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23rd of Therendor in the year 999 YK

Day 16 - The Longest Day Ever

by Celosia Senho

There has been so much that has happened that it is hard to believe this all took place in one day. I'll try and document what I can before our afternoon appointment today for I am sure that my journal tonight will have more to tell.
I woke up next to Tarryn and smiled remembering about the letter and his positive response to it. This is no longer a fling but has grown into a little something more and I feel more and more myself when I am with him. After getting up and packing, I asked my beau about the preparedness for negotiating with The Great Crag. I was surprised when he indicated that he didn't think House Orien knew what they were doing and were just taking a chance to make some money and help our group as well. Hazel d'Orien specifically for our keeping her alive and serving her well. I wonder when it would be appropriate for me to send her a thank you note for introducing me to Tarryn. I'm also wonder if I could be of use to House Orien with my skills as I think I want to make a change from working for the Tyrants. And this has little to do with Tarryn, but it doesn't hurt that he and I are involved. I'll try to help the best I can as I have an invested interest in this trip.
We got on the road again, leaving the shack of Tiranil Amastacia on our way to The Great Crag. First, we came to a small town still on the Breland side of the world called Tilford. We took a lunch break there and tried to gather more information before we got to Graywall and crossed into Drooam. Toox apparently learned about a dire tiger that stays around the Hostel in the town and was warned to not be around in a week when it will probably need to feed again. Ripper found out that the citadel outpost there are very much looking for Feldspar Merrlin and tell of a venom troll that has been terrorizing caravans coming from the mountains. Toox and Ripper seemed to want to go deal with the troll, but since it is in the opposite path than we are going and is not menacing the town, I persuaded them that we have more pressing matters and could try and deal with it on the way back if the Citadel couldn't do their jobs in keeping the town safe.
While I was there, I went to check out the local shops and found two that were noteworthy: Munsters R Us and Arcadia Glass. Munsters R Us is owned by a pug who only buys monster parts. There is no selling here and he is protective of his collection. He indicated that his special interest is in a manticore stinger. Arcadia Glass is a most impressive shop that specializes in glass figurines ranging from the innocent to those with an adult intimacy. I think these would sell well in Sharn and the owner and artist Tyrfyr is a lovely half-elven woman who may need help getting her wares outside of this town. I provided her with my name "Rochelle Solunar" and will put her into contact with House Orien if we can get this trade route set up to at least Tilford.
We all got back to Simon and Tarryn who were enjoying lunch while we are away. I was surprised they didn't think we might want some, but I will not turn into that kind of partner who will pout when I'm not thought about. Toox and I went to get some of the dish Simon recommended: Dark Mantle Souffle. It was delicious and I enjoyed it as we headed out of Tilford. Just outside of Tilford, however, we came across the strangest sight; kobolds passed out drunk in tall tree branches. We interacted with them to determine they were celebrating with not-dwarven ale and so we left them to recover and headed to Graywall.
We arrive at the Breland checkpoint outside of Graywall and some Citadel guards wanted to inspect the Edhellen, but as a group effort we concoct a story on the fly about a VIP in the back, and convince the guards they should not force their way in. The guards agree, and just ask if we had seen a couple of folks, a group of around 100 kobolds, or Feldspar Merrlin. The group confirms we haven't seen any of them and are set free. We drive into the city of Graywall seeing how orderly the streets are with lines and markings. Also, the layout of the town certainly seems distinct; orderly bland buildings on the Breland side, but on the Drooam side, there is differing architecture which I believe were brought about by the different monstrous race cultural influence. We immediately headed to the House building for Tarryn to check in with his contact Brenden of House Orien. Brenden indicates that Tarryn has a long list of paperwork to work on and will be lost in paper for at least the rest of the day if not tomorrow as well. The Edhellen is placed under lock and key at the House Kundarak vault with a guard from House Deneith while we are in Graywall.
