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22nd of Therendor in the year 999 YK

Day 15 - Past, Present, and Future

by Celosia Senho

This morning started with a number of uncertainties: Can we defeat the Wyvern? Can we recover the body of Tiranil? Will I come back to see Tarryn again? The gods I hope so! I do not want our time together to end, especially like this and I never get to see him. So, I did the most selfish, cowardly, and vulnerable thing I could do. I wrote him a letter asking him to not read it until we were gone. I couldn't deal with any negative response to it before possibly going to my demise. In the letter, I confessed his importance to me and how I wanted him to know that importance in case I failed to return. And I signed my name to it! And then I left to have breakfast and then for Toox, Ripper and myself to find and handle the wyvern.
We headed into the woods, Toox and I riding on a floating disk while Ripper transformed into a panther and pulled us through the wilderness. I'm glad that Ripper knows his way around the woods, because I would have been little help. After a few hours, we found our way to the clearing where we believed the wyvern to be. We came upon Delphyne laying in the clearing having made a nest around the swaddled body of Tiranil. She was in so much mental pain, like she was already in her worst nightmare. All of my worry turned to sadness being able to sense the melancholy and pain. We decided to make it as quick as possible: I cast a spell to cause her to experience her worst nightmare. I figured she was already there and so my spell might be enough to end her suffering. Ripper cast a spell that seemed to make the wyvern wither and decay and Toox made a swift hit with her weapon to let Delphyne rest. It was not enjoyable, but it was necessary. I will have to commemorate her story in song and art.
We were able to recover the body of Tiranil finding that a Gentle Repose had already been placed on the body. I am not the proudest of what we did next, but it was the safest and most practical. I emptied my bag of holding of everything and we placed the body in my bag of holding. Toox stored my stuff in one of her bags, but I was not going to entrust this special cargo to anyone but myself at that moment. It was too precious to the future of our world.
We buried the body of Delphyne with the assistance of trees that Ripper asked to help. We should have brought shovels from the wagon. Then we headed another 3 hours back deciding that just shy of where we had made camp, we would take the body out of the bag of holding and transport it the short distance via another floating disk to make sure there was no offense. Tarryn and Simon seemed happy to see us and Tarryn had made some dinner outside as by the time we arrived, all of the towers would have been gone.
After eating the wonderful stew that Tarryn had prepared, I set up the towers once more for the night and proceeded to get ready for bed as we were going to head out the next morning towards Graywall. It was then that the moment I had been dreading happened. Tarryn took me aside to talk to me about the letter. I had hoped he might not have seen it and it was blowing in the field somewhere when the towers disappeared. But no, that is not what happened. I'm somewhat unsure if this really happened or I'll wake up in the morning with it having just been a sort of dream.
Tarryn talked effusively about how he felt and about his own worries. He spoke with such emotion, it washed over me filling me with such positivity that I could hardly believe it. He confessed how he worries about what the future will bring, and when our paths might part, but he's grateful for every moment until then. I cannot stress how wonderful it was to hear him express himself without restraint about me and our moments. He doesn't have to worry about our paths parting being that we both live and work out of Sharn and who knows, maybe it is time for a career change for me. I'm sure House Orien could use someone with my skill sets to help strengthen their trade routes and relationships.
As happy as Tarryn and my present and possible future makes me, the finally peaceful image of Delphyne haunts me and leaves me with a bittersweetness. I look forward to sleeping and letting the day process for me. But first, I certainly need a bath.

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  5. Personal Journal - Giving Myself Some Grace
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  6. Day 15 - Past, Present, and Future
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