I f*cking knew it by Macrochelys | World Anvil

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Wed 23rd Sep 2020 12:55

I f*cking knew it

by Professor Macrochelys

The tomb room was f*cking trapped I f*cking knew it, f*ck f*ck f*ck, they're falling, oh f*ck they're falling, I can't f*cking- oh right I should probably talk about what lead up to this
so we woke up and got ready, I gave the dragonborn a dragonshard to eat because the only thing for miles to kill for their contract were us and our employer, I didn't feel like dealing with that so I gave them a shard in hopes it'd sate them, looks like it did, they have another breath weapon now, fascinating, will keep this noted for further study.
we entered the tomb with the cowboy, and we got to work, almost immediately after walking in we stepped on a pressure plate we previously missed, it opened a door containing a warforged armed with what looks like more sophisticated versions of carnaan's small hand canon.
GPK informed me that it was an ancient form of technology called a "gun" and that he's surprised to see one, who knows how long this bot has been in here, after some looking around I repaired him up and then replaced his core, he woke up instantly and was inquisitive, his name is Arc, it's not a serial code, it's just his name, how strange, also he has memory loss, running theme for this species it seems.
after some milling about we approached the throne room and I did some rudimentary experiments using my constructs, neither were even noticed by the occupants of the room even while standing directly in front of behind the, mere inches from them.
after a long battle I came to the conclusion that I need to better be equipped to face undead, I'll reaccommodate my spells with this in mind, also there was a mummy, he was bad, we fought, we won, and he broke the floor, now all 4 robots are falling, W.A.T.C.H. can fly, and so can GPK, but Arc and A.R.C.S.I.N. cannot, hopefully we can do something about that sooner rather than later.
anyway, they are falling, me, the dragonborn, T.I.C.K., and the cowboy are all up here still, I'll try to figure out how to deal with this once I put this journal back in my bag.