Thu 15th Jun 2023 08:24

New Beginnings

by Borrin Farstrider

After finally having found a worthy opponent to my journey across the land(The Sea), I've come to realise that there must be a new path ahead. Fortunately there seems to be some issues in the village of Ousling, a missing brother! Quickly offering help, I found a potential aide to this endavour in the charming yet fierce dwarf Brig. I've become ipressed with her natural outgoing nature and ability to befriend new people. Surely she will make a good companion in this adventure. Her temper caught me off guard, but frankly the harpies deserved it.
After finding clues and setting sail towards where Elion, the brother, was last seen, I came across a new face hidden in the ship. While the first impression did not strike me as particularily promising (I can still smell, faintly, sick on my shoe), Yasuno the aarakrocra more than proved his capacity when he rained arrows down from above. Now, if only i can keep him near long enough to convince him to join our little quest.