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27th of Therendor in the year 999 YK

Days 17 - 20: The Testing and the Resting

by Celosia Senho

I just woke up after having been passed out for 2 hours. Met with Xor'chylic and we talked. So tired... cannot focus for very long, but must say that I am glad to have served my party as well as I did and I deserve this rest. It is not everyday you have the "pleasure" to speak with an Illithid.
I have had a full days rest at this point and will expend a little energy in order to get as much down as I can remember from yesterday.
We started with coming down for Lunch really as it was closer to noon. Tarryn went to check on the wagon while I sat at the table to write my journal from the day before. I had some "morning" ale and continued my journaling until Tarryn came back inside to ask me to air out the wagon and make some decision about the prisoner that some forgot about. So I closed my journal, went outside and spoke to Uz - one of the Z'nir Guards protecting the wagon. They were very professional and would not receive any refreshment while on duty. I do wish he had told me what they favored as I would love to send them a thank you gift for the duty they have done.
Had them and Ripper take the prisoner out of the wagon, made sure he was fed. Ripper made a goodberry and the guards made the prisoner eat it, perhaps a bit too rough, but he was being definiant. I them cleaned the Edhellen which she needed desperately. Smelt like the dead had buried themselves in the back. Then I came back in, pulled out my journal to continue my writing. It was about then when everyone else not Ripper or Tarryn showed up for food. Ice was just tired, but Simon and Toox both seemed like they had gone to a party, licked the floor at the afterparty and then decided to wrestle a skunk for the after afterparty. I'm going to have to start charging a cleaning and health services fee with the number of times I had to use prestidigitation and minor healing for the stinking smells and the hangovers. Seriously, it did start to feel like I was being taken advantage of after the sixth time I was asked to cast to clean folks up. I even used it on that bit of an ass Feldspar... once. The second time he had to do it himself. Also confirmed that the letter provided the night before was a declaration the bearer's of this letter has done a service to Xor'chylic and is to be shown every courtesy. I also learned that Hult's god is Akilah - The bright goddess of fire. Don't think I have that symbol. Simon ordered breakfast for the table and we ate and talked.
We then discussed what to do with the prisoner when Feldspar offered to go find out stuff from him. We all, but Hult went out, watched Feldspar hit the prisoner with a stick a couple of times before apparently casting a zone of truth. He then went back inside for us to question the prisoner. His name is Matthew. He is 23 years of age and was inducted into the Mark cult about 3 months ago after he and several of his friends were invited to a meal. He was a Beland Soldier int he 101st Infantry Unit, but does not seem to be from Sharn as he has no idea about places in Sharn such as Morgrave University or Tavick's Landing. He is from a place where it is believed that Monsters are taking their jobs and homes. That humans are being displaced. The meal was in a large room with many people. There are 128 in his faction of the cult, but not all have earned the mark. Matthew has the mark carved into him. He has never met the demon that he calls God and only "worship" by acts of service. He knew most of the 128 before the meal. Indicated that Rossi was not a follower but was a sympathizer and gave them the respect that they deserved. He confirmed that the mark was performed with a red stoned knife. This factions leader was one of those we bested in battle.
Looks like Tarryn his here with my breakfast and I am getting so tired once again. I will continue after some food and some more sleep. I am exhausted and soon you will know why.
Well, I feel better today, but still so very exhausted. I feel like I'm moving in slow motion, but at least I can speak and think a little more clearly.
After questioning Matthew, we all went back inside until we were summoned to our meeting with Xor'chylic. Hurda came to escort us and took my seat on the wagon. I do not like riding in the back of the wagon with everyone else. It feels too enclosed once you have spent the past 2 weeks riding upfront. We left all of our weapons in the wagon, was escorted to a meeting room, provided water, and then were called in one at a time to be interviewed by the Illithid. I was chosen to go first and was led to a large, gothic office where there was a clerk and Xor'chylic. I was explained the process and that if I answered truthfully, I would be fine. Being someone with the gift of telepathy, I felt comfortable to provide my answers mentally as more of a courtesy than speaking my answers outloud. It was like a warm brain freeze or an itch, but I have taken just as much damage from that conversation as I did the ill feelings near Little Graywall when I passed by with my human appearance. This is not trying to undermine his power, but to confirm that I am perhaps more resilient in these matters than others in my party. I answer two questions honestly. The first question was Do you have any allegiance with the Dragonmark Houses. My answer was I have a mild relationship with House Orien. Second question was Do you plan to cause harm to Droaam, The Great Crag, Graywall, or The Daughters of Sora Kell. My answer was absolutely no. I was regarded for a moment and then dismissed. The others game in one after another in differing states of pain, confusion, glee, illness, bruises, and some blood spattered ears and noses.
