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3rd day of Eyre in the year 999 YK

Day 24 - The Great Crag

by Celosia Senho

The back of the Edhellen is pretty comfortable when all is said and done, but there is of course difficulty sleeping next to someone and of course a lack of privacy. I will endeavor not to drink or eat something out of the ordinary that I don't know what it will do to me. I do feel better, however. I feel healthier and like I can channel more power than I could yesterday...we shall see.
Khajiit and his loxodon guards were so kind as to make breakfast for us all since we so kindly shared our drink with them last evening. We also took this opportunity to purchase some things from the Tabaxi merchant as he has been able to procure some items of a magical persuasion. I bought a couple more feather fall tokens and I was able to scratch off my list the purchasing of a set of sending stones. Since, I know at some point, Tarryn and I will be in situations where we will not be together. It would have been useful to have had them when we dealt with the Wyvern as he and Simon were at the Tower and the rest of us were a couple hours away. So, they are practical for short and long-distance communication. I made sure to either get his or my favorite color... and so I was able to get a dark blue set as that is Tarryn's. Ripper was also able to pay me back the money that he owed me (60 gold). The others bought various things: Ice - 4 feather fall tokens and 2 potions of invisibility, Hult - flame tongue weapon to sacrifice to his god/goddess, Toox - 1 potion of invisibility and a bracelet of comprehend language. Ripper - a +1 shield. Once we were fed and our purses lighter, we headed to The Great Crag.
As we drove to The Great Crag, we came across a station for the quicklings. None of us were so crazy as to investigate the quicklings end of the line. Not too far from the station was the entrance to the city surrounding The Great Crag. This is nothing like what those who have come into Sharn after visiting it have indicated. I believe that it has been a ruse in order for The Great Crag to come across as more underdeveloped than it actually is. The city is incredible with the stone structures having been laid out in a controlled chaotic way. It is a city with a plan for the different races of different sizes to live in harmony. There is no sense of a class system separation within The Great Crag. The streets are full of random races, big and small, with no rhyme or reason. Apparently, we made several folks angry and would have gotten killed most likely until an officer of the city called Hamhock and his Storm Giant partner. They were there to escort us through the city to the Crag itself as we were also apparently causing major traffic problems. So, after convincing Tarryn to let Hamhock to drive the Edhellen to show us the ropes, we headed at dangerous driving being explained that you give right of way to things that will kill you and take right of way of things you can kill. We did have to stop for 3 quicklings and were told they only live 15 days, and the deal is they are in service to the daughters of Sora Kell for 10 days and then can do whatever the hell they want for the other 5 days. Most folks do not mess with quicklings and so we had to wait a long time before they disappeared after a slight standoff with some other bigger races. At that point, Hamhock lets Tarryn take over again and I help him navigate the rest of the way to the gate. Once we get to the gate, Hamhock tells us to keep driving until he tells us to stop. We stop when he says and pulls into a parking space that is indicated. I had so much energy coursing through my body after that drive that I threw all discretion out and kissed Tarryn so passionately regardless of who was around to witness it.