After leaving Tarryn with Brenden, we are ushered into a meeting room, where we are greeted by Rossys Fernmouse, the head of House Ghallanda in Graywall and runs the Golden Dragon Inn. She has workers bring in dish after dish and drink after drink for refreshments. She also says she will have rooms ready for us when we are done here knowing we will be weary. We also meet both the most odious man that I had to flirt with to get information and the guy I would seriously flirt with if I weren’t in a relationship with such a wonderful man already. Sergeant Clint of House Denieth is an arrogant, racist, idiot of a man and so easily manipulated into giving us whatever information he could (which isn’t much). He is so arrogant that he offered to pay us 800 gold if we dealt with Feldspar Merrlin or 400 gold (from his own pocket) if we could prove Feldspar was innocent. He believes that Feldspar is responsible for the bombing that occurred a few days ago in Little Graywall and Sergeant Clint wants us to find the culprit. After the jerk left, a representative from House Tharashk who was with Clint before, came back in to tell us what is really going on here. Luka Sharman of House Tharashk is an affable, charming, open-minded, and handsome human man who doesn't think Feldspar is responsible for the bombing (I agree it seems out of character from what I know of Feldspar), but believes he knows something. He also offered to pay us the other 400 gold for proving Feldspar was not responsible. He assigned Tark, one of the Tharashk house, to help us in our investigation.
Once we are done with our meetings, I let Tarryn know we are leaving and heading to the inn to get settled... and I was so bold that I kissed him on the cheek before leaving him to go back to his paperwork. I offered to help, but Brenden indicated that there was nothing I really could assist with as this was House Orien business. We settled into our rooms at the inn, but we were not to stay there for long as Simon needed to check in with contact Hurda who is located at The Last Tower in the Throne. We check in our weapons with the nice check in Ogre who does a wonderful job with his colors once we arrived at the Last Tower. We met with Hurda, the gorgeous medusa who works for Xor'chylic. She explains that the party will not be allowed to travel to The Great Crag until the bombing situation is resolved. As part of this and that we will be meeting with The Daughters of Sora Kell, we must first be interviewed by Xor'chylic. We are instructed that we will be asked two questions: Do you know anything about the attack on Little Graywall? and Do you intend any actions that will harm Droaam, Graywall, The Daughters of Sora Kell, or The Great Crag? We are also warned to not use our rings of enhanced mindlink in The Last Tower. To avoid accidental use, I removed my ring and will do so when we return. Hurda indicates that she will send word to our inn once an appointment has been set. We collect our weapons and then return to the inn to recoup a bit before beginning our investigations. We are also put in contact with Hult who wishes to join in our investigation. Tark is called back to his House and I wish him well.
We returned to the inn and began planning and doing a bit of investigation before we left to look around. I made sure with Rossi that Tarryn and Brenden would be delivered dinner as they were still fervently working. Hult did a Divination spell in order to gain knowledge of where we would find out the most information regarding the culprit for the bombing. He was given full moon directly overhead, a turned over trash crate, and a sign with a broken sword. Once getting a clearer picture of the sign, I used my Mirror of the Past to gain more information about the broken sword sign. I got the images of the sign hanging on a red building, a tree, the sign again in the dark, and an ogre bumping his head on the sign at midday. The red building is indicative of the buildings in the part of Graywall called Bloodstone, so we at least knew where to begin the search for the Broken Sword. While we are divining and using the mirror, Toox went to follow up on a local business (brothel). Toox learned about the group known as the Purists who are believed to be responsible for the bombing. While we were leaving to head to send our messages, Toox decides to “talk” to human mage twins who are eating nearby. I couldn’t let her go alone, but I said not a word as they seemed to not wish to be interrupted. We believe they have something to do with the Purists.
Before we head to Bloodstone to do a little shopping and scouting for the Broken Sword, we find that there is a House Sivis station here in Graywall and some of us send correspondence back home. I sent a letter to my mom and to my employers hoping to hear some news about Sharn as I am worried with all the symbol information we have found since the start of our journey. After sending the messages, I stopped in on Brenden and Tarryn to check in and I had a question for Brenden about the Great Crag and the plans for setting up trade relations. I am glad I did for is explained the mountains of paperwork. Apparently, for years after the war the Droaamites were desperate to establish trade relations with other nations and Houses. They had some small successes, but not many. Then, around six months ago, The Great Crag started making it more difficult for outsiders to do business in Droaam, just as the houses were beginning to see the profit. Now, Houses have to jump through endless bureaucratic hoops in order to do business, and the competition is getting more challenging.
I, of course, said hello to Tarryn, let him know they would be bringing him and Brenden dinner, that we were going to go shopping, and that I looked forward to seeing him later. He said he’d see me later and called me Honey. It was the sweetest sound, and I lost my calmness and shivered and blushed and smiled. I’m not sure he noticed the effect, but I said to myself that I was going to show him just how sweet I could be next we were alone together. At that point, I didn’t realize just how long that would be.
