Nightmare Scenario by Macrochelys | World Anvil

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Sun 15th Nov 2020 07:21

Nightmare Scenario

by Professor Macrochelys

i woke up, my constructs were nowhere to be found, so i pinged them
no response
"odd" i thought, and continued for a bit, and then i remembered that as long as WATCH is:
a. alive
b. in the same plane of existence
then i can connect to him regardless of how far he is from me
i attempted a connection and...
no response
at that point i began to panic and then began to take notice to a voice calling my name, this unsettled me, but without my constructs i was in no real position to resist, so i investigated
the others followed suit, claiming various things at first before we all agreed we heard our true names being called by a voice emanating from my lab
we went into my lab and found the sound coming from the wall, i got close and arms shot out to grab me, i pulled away
i once more pinged my constructs and got a crackle response from WATCH coming from the arms
i sighed heavily, and went in, i had to find them, i could not risk MPN falling into the wrong hands again
i came out of a grave with my headstone on it, odd, but after quickly pinging all my constructs, i was able to locate WATCH, not the others tho... this'll be interesting, been a while since i was just me and WATCH, eventually the other popped out of graves with their names on it, and we began speaking to some ghost children
they sent us to a house to "take care of daddy", we confronted all the children and gathered enough testimonials that i was convinced i'd kill this man, his wife feigned ignorance and claimed his innocence but i wasn't entirely convinced
after "daddy" got home, we discovered that it was a vampire named vlad, the others were spotted immediately, but by some miracle i wasn't (WATCH was tho so i kept him in his sight)
eventually i had WATCH fly over and gently place himself on the head of the vampire, after gently landing on top, i weighed my options, thought very hard, and after hearing the tone begin to turn...
i took a page out of arc's book, specifically the part about fortune favoring the bold, and i used watch to cast shocking grasp, denying the vampire any reactions while my teammates wailed on him
i buffed arc's gun and he managed to land a hit that rivaled GPK's fancy new staff, moved watch over to gpk and prepared to cast shield, but that turned out to be unnecessary because about 6 seconds later the vampire died and his soul went to his phylactery (coffin), perhaps investing in more buffs may not be the worst idea
we made our way to the coffin, and after some... advanced interrogation techniques... we put the vampire down for good
the wife revealed this all to be a simulation of her own (i chose not to question why WATCH was here, probably because unlike the other constructs he's more an extension of myself than a robot doing my bidding), she went on a long speech about power, nobody bought it, eventually she realized no one was biting so she threatened to leave us in this realm forever if one of us didn't comply, arc "bit the bullet" (heh) and decided to take her on, something about a pamphlet, wasn't paying attention
we arrived back home and i was happy to hear all my constructs respond to my ping, i picked up my order from the shop, and went home, began work on some more sets of blueprints and began inspecting my fancy new spellsword