Mon 8th Jan 2024 03:51

Bear Beginnings

by Borrin Farstrider

My feet are still so sore I am near bursting with the urge to use foul language. While I am WILLING to believe Robin was simply a bit unfortunate with that door, I still insist on teaching him a lesson when the occasion rises. Spirits my toes hurt! A trapped door! With a resetting trap! That sends BOULDERS DOWN TO WHERE I WAS STANDING! And the foes behind it! I SWEA-(the following are a series of incomprehensible scribbles, Borrin being far too angry to write cohesively)
Apologies. I needed to let that out. What a day! We met a bear, in fact we met a whole gathering of bears! We were just headed into the forest, hoping to catch a bandit or two I believe, the foot is still dazing me a bit. But along the way we found weird tracks, bear paws but far too spaced apart to be a common bear. Its path led away from the human tracks, but we, partly me, insisted on checking it out! And what a lovely time we had. The river we found, families of bears, peaceful bears mind! We would not have approached otherwise. They were all quite ordinary bears, browns and blacks and grizzlies I think i spotted. We fished a bit, Robin swam and caught what I can only describe as a Respectful amount of salmon, any bear-cub would do well to learn from his feline grace. I got a moment with Thaeldir, and frankly it was needed. It is good to sit sometimes, just enjoying the company and a good cup of tea.
Within some time we noticed the outlier, a tall bear with a scarred countenance. We tried to befriend him! Alas, both Robin and I appear to have 'grumpy bear' repellent, so our attempts had to be considered a serious failure. It came down to Thaeldir, who had to try to coax some information from the lad. And what information! Paid in food (grumpiness explained, he struggles to catch it) to attack the nearby settlement. What outrage! As soon as my foot heals we are going to get in this blasted mine and teach them some well needed lessons.
Well, the bear agreed, at last, to guide us to the bandit lair, for the price of an amulet that it seeks to get back. A worthwhile deal. While he stepped aside before we reached the end - and we saw it. An empty area, mining equipment, and The Door. The blasted door. We scouted quickly, got control of the area, and approached. Me and Robin. The Door.
Nope, can't do it, thinking about it makes my toes throb.
Some nasties came out of it though! After tiring of our ridiculous behavior - and we smashed them properly! Haha! I know, I know, I should not gloat, it is not a healthy habit, but I am in a foul mood- but oh! My tea is ready. Give me but a moment, and I shall be soothed once more.
Until later, my dearests, be the wind.