Thu 26th Oct 2023 03:20

Tracks! Lost. New Tracks!

by Borrin Farstrider

(Slight rewrite at Fri. 27th October)
I am rejuvenated! I rebound! Feel you the wind, the water, the earth itself flow with vitality? Life ebbs through me, breathes me, holds me in Her embrace. Finally we are in the Wilds, safe and sound in a small Grove, tended to by the Circle of the Moon, and a great step forward in our mission! That is, if we can make this Daefir fellow talk. What a day it has been, what a day. Admittedly, it might do me good to start at the beginning, lest we lose ourselves to my enthusiasm and miss all the excitement of the day.
A note, in the morning, found by Brig, told us that our dear Thaeldir had set out on her own path, with a promise to return overmorrow, if not sooner. What this mission might entail was kept hidden, and I must admit to some curiosity as to what she is up to. Nonetheless, the rest of us had to make do! The Hag's Inn was a welcome stop in the cursed woods, but it is not a place worth lingering in overlong. As we tried to gather information from the innkeep, Fenris ushered me outside to share a secret. Discreetly I led our companions outside, as to not arouse suspicion inside, where Fenris shared interesting news! Deafir, the merchant from the sewers, stank with grotesque smell of plague!
Unfortunately he seems to have snuck out the backdoor by the time we reentered- leading me to possibly have to accept that guile and sneakery has never been my greatest strength. It was much easier to trick all of you, dearests. You were so very Old.
Nevertheless! We set to the path! Following the rapscallion into the deep woods! And sure, Robin and Brig might have hesitated, might have asked of the value of running head first into a dark, murderous wood full of unknown terrors but for the sake of an unknown, but I shall have to be frank, I am as bullheaded as you knew me to be. I set my foot down, and the poor souls were dragged by my side into the gloom. One day I shall be wise and know to think of risk and concern, but for now, a clue! And clues are far between in these dire lands.
After a few hours the tracks were gone, only a vague sense of north to lead me on; even I had to admit some sense of caution when we spotted other tracks, not elf but wolves, and a direwolf. A new plan, however, hatched. Might not this be helpful! Why fear the wolves! We can simply talk to them!
At this point we found it prudent to use stealth; and I might have to admit to you that I felt very bad when looking at little Brig covered in dirt, looking so unhappy and lost and untrusting. Had she known me as you did, she would NOT hesitate to believe me when I say I won't get us lost! Bah, I must be kinder with them both, they have little reason to trust me yet. Have I told you that she is not one of nature’s children? As a proper dwarf (or so I have been told) she is a master of stone and cities. What she is not is an outdoorswoman- and so we set to the task of helping her blend in with nature.
In the end she looked like a little brush! It is a wonder what a few branches, leaves and mud can do to someone so short!
Gracefully, mostly, we crept forward. And when I say mostly, I primarily speak of Robin’s habit of… well, chasing the shadow-owls that I summoned. One would think it would be a problem but he manages to be so quiet as to become near shadow himself! Although there is a lesson to be learned here. Careful with summoning critters and small birds. He is as smart as they come, but the gods have not taken away his killer-instincts- even where they are deeply unnecessary.
With Robin stalking the trees above, Brig hiding with Fenris, and me, made as wolf, we came to the clearing of the wolf pack. I shan't say much. It was a hard effort, to display the necessary deference to that grand beast that we came to know as Snow. But you would have loved him! By the Spirit of All, such was his magnificence, i found myself dreaming of being in his pack truly. Tall as my true self, with fur of silver and a jaw filled with daggersharp teeth.
Unfortunately I was not able to keep Snow pleased towards the end, and only the quick thinking of Robin saved us. Like a shadow he slipped down from a nearby tree and calmed the situation. His otherbeastly appearance must have inspired enough of an interest to let us leave without trouble.
However! Knowledge was attained! Deafir, the cur, had been ravaged by Snow himself, only to flee towards a grove of Druids! Yes, the selfsame that we now rest in.
Now, it must be said, I sometimes forget that Brig cannot speak with animals. It was not until I had yipped, growled and barked for over ten minutes that I noticed that Brig was simply... staring at me and Robin. And that my entire enthusiastic monologue about our current way ahead had been ushered down poor Fenris's ears, who really had little to say about it. I of course slid out of Wolf to actually tell her where we were headed. She graciously accepted my lead. She does not seem herself when she graciously accepts my lead. We should get her out of the woods.
Following the path northeast we found the Grove. It seemed like Brig and Robin came to life! So quickly was Brig undressed and bathing in water that I think she missed the entire crocodile that was in the water already- yet, she is not so easily rattled- a bath was needed, and a bath she would have. And Robin seemed to near purr at the mighty catlike druid named Pagiz! While the tone might have been one-sided, it was fun to see Robin so animated about something other than mushrooms.
While there we learned more. The Elf had been through here! Wounded and in need of aid, he had healed up and left; but not just that. His backpack contained a large quantity of mushrooms, which he was very determined not to let the druids inspect. And not just that! Our quarry, the elf-brother Elion we had come to find, passed through this very path in weeks past! We were set to follow their chosen road, but darkness was coming fast. So, we took the time to rest for the night.
I was sadly too busy getting to know some of the druids to write, and I can but hope this makes up for it. It was pleasant, that night, first since we arrived here in this accursed wood. If only Thaeldir had been with us. Nonetheless, Robin purred and smooth-talked Pagiz, while Brig got a friendly tone with the novice druid named Gilwynn, which looked disturbingly alike her. I even had the chance to bother the poor ranger! He punched me! Hah! Delightful. Although Brig did see to it that I not embarrass us too much, by leading me away with a stern hand (gods she is strong).
The following day we set out to follow Daefir. We near gave up when we stumbled upon a cavern. It was, to our dismay, an Owlbear den. While I would love to pretend that I was brave and would have wanted to venture down to meet the owner, that was not the truth, no. In fact I had every plan to turn and lead us safely away after jesting with my friends. If only it had not been that damned scream. We knew not who it was, only that it was someone in need, in an owlbear's den. Of course, as our luck had it, it was Daefir himself. A cub's plaything now!
A plan hatched, an idea brewed, the empowered Robin ran with his fierce speed, faster than wind- truly faster, it was over before I could notice it begin! -and caught Daefir in his arms, dashed out, and was well and safely away. Now it only remained for us to actually catch up! It was no easy thing, and for every step I tried to halt the mother-beast, my plans failed. I find it hard to accept that my story could have ended there that day. We were not prepared for a fight, and I am not sure if I could have escaped even as a Badger under the ground. Willing to ensure that my newfound friends could get away, my feet stood firm as I was a bit too ready to defy the beast alone.
My possible last stand was foiled, however, by the bravery and wit of my two friends. It is weird, I admit, to not be alone anymore. It has been so long since you left me, I forget what it is like to work together.
With just enough room to escape, I made myself the sturdiest Horse I could be, and let myself be climbed by Brig and the cargo (can we call someone cargo?) and galloped as fast as my hooves would let me, Robin and Fenris at my sides.
And now, finally, we are here, back in the Grove. My feet hurt, my HANDS hurt- gods I ran as fast as I could as Horse, but now I desperately need to find someone to share a cup of tea with.
Also, I am pretty sure I spotted a living mushroom in Fenris mouth as we came here… I should deal with that. Spirits, I need that tea.
May you flow as the rivers.