Hamhock leaves us with a female Goliath names Inalo Flowerdream Thenalulane who has a clipboard sized for her. She makes the arrangement to have 8 harpies to fly the Edhellen from the area to The Great Crag. Inalo confirmed that Hurda would be arriving to The Great Crag as well. We were provided warmed spiced ale which was delicious. As we fly, Tarryn, Simon, and me rode inside while the rest rode up top or flew alongside. Ripper apparently decided to become a giant spider and I will just say…. Why? And Ewwww…. I was able to get a good aerial drawing of The Great Crag (Performance 26) and confirmed that there are no class sections separations
Once we arrived, we started to look around because Simon couldn't wait patiently with the wagon. I felt bad leaving Tarryn alone with the Edhellen, but he is a big boy with a big bow and knows how to use it. He also has the sending stone to my match should he need me. It was then that we were greeted by Begulk a bugbear who is well dressed and was clearly trained in Sharn and has the talking down to us while trying to be polite down to a pat. He is honest, serious, and sincere in his address, however. They have a vault that is set up with some sort of blood magic to keep the contents secure. The idea is that we will store the Edhellen there and only Simon or Tarryn are able to access the vault once the blood magic has been set up. Begulk also makes it very clear that the Daughters of Sora Kell have taken personal responsibility with Simon's safety and that he will always have a guide when he moves about The Great Crag. Begulk then shows us to the travel tubes and explains how to use them. He indicates that there is a guide in our rooms to assist us with traveling with the tubes. He explains that once he steps into the dark tube, count to two and then the next person steps in, holds their arms close to them and do not try and get off at a different stop, wait until you slow to your stop before stepping out. He then stepped into the tube, I counted to two, Ice and Toox were debating who was going to go first, so I just went. I also put on the bravest face before following Begulk as I did not want to show anyone weakness no matter how scared I was. It was a feeling I will have to get used to, but it is close to the sensation of falling off of a sky bridge before a feather fall token kicks in. The sheer rush of wind all about you and the smells around you, though these were more controlled being inside tubes. I don't know how I kept it together, but I did, and I think I will do much better the next time I use it. Then the rest traveled, but they did not fair very well except for Tarryn and Hult. Toox unfortunately started to have a "reaction", but I was able to calm her and "counter" her issue before more damage could be done.
We all arrive to our guest quarters with Toox, Ice, Ripper, Ripper's entourage, Hult, and Tarryn and I having rooms to ourselves, and Simon is shown into the suite with a feather mattress and lots of room with amenities. Our rooms have windows and a wooden bed. Simon is to have tea with the DOSK, but we have requested to be close by for his safety and that is agreed upon.
Once Begulk leaves, Simon shares his discomfort with his treatment and expresses how he'd like Ice, Hult, and Toox to find out information in town and for Ripper and myself to be with him with the afternoon tea. He then uses his influence to get Tarryn and I a mattress, so we don't have to sleep on the wood. He also gets Ripper a stone wall for him to sleep. A medusa with a wonderful eye for stonework makes what Ripper needs and even fixes the door Ripper created to his friend's room.
Since I get the feeling we are going to be here a little while, I set up my instruments, research, sketchbook, and toiletries in the room for convenience. Tarryn really surprised me a little today with his driving and then with his reaction to the travel tubes. I like his directness, boldness, and skill. So honest too. So, refreshing and, I'm not gonna lie… I like not being in control sometimes and just want him to take the initiative. And I told him how I like it when he is a bit rough and tumble…. and then… well… he was bold and took the initiative. I'm in such trouble…in the best of ways.
Just before 2pm, there was a knock at our door indicating that tea was at 2pm. I was able to get up, dress, make myself presentable and "pressed" Tarryn's official House Orien outfit. For him, I'll take payment in hugs and kisses for keeping him clean and smelling fresh. Ripper and I went to escort Simon to his tea whilst Toox, Ice, and Hult went seeing the sights of the city of The Great Crag.

They had an exhilarating time with Hult rescuing a flying horse. I am going to have to put that down as a song. I can just hear the audience singing along to it... "And then the horse came down..." They visited a tavern/restaurant called The Giant's Mug owned by an Orog named Noughhug Blackarm. He came into possession of the business after killing the previous owner in a battle of pride and was victorious. He is about 6'6 and 280lbs and is an accomplished and healthy fighter. He is missing his right ear. He reported that there is a lot of activity happening over the past week over at The Great Crag official tower to the point that there are rarely folks just hanging around at the pub. People coming in and asking for takeout. Lots of Turkey being brought in, the bland parts of turkey that "softies" eat. However, no one seems to know what is going on.
