Wed 23rd Aug 2023 10:10

Breakings and Enterings

by Borrin Farstrider

Honesty is two-egged sword. Nonetheless, wield it we must. My clan grew a strong community with this in mind. Honesty. To do wrong, to have misstepped, it is natural. Only through frankness and kindness can we overcome. I remember still the time as a young boy I had broken one of my aunties' favourite talismans, a beautiful eagle-feathered earpiece. I ran and cried, hid in the little wood house. I must have been less than twenty, more than a hundred years ago now. I remember still the kindness of Chief Clearspeaker, whose hands rested on my head as she spoke of accountability, and honor. That we, together, make a community, and we together must make sure our actions are always fair. So, with tears in my eyes I was led to the auntie, stuttered out an apology and promised to be more careful. She never did let me play with her talismans after that, and she never quite forgave me. I have come to know, many years later, why. I shall not blame her.
So, off the boat I went with gold and forthrightness! A word to the guard let me off with a hard look and a quick scrabble of my looks - not one to be let out of sight. As if they can miss me as I tower about this city. Poor Thaldir tried the same, the good honest soul that she is, and they were far less favourable! Apparently she got in quite a bit of trouble yesterday, escaping prison. So, they sent her back. The rest of us followed her to the big house they keep the prisoned people in. While Brig figured out some stuff for our very important mission, I spoke to the friendly guard there. For the meager price of a 100 goldpieces they will let her out- unless we fail to pay by the week, in which case she is exiled from the Island.
Troublesome, but nonetheless I am willing to help my newfound friend!
In the meantime Brig found out where Elion's house was, and we headed there with only a minor stop to check for work- all of it meager household tasks. Salvery! People paying other's to do their household chores, as if they are unable to take care of themselves for all the gold they metaphorically carry. However, the inkeep seemed to know of Jazunos people, which is interesting as he has never spoken of them. Apparently they are a very rare sight in these parts. With Brig impatiently waiting we set to join her towards Elion's house.
And what a sight it was! A poor dog was stuck inside, and Jezuno was unable to open the door. In a brilliant move the clever and mighty Brig shattered the glass windows, and even as I soothed the dog, Fenris he called himself, we crept inside. It was a mess. Not unlivable, but very unkempt. Fenris had been alone for two weeks it seemed, living off of the scraps he could find. I fed him my last Harpy leg, I cannot imagine it was very tasty, but who is he to complain.
I did, however, fail Chief Clearspeaker once again, as a neighbor required to know what we were doing there, breaking and entering in Elion and Enthyra's home. I did my best to speak the truth, but without Brig to be there I suspect she would have seen through my sweat-slick, quivering voice. May the Clan's honor be forgiven, but this is difficult work. Each lie told, must be repaid in goodness done.
But not all was bad! He had interesting things to say, did Fenris. The weird attitude of Elion, and his strong scent, was palpable. It has occurred to me that we might bring him along to look for the scents of the diseased. We might be able to scout for them, and see where the scent leads.
This is a long note. My hand is shaky already, and my eyes must rest. Perhaps a cup of tea for the household after this! Oh, and I should see if I can find some nice greens and berries. Elven society seems to share more of my tastes than lovely little Kragg.
As Brig went out to scout some more, and explore the city I think, I decided to act on a plan. A very meticolus plan... a plan that required sneakery and cunning. So I fetched Yazuno and persuaded him of the benefits of unburdening those afflicted with a terrible curse; that of immense wealth, from their money. Such people rarely need as much as they have, and rarely earned it in ways that are good to the greater whole. Surprisingly easy to persuade, I snuck onto him as a little ettercop, and we made our way to those houses that serve little to no purpose but to look fine and great, and appealing to Yazuno's hungry eyes
And what a hoard! Gold, glitter, hats and cloaks! We were fortunate that my magics held strong, Yazuno could move like a shadow with it, nary a sound not flickering light came alive as he moved. Within the hour we escaped, and finally could we set free Thaldir from that unpleasant room. Now, finally together, I think we shall be able to pursue, properly, the task we were sent to do. Find Elion, and reveal the truth of this mystery plague.
I think of you all, my loved ones. I pray your spirits soar the skies, and that I can do you proud.