Robo-Madness by Macrochelys | World Anvil

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Sun 2nd Aug 2020 08:02


by Professor Macrochelys

I was informed that my robot has followed me in here, great, that's what I like to hear
I was informed by the wizard god that it is a significantly bigger problem than I thought, even better
I was informed that it is my duty to put it down, fantastic
the half-elf and the warforged went off to talk to the king without me, I sent my drone to follow so that I can pack everything into the cart, fun for the whole family
I was informed that we were leaving the cart and so i'd have to unpack my stuff, terrific
I have the half-elf's brother a sending stone for emergency contact, I love using my infusion slots
we are headed to the king for transportation to the island of Imera, delightful, simply delightful