While Ripper and I sat outside of the tearoom, Begulk sat with us and conversed with us. There were also Z'nir guards on either side of the tearoom door for security. Begulk certainly seems a lot less snotty and looks more observant at my mannerisms and the way I speak like he is trying to adjust to the way of Sharn from my presentation. I made sure to be more my diplomatic self-versus the snooty lady. He went so far as to make plates of food for me as we waited and shared interesting things regarding some of the food that I may not be familiar with. Ripper asked about a bean that Begulk had offered to Simon before traveling in the tubes once again. It was said to work like a Goodberry spell, though these beans are not made with magic. They can be grown and that there is a shop in town called "Beets, Beets, Beets" that sells them. I asked Begulk about his experience in traveling to Sharn and he told me that he went to Morgrave University in Sharn and spent time in Galethspyre trying to learn more about Breland culture. He shared how he felt mistreated and talked down to when he was in Sharn which explains his original behavior to us. I explained how I understand those at the upper levels talking down to those that they deem are beneath them. I tried to assure him that not all are like that and that where I'm from in Sharn was a very different set of people. He said that he had gotten to go to Lower Dura once and felt more comfortable there. He seems excited that I was from Lower Dura to that point that he expressed a desire to show me something after the tea was over. He couldn't tell me what, but I and Ripper agreed to see what he wanted to show us. Once the tea was done about an hour later, Simon came out full of smiles and excitement. We escorted him back down to our rooms and, along the way, Simon expressed out the DOSK are far more intelligent than previously indicated and how wonderful a tea it was. Once back to the rooms, Simon needed to go make notes and asked not to be disturbed. Tarryn had taken this quiet alone time to have some food, drink some wine, and read a book. He deserves it and, if I hadn't had a job to do, I would have been right there with him eating, drinking, and playing/reading.
The others wandered around town looking at various shops, found a place that did nightly speed dating (Ice was interested), found a weapons shop, a witch shop, and the arena (Ice wanted to fight). They also went looking at what is called "Softtown" which is like a tourist area where folks of Drooam can go to experience the "Breland" way of life. It was at this point that a Quickling was sent to summon them back to the tower and got a lift from a Harpy.
Ripper and I are led to an area much further down than we have gone in the tower to an open cavernous area that is lit by ever burning torches. This is unusual because most of the area is dark as most that live there have darkvision. The opening was a wide arch with several tubes labeled in common saying "Hangar", "Meeting", "Cafeteria" and "Exit". There is also what looks to be a large lift for maintenance staff. Once I stepped into the area though, it hit me. This was Lower Dura. It didn't smell like it and there were no rats around, but otherwise this was a block in Lower Dura. It had all the living area for lots of people since families tend to live in one or two room apartments. It was even dirty, but not like real dirt. They had made it to look dirty. There was only one way in which was through the arch. I could not believe what I was seeing and could not even begin to understand what they had built this for. Apparently, they have been working on this for the past week in preparation for something that they couldn't tell me. I almost got the feeling they weren't supposed to show it to us, but Begulk couldn't turn down the opportunity to get a Lower Dura resident's opinion on their hard work. I told them that it seemed to be missing one key thing to a Lower Dura neighborhood. It was missing a tavern. The crew that was there, 3 medusas and a Duergar named Alepoison, quickly got to work to add a tavern. It was amazing the kind of work that they did in such a short period of time. Alepoison even called for the assistance of two Dragonborn to use fire and acid to "decorate" the building and they even took my suggestion that the door needed to be slightly broken for authenticity. On the way back to the room, I decided to see if I could grab some food for Tarryn and myself from the cafeteria. Turns out that the cafeteria is not operational as it is still being built and put together. I spoke with a Tabaxi worker who was setting up some tables and chairs. He asked me who I was with and when I communicated that I was with Professor Twoorb, I was told that I would not be eating here. That I was an honored guest whose food would be ordered through the sending stone and delivered as needed. Then a Shifter came to get the Tabaxi as they had more work to be done. I'm guessing in the kitchen area as this was the dining and serving line. I wonder who this cafeteria is for if not for us.
Once I was back in the room with Tarryn, there was a knock-on Simon's door, some discussion and then a knock on our door. A Tiefling lady by the name of Order was there to issue an invitation to dinner with the DOSK. The tall, beautiful, dark skinned dark afro haired female instructed us that we would be dining with the DOSK in the Drooam tradition meaning that we are to come dressed for battle. The dinner would be in 1 hour and we should not speak unless spoken to and that there would be a neutral food taster for any safety concerns. Tarryn was instructed to NOT wear his official outfit. It is about this time the others arrive and are provided with the same instruction regarding dress and manners. We spend time sharing what we had learned and got ready for dinner.