The four of us traveled to Bloodstone and went shopping and looking for the Broken Sword. I was able to find gifts for Simon and Tarryn: Simon I bought a belt of ogre spices labeled in giant and I bought Tarryn a Heward’s spice pouch as I know he enjoys cooking and has complained about lack of spices while on the trip. I hope he…. I mean… they like it. We also are able to get a great deal on magical daggers. I got one called a Needle of Mending. I figure it would be good to have someone else also be able to cast mending on the Edhellen should she need it. I thought I’d let Tarryn use it for now. Hult used his charm and money to also get us information of where the Broken Sword was located. It is at the end of an alleyway that one cannot sneak down as there is no cover of to speak. Toox and Ripper stay to check it out while Hult and myself head back to the inn.
I made the mistake of trying to go by Little Graywall and my human appearance riled the hate up as we walked by. I had to have Hult help me walk through as the emotion washed over me causing me a sharp pain from all the hate being aimed my way. Once we were all at the inn again, we discussed out next move. We gear up, go back to the Broken Sword, find Feldspar and Ninarin who are in disguise, and learn that the Purists and some smugglers are after Feldspar. Toox gives Feldspar a message from someone named Dox that “You owe Dox 50 gold” which sent Feldspar into a grumbling agitated rant about the situation and explains the situation. The Purists and the smugglers are both looking to kill him. However, he is not responsible for the attack. So, he plans on turning the smugglers he stole the gear from on the Purists, let them kill each other off, and slip away in the fight. None of this works.
We end up in a battle of three factions until the smugglers learn that the Purists are responsible for the bombing, and we end up defeating the Purists and the smugglers concede and help take care of more Purists. Ripper displayed some strange power when a fallen enemy stood back up and fought on our side. I’m beginning to believe that Ripper is not as neutral of a being as I once thought. Near the end of the fight, the Znir Pact arrived to take the Purists in custody and were escorted back to The Throne. Other guards provided us with a letter that I have yet to open, provided Feldspar with a letter as well, and then escorted the six of us to the bridge.
When the seven of us got to the apex of the bridge, we were ambushed by those terrible twit twins. They showed up flying and immediately targeted Ninarin with a hold person and a fireball. I was able to counterspell the hold person, but the fireball still got us. Then it got worse. This wandslinger for hire from Sharn known as Arges flies up and joins the fight also targeting Ninarin trying to cause her to walk off the bridge into the lava flow. Luckily, Toox was able to lasso Ninarin and keep her from completing her quiet walk off the bridge. Between all of us, Feldspar, Ninarin, Toox, Ripper, Hult, Ice and myself, we are able to keep the party healed, take down the twins, break Arges concentration on Ninarin and he shows his wisdom by escaping before we could take him down, and take out some Purist underlings with the assistance of a special friend of Feldspar called Dox. Dox though is not careful and is taken hostage for a moment before Ripper is able to save Dox. Dox is then another spot of danger during the fray when speeding onto the bridge is the Edhellen with Tarryn and Simon on board, sliding the wagon to a halt, Simon jumping out and does the bravest and most stupid thing imaginable. He pulls a blunderbuss, shooting Dox’s new capture point blank, but the weapon backfires as well throwing Simon backwards harming him. I was luckily able to heal both Dox and Simon and we were able to take a capture and put him in the wagon before the next step of the strange night occurred.
It was after we secured the captive, a small army show up on either side of the bridge: Sergeant Clint and House Deneith soldiers from the Kennels and Xor’chylic, Hurda, and more Z’nir guards from The Throne. Xor’chylic takes over declaring the Edhellen and all contents belong to Droaam leaving Clint without a leg to stand on and a terrible headache. I feel sorry for him and hope he is able to recover. Then Xor’chylic controls the Deneith soldiers to stop the purists from escaping the Inn especially Rossys Fernmouse. We are requested to assist and travel quickly with the wagon back to the Inn and I was able to hold Rossy allowing the others to tie her up and Feldspar muted her. I pitied her, but her behavior and rudeness could not be borne. If she truly assisted these awful people, she needed to be stopped, but I’m not sure her fate was fair.
