loose ends tied by Macrochelys | World Anvil

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Sun 25th Oct 2020 05:23

loose ends tied

by Professor Macrochelys

we found him, we found MPN
we were working on a weapon that spits fire, Arc wanted it to be analogue, i told him the risks with an analogue weapon, he insisted, so we persisted
3 attempts later, we had 3 catastrophic failures for a pressurized gas tank, Arc states he was open to the idea of a magical item variant
we fought some wolves, we won, we moved on
we arrived at the town to find it a smoldering ruin, somebody named phil died, good
we made our way toward the spiraling pillar of fire, after some investigation we realized it was an illusion, so we stepped in, and began combat
he tried to impale me twice, both times S.E.C.A.N.T. deflected the atack, they then impaled the half-elf, things weren't looking good
carnan's canon blew itself up, almost killing me and 100% killing S.E.C.A.N.T., glad none of my other constructs were nearby
New best friend Arc began shooting again with his mysterious "gun" technology, always fun to see
after a lot of pain, most of us nearly dying, arc landed a lucky shot and knocked him over, then pinned him to the ground with his foot and put him down with another shot to the head
the condition was still good enough that i could repair him and make him mine again, i patched him up, and he is now my lab guard (i guess he also guards the house and it's occupants but whatever), i feel like thannis would personally end me if i had MPN following me around as a bodyguard in my current state, so i figured this was the best option
regardless, MPN has returned to my side, study of him can continue when i find more downtime
i made another iron guardian (third one this month), named him S.E.C.A.N.T. T.W.O.
this that, as far as i'm aware, my situation has been wrapped up, so long as griffon is able to keep up his end of the deal and shield me from the other gods, i think i'll be fine