Wed 23rd Aug 2023 06:48

Charming Introductions

by Borrin Farstrider

I have but a brief moment while Adelaide is looking at this mushroom I found (potentially magical! Assuredly not predictable to eat), so I must be brief. We have had an eventful start to this day! Armed with new magics we 'retrieved' from a mansion, Yazuno managed to walk as an elf amid the crowds, finally escaping notice. He seems more at ease. We set out to find this University where a scholar apparently was to be found, one of the only people trying to look into this plague. We hoped that she would be the clue to finding out more about Elion's fate.
And what a delight she proved to be! I know very little of what she spoke of, but looking around her title awoke great appreciation in Brig. She barely closed her mouth after Adelaide started speaking. Clearly Brig understands more of this than me, as she spoke of fanciful things like bilogy and anatamy. While the words are strange, she seems knowledgeable about disease and mending, a healer in the true sense. Her knowledge of the city was also helpful! Although I lost track several times as she spoke of sewers and catacombs and more. While there I could not help but notice the beautiful cat she had, a mighty panther named Lemon - sweet as a peach. Clearly a fit to the scholar herself, who has been the first one to truly care about solving this plague. Although she did not have a lot to offer about Elion's fate, she did have a clue as to where to start. The catacombs. Dreadful place, as she described it. Here they lay their dead to rot, far from the touch of nature, unable to become part of it again. I have learned not to judge society too much, but I cannot see reason within locking their dead in stone boxes; never to join the great whole again.
As we arrived here we had a small mishap, where Thaeldir met a most unhelpful statue. It insisting she speak the correct words; Clueless as we were, no matter what she said would be the wrong thing. So, the wrong thing was said, and the walking dead shambled their way to us. After a quick scuffle we had a look around, aiding Adelaide in finding clues as to the whereabout of the missing plague victims.
Thaeldir has proved herself a skilled and clever companions, quick to spot new things; followed quickly by Yazuno whose knowledge of hidden symbols led us to conclude that there was a speaking statue that was dangerous, and that there wee many dangers in the coffins! Slightly too late, but good to know. All the while I suspected Brig to be fully lost in her newfound admiration, when she suddenly shouted the word Mimic- only for that unhelpful statue to helpfully move out of the way! I have truly found a good company of allies in these three, although I dont't really understand the purpose of that globe that Yazuno keeps looking at. Brought it the entire way from university even. Must be a mighty item indeed!
During this, Fenris had been a very helpful lad. He was brave to join us to all these places, including down here to the catacombs. I am about to ask Adelaide to bring him back up to the University. As I understand it, a sewer is no place for creatures of daylight, and not one of us look forward to going down there. Nonetheless, brave we shall be, as we enter the dreadful, smelly and very, very dark, sewers.
Wish me luck, my loved ones.