Once Xor’chylic and Hurda arrived, they went through the crowd that was detained by the Deneith soldiers and determined those who were innocent, provided funds and allowed them to leave to find shelter at another Inn. And then the Illithid preceded to deal with those who were not deemed innocent. After witnessing the horror of watching a man suffer and then fall over dead from just being gazed at by the Illithid, I could not stay and watch what was happening. The fear alone was overpowering. Simon, Tarryn, Ninarin, and me excused ourselves to an alleyway away from what was happening. I don’t know how the rest were able to stay and watch. Ninarin provided each of us a leaf to help dull the discomfort. In order to distract from what was going on out front, I decided to give Simon and Tarryn the presents I had purchased for them earlier. It might not have been the best time, but it seemed to help take focus from the horrors happening not too far away. Ninarin is a fascinating individual and has the sweetest voice that was very calming as she explained some of the herbs from the kit I bought Simon. Simon was completely lost in affection towards Ninarin as she spoke. He is besotted and I don’t blame him. She is the type of woman I’d go for if I weren’t already spoken for. There was comfort of being there with just the four of us there, me leaning against Tarryn, listening to Simon’s tale and Ninarin’s knowledge of herbs. I think Simon is going to have to tell his tale to me one more time though. There are points in it that I can’t remember, but Arges absolutely was sent from Sharn by the purist’s “master”. I hope that we will be able to get responses back from House Sivis.
After some time, we were requested back around where we found Rossys Fernmouse having been turned into a statue presumably by the Medusa. That is a fate that I would only wish on those most deserving of it. I’m unsure if I agree that the halfling deserved what happened to her, but I will be thankful it was not someone I cared about. We are informed that we will be summoned for our meeting with the Illithid in the afternoon.
With the exhaustion creeping in on top of the emotional taxing, we follow Hult to an Inn he regularly stays and obtain rooms. Ripper agreed to stay with the wagon and the prisoner at the request of Tarryn needing a real bed after the events of the day. It cost him 10gp though as Ripper needed to summon his familiar once again as she was banished having taken too much damage in the fireball. He sends her with Tarryn to keep contact should something happen with the wagon.
I went up to the room, dropped everything, undressed, and just crawled into bed barely staying awake for Tarryn to show up and plop on the bed. It took no time to fall asleep and I am very thankful that I don’t dream because I don’t like the idea of reliving that scene. Got a great sleep, found out Z’nir guards were sent to guard the wagon allowing us to have a slightly lazy morning. Once I shooed the weasel away from the room again, I finally got to show Tarryn just how sweet I was to support his calling me honey.
This was the longest day ever and we are not out of the woods yet.
If this is to be my last journal entry because my brain gets eaten, let me end with some words for those I love and care for.
Mom – I love you and hope that you take all of the money that I have in the bank and move. Make sure Kana gets trained for something better than I have. I have a contact at Morgrave University who may be able to help with advice. Her name is Professor Makeda ir’Zana and is the professor of Ancient Arcane studies.
Kana – Listen to mom and keep her safe. I am relying on you to do that and on you making her proud. I love you.
Professor Makeda ir’Zana – I know that this might be a large ask, but if you could help in anyway with my brother’s education for advice or whatever you can do, I would grateful. I hope that our help in the past will at least earn a little favor on your part. Thank you.
Hazel d’Orien – Thank you for your support during this trip. Thank you for introducing me to Tarryn and, of course if you are reading this, I wish that I had been successful in helping House Orien with the trade route. Please reach out to Tyrfyr at Arcadia Glass in Tilford. She spoke with “Rochelle Solunar” in hopes of setting up trade to sell her wares in Sharn.
(These were in the secret notes: Celosia is writing this while at the breakfast table which is unusual for her as she usually does her journaling in her room and usually alone or with just Tarryn around. When she gets to the end of the journal entry, she cannot help but have a couple of tears fall onto the page staining it with tears. )

Continue reading...

  1. Day 11 – Trip to the Great Crag
    18th of Therendor in the year 999YK
  2. Personal Journal - The Kiss
    Morning of the 19th of Therendor 999 YK
  3. Day 12 - Planning and Plotting
    19th of Therendor 999 YK
  4. Day 13 & 14 - Book and Banquet
    21st of Therendor in the year 999 YK
  5. Personal Journal - Giving Myself Some Grace
    22nd of Therendor in the year 999 YK
  6. Day 15 - Past, Present, and Future
    22nd of Therendor in the year 999 YK
  7. Day 16 - The Longest Day Ever
    23rd of Therendor in the year 999 YK
  8. Days 17 - 20: The Testing and the Resting
    27th of Therendor in the year 999 YK
  9. Day 21 - Back to Normal and Poker
    28th of Therendor in the year 999 YK
  10. Day 22 & 23 - Credits & Debits
    2nd of Eyre in the year 999 YK
  11. Day 24 - The Great Crag
    3rd day of Eyre in the year 999 YK
  12. Personal Journal - Then the Horse Came Down
    4th day of Eyre in the year 999 YK
  13. Day 25 - True or False: Who to Trust
    4th day of Eyre in the year 999 YK