Dungeon Exploring by Macrochelys | World Anvil

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Thu 3rd Sep 2020 01:08

Dungeon Exploring

by Professor Macrochelys

i wake up and decide to make a beetle, i spend the entire day on it aided by my constructs and by some miracle it is finished by the end of it
the quality is... not great, but it works, it follows my orders and otherwise functions as intended (didn't include the gacha spring because i didn't feel like surprises... maybe it needed that...)
when i finished i exited the magical mansion, and we went to the guild to kill some time while we wait for thannis to finish the warforged tracker
took a quest and headed out, idk why but the half-elf decided to attach itself to my robot and... sand... surf??? a strange one that one, that shield wont last the journey
I'LL BE DAMNED! it did last... until the very last second, it's now tarnished beyond recognition, hopefully she takes note of this for the trip back
anyways, we arrived, and we were sent in after talking to a cowboy posing as an archaeologist, but hey if the job pays i don't care
i sent the beetle in first because it can see in the dark, it found 3 rooms, and got stuck twice
the first time it got stuck i had W.A.T.C.H. retrieve it, and the second time i figured it was time to go in since everyone was getting antsy
we explored and then solved the puzzle for the first room, we found a sarcophagus, from my archeology background i know that as soon as that's looted whatever final security this place has will trigger, so we took note and will go there last
the second room was full of dead people, recently dead people, and mean looking sludge, so i decided that place would be skipped
we went to the last one, which was a mist pit, possibly bottomless, we erred on the side of caution and i had W.A.T.C.H. carefully teleport the Featheren across, once they were across we were ambushed by slimes
in a panic i wasted two peppers for a frost breath spell on both me and the dragonborn, i only needed to use one and the hole was too far away to seal anyway
the slimes turned out to be significantly less dangerous than i thought, perhaps i didn't even need to use a dragonbreath spell
after confirming a treasure room on the other side me, GPK, and the Featheren entered, immediately things started happening, after about 2 minutes passed of confusion i realized it was a wild magic curse so i placed a portal charge and double dashed out of the room, my curses were non-inhibitive at the time
by the time i had realized to run GPK and the Featheren had turned into a wolf and a doll respectively, after getting out of there and back across the pit i placed another charge and sent A.R.C.S.I.N. inside and had him start looting, since he was immune to such shenanigans
from that point i ordered him to just loot, i assume the others did too, since i couldn't afford to possess W.A.T.C.H. and check in on them, good thing i chose not to, as almost immediately after the portal close more slime came, this was a waste of time by this point so we quickly dispatched this second wave
eventually there weren't any left, so i possessed watch to observe the situation with the Featheren and GPK and they were... less than ideal, so i ordered A.R.C.S.I.N. to retrieve the two and carry them out
after a quick scan around the room with W.A.T.C.H. i found a lever, i pulled it and a platform rose for them to cross, convenient
i tallied up my loot and reported back to the cowboy who claimed to be an archaeologist, i reported wheat i found to him and he had a cleric dispel the curses on the Featheren and GPK
he let me keep all the money but took most of the gems, not a big deal, we retire for the night and head to the mansion, we'll explore the last bit tomorrow
i don't know how much my companions looted and they looked very worse for wear so i didn't ask them, hopefully not enough to be something notable