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Sat 31st Dec 2022 05:06

Lost in Ruin, Ep6

by Lieutenant Darius Cole

The rescue was a success. Sano and Noriko are returned to the camp and both seem be recovering well from the ordeal despite confirming what we had been told of their conditions. During the rescue we encountered and killed an intelligent shade, a vassal of this Great Spirit confirming our fears the spirit is in fact some form of wraith and will need to be dealt with accordingly. Unfortunately we ended up having to fight our way out but kept casualties to a minimum where we could.
With that over I am assembling a team to raid the city's armory tomorrow. I expect to encounter a number of warjacks of the local variety and hope to acquire at least one in tact crystal mount or crystal mounted weapon. Something, anything I can use to put this technology to our use. If the Strider's weapons are anything to go off this will be a huge boon to our defenses, likely allowing us to take the port and hold it for good. Which is great because I would greatly like to get outside this damn wyrms shadow.
Wish me luck, this will be the first I have seen of this city's actual warjacks. I know Hero's up to the challenge but we don't know how many. nor how strong, they will be.
In Service
~Darius Cole
Lt Warcaster, 4th Cygnaran Storm Corps.