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2nd of Eyre in the year 999 YK

Day 22 & 23 - Credits & Debits

by Celosia Senho

I feel so much better this morning, day 5 after the meeting with Xor'chylic. Woke up again with Tarryn after a fun night of games for two in our room. I wonder if he knows how I feel already without me telling him. It might mean that I will wait forever, but I have to wait this time for him to go first. He has to say it first...
Toox showed back up today and has been working on some private things that have come out of nowhere. I will be here as her friend and help how I can, but her life has now become harder than it was. She is smart enough to make the right decisions for herself. Lets hope others in our group will be as cautious. Ripper is starting to concern me with his over interest in Toox's situation going as far as suggesting experimentation. Also Ripper was investigating the stasis pod that trapped Xor'chylic that is rumored to have been sunk in the lava river. I don't understand why that would be of interest other than just for odd knowledge.
Tarryn has already gone to help Brenden with something for House Orien and there are rumors of something happening at the Kennels this morning. I need to go try and cash this bank note at House Kundarak, so I will see what the event is that has everyone in a tizzy.
Rossys Fernmouse is no longer a statue. In a large display, the Illithid decreed she was to be released from that punishment in our names... that is right... it was announce that my group including Tarryn and Simon were given the credit for her release. Something is wrong here as I know I never made such a request. Now, I didn't think she deserved being a statue, but she deserved punishment more than being banished from Drooam. She was taken into custody of House Tharask led by Luka Sharmin.
I was able to get $400 gold, but we were unable to get the $800 from House Deneith. And the reason is so sad and typical of such awful representation; There is literally no one of high enough rank to sign off to release the funds. This is because with Sgt Clint missing, the next few in line deserted.
Once we got back to the inn, we all had invitations for dinner that smelt of Feldspar, but the handwriting was far too fine to be him... must be Ninarin's. Between dinner and now I'm going to go do some further research... I feel like there is something I am missing.
Within my research I get the feeling that we are in some ways in the middle of a war between Drooam and The Dragonmark Houses. We need to be prepared to present respect, strength , honesty, and be upfront with information. Be ready to take a punch. Those who are hurt in service are revered.
Feldspar indicated something similar about Looking them in the eye, speak plain, no pleasantry. Hurda's view of us is important. The Daughters also enjoy practical use of innate abilities.
He also told us to stop looking for Clint. Feldspar confirmed that Clint is dead and would prefer for him to stay missing. Feldspar reeked of anger and was very uncomfortable with what he had done. He also said that Hurda was going to as us to stop between here and the Great Crag to help village along the way. Feldspar and Ninarin are heading into Breland where he is very wanted.
After they left, the bill was brought, billed to the Last Tower by Feldspar and the Z'nir guard came to collect him but instead ended up collecting as much of the dinner that was left. We were left with a message for us to meet with Hurda tomorrow.
Once the guards left, I shared my findings with the rest. I was concerned that we hadn't heard anything back from our messages sent over a week ago. Tarryn had a brilliant thought to try and use his House Orien contacts to get a message through. I suggest us sending to Professor ir'Zana who is an ally to us and it gets sent on Simon's behalf since he is also a Professor at Morgrave University. We ask for her to verify Tarryn and my family are safe. We all headed down to have the message sent when we noticed that the Kennels were having a party claiming defeat of Xor'chylic because of Rossys Fernmouse's release. They are idiots and I feel like I need to shower in case the stupidity is contagious.
