough strength and awareness to perform manual labor with direction.
Recently we gained assistance in an unexpected manner, an information jack that calls itself Adjutant Four. It is intelligent, capable of speech, reasoning, and planning and has intricate knowledge of local technology and security systems. It informed me that the failsafe we experienced at the armory raid was not simply automated it was another intelligent jack called the Overseer. The Overseer has control of most military and security systems and jacks within the city, though time has made many of them inoperable it is still a threat. Adjutant Four has briefed me on how the locals controlled their jacks through the use of arcane signals and passcodes. Even brought with it an implement that when fixed will allow me to do so consistently, for it seems the locals understood cortex corruption enough to put in manual failsafe as well as codes to override the machines in the event of deviation. We will be working to restore the implement once the dockside is secure.
For now I will continue efforts to secure technology and maybe find a way back to Caspia. That... and play diplomat with a group of agnostic menites...
~Lieutenant Darius Cole.