It was at this point that I healed all those who needed to be healed, made sure everyone who needed water, whether for rinsing out vomit or cleaning themselves a little. It was at this point that we were led to another meeting room that seemed to be more of a classroom type set up where we were informed that the wagon and all of its contents were given back to their previous owners. That must be some relief to Tarryn and by extension House Orien. It was here that we were explained that the questioning before was being done as if we were children and that, to show us no insult, we would now be given the opportunity to ask Xor'chylic any questions that we wished, but we must do so outloud and that he would not hold back his effects on us. We could leave at anytime that we wished, but it comes at great risk the longer you are subjected. Hult, Feldspar, Ninarin, and, to my great relief, Tarryn did not participate. There could be nothing that Tarryn needed to ask the Illithid and I am quite proud that he knows his limitations and is unashamed. It takes someone of confidence and strength of character to do what is right for themselve. I think I'm falling in love with him. Oh gosh, I hope I don't look like Simon. What am I saying? Who cares if I look besotted at Tarryn. Live like there is no tomorrow.
So, left in the room was Ice, Ripper, Toox, myself, and, OF COURSE, Simon. I will list the questions and answers as a list and indicate at what point individuals left.
How many humans have communicated mentally with an Illithid? Answer: None
Why was there the switch from the Great Crag with the Dragonmark Houses regarding trade? When the Daughters were begging for it? Answer: The Daughters of Sora Kell were not begging to work with the Houses, they were baiting the Houses.
Who is the demon pretending to be a god? Answer: Not certain, but believe the demon is not from this world.
How does the mark cult recruit? Answer: Conversion is performed using hate and fools.
How many members are in the mark cult? Answer: more than 700 and less than 1000
(Simon and Toox leave about now as we have taken physical damage, are exhausted, and felt like I was losing my vitality)
What sort of danger is Sharn in? Answer: There is so much.
What sort of danger is Sharn in from the Demon? Answer: We are not sure, but we know that the demon is there.
Where should we go to stop this Demon? Answer: Sharn, but you cannot go there yet.
Is there a way to neutralize the mark? Answer: Believe that cutting the mark will disrupt the control.
How does the demon compare to the demons that the Heroes of Ghaash'Kala defeated? Answer: (This was the most painful question) Demon arrived in Cyre - now the Mournlands. Those demons came through a rip in the fabric of reality. The demon in Sharn came in through the same rip. Was briefly located in the north before moving to Sharn. Fascinating to see a demon that is more of a planner than one that wreaks havoc. Other realms have demons that behave in a more controlled manner.
(I passed out at this point)
I will ask Ice and Ripper if they had been able to asked any further questions?
I shall stop today as my hand is starting to cramp and my eyes to burn. Some sleep this afternoon is necessary so that I can listen to Tarryn better than I did yesterday. I'm very lucky.
I am now on Day 3 of bed rest and will probably need to take it easier tomorrow, but at least I can get out of bed and be more myself. Tarryn has been so kind to take care of me. He has a good reading voice and I'll eat anything he brings me.... even mushrooms... yuck. After the past few days, I am now sure that I will be tested more to help rid our world of this intruder. Tarryn has his House responsibilities and I'm sure will continue with us to The Great Crag, but something tells me that we will have to part soon as there is a war coming that is worse than before. All I hope for is that if we all succeed in saving our home, that my family is safe and that Tarryn and I will come back together at the end of this terror. If I help save the world... I think that would be a great reward.

Continue reading...

  1. Day 11 – Trip to the Great Crag
    18th of Therendor in the year 999YK
  2. Personal Journal - The Kiss
    Morning of the 19th of Therendor 999 YK
  3. Day 12 - Planning and Plotting
    19th of Therendor 999 YK
  4. Day 13 & 14 - Book and Banquet
    21st of Therendor in the year 999 YK
  5. Personal Journal - Giving Myself Some Grace
    22nd of Therendor in the year 999 YK
  6. Day 15 - Past, Present, and Future
    22nd of Therendor in the year 999 YK
  7. Day 16 - The Longest Day Ever
    23rd of Therendor in the year 999 YK
  8. Days 17 - 20: The Testing and the Resting
    27th of Therendor in the year 999 YK
  9. Day 21 - Back to Normal and Poker
    28th of Therendor in the year 999 YK
  10. Day 22 & 23 - Credits & Debits
    2nd of Eyre in the year 999 YK
  11. Day 24 - The Great Crag
    3rd day of Eyre in the year 999 YK
  12. Personal Journal - Then the Horse Came Down
    4th day of Eyre in the year 999 YK
  13. Day 25 - True or False: Who to Trust
    4th day of Eyre in the year 999 YK