Wed 22nd Nov 2023 08:19

Hasty Judgement

by Borrin Farstrider

Let me begin with an apology, dear ancestors. The past days has been rife with activity and I have not felt wholly in command of myself, I struggle to keep track of the past days. A strange worm stirs in me, rage flickers in and out as fear and outrage takes root in my heart. My temper soars quickly, making me a poor companion and judge of character. The Code decrees us to live with honor, to be brave and to give freely, including understanding and kindness. I regret I have acted rashly, and in manners ill befitting the sole living member of the Umberwood Clan. Were you but here to guide me. But I am old enough to tend to myself, I know. Youthful ignorance has not been an excuse for many decades now; I just wish it was easier. I near maimed a soul that had not earned such a fate. Ach, I waste precious time. The sun is setting over the fields, and my eyesight does not compare to my companions. I shall endeavor to tell you of this day.
We rose with the sun's greeting, having slept in the druids' grove. Daefir, the elf we saved from an owlbear, had been seen to by the grove' caretakers, his wounds mended. We had each of us sought out knowledge, conversing at different places, when we were made aware of Thaeldir's return! She sought us out through the woods, and came to us. Alas, at this time I had been made aware of Daefir's awakening, and acted in a manner ill befitting me. Within short time I had started threatening him on his life, attempting to crush his lungs with my foot. I vaguely remember Brig and Thaeldir being there, trying to keep things civil perhaps. At some point I realized that Daefir was not the scoundrel I had led myself to believe. He was an previous member of this unholy group, now on the run from the cult. He sought only survival, and shared much of what he knew. Apparently the sickly that we have considered plagued are, I grieve to say, dead. The spores hold on to them, forcing the bodies to move and act at the will of cult members. This plot is lead by some wicked entity, unclear to us all. Daefir has agreed to join our cause, at least. Convinced to help us reach out to our prestigious contact and lead her to the druids' grove. After the way I treated him, I am glad he saw fit to do so. The druid that had spent so much time tending to him did not enjoy my presence at all after my effort.
At this point Thaeldir could finally tell us of what had transpired in the days hence. She has found a cabin near the Hag's Inn, mostly a ruin. The items she brought from that place seemed unpleasant and suspicious... we were all terribly confused about some small wrapped snacks, that seemed all to innocent. Robin said they tasted very sweet. She also brought a goblet! It seemed bad. After giving it a taste, I could confirm, it was bad. She also found a beautiful piece of armor, one that belonged to a previous member of the Circle we preside in. The poor lad has surely been slaughtered. Thaeldir kept the armor, deciding to honor his fall. So that was at least something. Thaeldir wishes to return to the cabin, later, to figure out where the owner, a hag, could be. A part of me dreads this, I am all too familiar with Hags and their bargains.
After a while we set out again, heading that final stretch back to the Hag's Inn - and then to that coastal hamlet we have been trying to get to. What we did NOT expect to find, was that the owner of the Hag's Inn would be so suspicious, and after Thaeldir snapped at her we had reason to suspect ... complications. And so! We set out,