We get to House Sivis, send the message, and return to the inn, but on the way back Tarryn decides to headback to House Sivis for some reason. I had a feeling that he was going to be late back to the inn when he told me not to wait up for him. So I set a little trap to wake me up when someone opened our bedroom door. Tarryn slept in House Sivis to wait for the answer. I love him so much. I know that he was concerned about his family too, but he was also concerned about me and my concern for my family as well. The response came at 6am, confirming both families are fine. Professor ir'Zana had two separate groups visually confirm the family members were healthy and safe, though they did so from a distance to keep them from coming to possible harm from whatever action the demon they are hunting might take. So he arrived with the response a little after 6am and I made sure he slept comfortably as I'm sure the benches at House Sivis aren't the best to sleep on.
We met with Hurda who asked us to offer aid to the small hamlet of Yiklark. To make haste, Tarryn and I take turns driving to speed up out progress. We really should have rested when the other was driving as we were both exhausted when we got to Yiklark. Along the way, we noticed some sort of path following alongside the road that we would see flashes of lights dart along every so often. These turn out to be Quicklings (Fae Creatures related to blinkdogs) the Daughters found a way to boost the quicklings to use as messengers in Drooam.
We arrive in Yiklark, met with Doth in the morning, had breakfast... some bland.... but Ice, Simon, Toox, and myself went local. It was very spicy and a bit strong, but I was able to keep it down after a bunch of slamming and smashing and eating with the hands.
I was exhausted by then myself and Doth told us where to go to set up a tower for Tarryn to sleep and the wagon to be protected. Then I took the "coffee" Simon had offered earlier so that I would not be exhausted during our search for the monsters. The farms around here grow a plant that is made into powder to help in the breakdown of Khyber Crystals. We were waylaid by a farmer who used to be a Z'nir guard in back in the day. He did tell us that this area has one season left before new ground is found for the growth.
We ventured into the forest near the farms and, by that time, I was not feeling exhausted and felt like I could see everything! I was unable to be surprised. The rest is almost a sort of blur. There was this Corpse Flower that attacked us with zombies and smelled awful. Then there was a second one. We fought them and defeated them. I was able to get a good drawing of what they looked like and then I got really tired and then blacked out. I only know second hand what happened while I was passed out for a day and a half. When I came to, I was in the back of the Edhellen, strapped to one of the beds with Simon there. It was a very odd feeling and I would not like to repeat the use of that "coffee" again.
We have met fellow travelers at a camp area, a Tabaxi merchant and his Loxodon guards. I told them the story of our investigation of the bombing of Little Graywall giving as much credit to Feldspar and Ninarin as I could. The Merchant told us that there is a merchant guild set up to provide goods throughout Drooam and that they are concerned about House Orien. It is good we did not tell him that was who Tarryn worked for. The merchant also said that the Daughters of Sora kell are playing against the Dragonmark Houses and that the houses are coming to make some sort of move in Drooam. Also that we were expected at the Great Crag.
I am off to sleep without Tarryn as he is taking the first watch and I'm not sure the beds in the Edhellen are made for more than one at a time. He was worried about me when I wasn't waking up. I heard he was even worried to the point that Tarryn questioned Simon regarding that coffee. It is going to hurt so much when Tarryn and I will have to part ways even if it is only temporary.

Continue reading...

  1. Day 11 – Trip to the Great Crag
    18th of Therendor in the year 999YK
  2. Personal Journal - The Kiss
    Morning of the 19th of Therendor 999 YK
  3. Day 12 - Planning and Plotting
    19th of Therendor 999 YK
  4. Day 13 & 14 - Book and Banquet
    21st of Therendor in the year 999 YK
  5. Personal Journal - Giving Myself Some Grace
    22nd of Therendor in the year 999 YK
  6. Day 15 - Past, Present, and Future
    22nd of Therendor in the year 999 YK
  7. Day 16 - The Longest Day Ever
    23rd of Therendor in the year 999 YK
  8. Days 17 - 20: The Testing and the Resting
    27th of Therendor in the year 999 YK
  9. Day 21 - Back to Normal and Poker
    28th of Therendor in the year 999 YK
  10. Day 22 & 23 - Credits & Debits
    2nd of Eyre in the year 999 YK
  11. Day 24 - The Great Crag
    3rd day of Eyre in the year 999 YK
  12. Personal Journal - Then the Horse Came Down
    4th day of Eyre in the year 999 YK
  13. Day 25 - True or False: Who to Trust
    4th day of Eyre in the year 999 YK