Slimy Motherf***** by Macrochelys | World Anvil

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Sun 4th Oct 2020 04:47

Slimy Motherf*****

by Professor Macrochelys

I freaked out and sent W.A.T.C.H. down to check on them, they all lived, even A.R.C.S.I.N., which made me feel relieved.
i sent the dragonborn to the entrance to wait for us, they didn't look too good
i supported them for a while remotely using W.A.T.C.H. and A.R.C.S.I.N.
we fought for a while and then i'm pretty sure the cowboy pushed me into the pit
i floated above because i dont' know how to dispel levitate, i just grabbed this spell, not quite sure how to use it
after a long and hard battle and my levitate wore off but...
A.R.C.S.I.N. perished... the shock hurt, and i saw red and just started... throwing fire...
i'm no wizard so it wasn't very powerful fire but i enchanted the gunslinger's weapons with fire and ice, and fling fire at it with all the magic i had and...
it died... after i calmed down i paid my respects to A.R.C.S.I.N. i used the leftover scrap to make a new iron defender, S.E.C.A.N.T.
i suppose this helps prevent confusion between A.R.C.S.I.N. and our new companion, Arc, whatever
we took a rest and then left through a portal, we confronted the cowboy and after some intimidation and threats from our new good friend Arc, we got his stamp, signing we completed the quest, and we can go get the quest turned in, i don't even care anymore at this point but i hope we never see him again
we are look around for the dragonborn and then GPK has started freaking out after looking at the staff we yoinked from the mummy lord