We were escorted by a Z'nir guard of honor to the dining room where a large dark wooden table was arranged. The DOSK were already sat at one end of the table and Simon was shown to the seat next to ST, SM sat in the middle and SK on her other side. I chose to sit next to SK knowing that she was the more talkative of the three being a very charismatic orator. Tarryn and Hult chose to sit across the table from the DOSK Ice and Toox sat to the side of Simon and Ripper and his brood sat between Tarryn and myself. I'm sure it might have seemed odd that Tarryn did not sit next to me, but I understand. He had no need to be so close to the daughters and well, he would have only been a bit of a distraction for me as I tried to talk with SK. Plus it was nice to make eyes at him across the table during dinner. So, once we were greeted and seated, the strangest thing happened. Simon pulled his rapier, jumped up on the table and charged SM like he was going to attack her. It was all in tradition, and no one was hurt, but he could have told us. Narre a one of us reacted to this as we all know Simon to not be a natural fighter and I was prepared to heal him if he actually got hurt. He apparently did this at the tea as well and tickled them while impressing them. They asked us what we thought of Sharn and what we thought of The Great Crag. They also invited us to ask questions. Hult asked about why there was so much turkey being brought in and was told to ask that question again in a week. Ripper asked if Xor'chylic was a friend to which they replied that he is as much of a friend as an Illithid can be. We were told we should be there a week or two and that we will be treated with honor throughout the area as we have proven ourselves honorable, fair, and direct. The DOSK also indicated that we may be in a position to give invaluable assistance to many people. The daughters confirmed that I should be able to perform anywhere in the city and that we all would be safe as we are their honored guests, and they would take it personal if we came to any harm. I also confirmed that it was alright for me to use magic to send and receive messages. Wanted to do that before trying to scry or send from within the Great Crag walls. We were told to please enjoy the city, but ST informed for us to stay within the mountain that night and it was confirmed by SK.
Once the dinner was over and we settled in for the night, I decided to broach the subject of working with House Orien to Tarryn. I got him in a snuggly mood, and I laid out all of my cards on the table wanting to know what he thought about it all and if he would have any issue with the pursuit. I told him how I wanted to reach out to Hazel in order to stop working for the Tyrants and to start working with House Orien. I believe that my skills may be good to them as a sort of diplomat in their endeavors and, in exchange, I could work on learning teleportation circle by gaining access to their permanent gates that are set up. Tarryn thinks that all of it is great, and he likes my odds at making that change. And he doesn't at all think that it would have a negative impact on our relationship. Let's hope that Hazel is just as supportive as Tarryn is. The plan is for me to send Hazel a Sending, so tomorrow I will work to craft a 25 words proposal.

Continue reading...

  1. Day 11 – Trip to the Great Crag
    18th of Therendor in the year 999YK
  2. Personal Journal - The Kiss
    Morning of the 19th of Therendor 999 YK
  3. Day 12 - Planning and Plotting
    19th of Therendor 999 YK
  4. Day 13 & 14 - Book and Banquet
    21st of Therendor in the year 999 YK
  5. Personal Journal - Giving Myself Some Grace
    22nd of Therendor in the year 999 YK
  6. Day 15 - Past, Present, and Future
    22nd of Therendor in the year 999 YK
  7. Day 16 - The Longest Day Ever
    23rd of Therendor in the year 999 YK
  8. Days 17 - 20: The Testing and the Resting
    27th of Therendor in the year 999 YK
  9. Day 21 - Back to Normal and Poker
    28th of Therendor in the year 999 YK
  10. Day 22 & 23 - Credits & Debits
    2nd of Eyre in the year 999 YK
  11. Day 24 - The Great Crag
    3rd day of Eyre in the year 999 YK
  12. Personal Journal - Then the Horse Came Down
    4th day of Eyre in the year 999 YK
  13. Day 25 - True or False: Who to Trust
    4th day of Eyre in the year 999 YK