Thu 6th Jul 2023 08:45

Portside Trouble

by Borrin Farstrider

On the final day of the journey we came across a lost soul, an acolyte of sorts, drifting on the sea. With a bit of help we managed to get her up. My methods of awakening were not appreciated, and she promtly was scurried to safety by Brig. It seems they got along well enough, I hope she will be convinced to join our meager party. I am sure I cannot do much good on my own, but this little team is growing! I wonder what secret skills the acolyte has to offer. I have also attempted to make Yzono more at ease, I don't seem to be doing this well. The poor man has suffered something, scittish in all ways. He is aimless, wandering as gusts across the fields. Maybe he can find purpose with us. 'Us'. A strong word, for a merry band so messy as it is. Nonetheless, we must make do.
We arrive. This so called city is far more vast and intimidating than any I have entered before. It is taking all of my courage to enter it at all. I was hoping to be sly, saveing some gold for the group by making a convoluted plan involving backpacks and donkeys. Our acolyte appears to have some familiar secrets of her own! While the style is different, far more elegant, she nonetheless masters the shape shifting of druids. Enocuraged by her, i entered as a cat. Only too late did i realise how much trouble there was in the city. Guards! Checks! Something about a ravenous disease, eating the countryside. I worry for those outside the walls. I worry for me, for barely getting out of there without being tossed in some dark, damp cell beneath the earth.
Brig has suffered at my foolishness, the rest of the party too. I shall endavour to make myself less conspicious from here on. My magic serves me well, but it might be time to return to my roots. As the Laws say, a lie spoken is honor broken, and my clan has little honor left but for me.
Fortunately we seem to have made a small headway. Clues. The disease, the lost brother, the catacombs. I must ask Brig to tell me what she knows. I am not one for convoluted plans, but I shall make sure to use my skills in service of the party.
Now, to dry my clothes. That final swim back from shore, in the midnight waters, were far too cold for my taste.