let's be civil, and not war by Macrochelys | World Anvil

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Sun 6th Dec 2020 06:31

let's be civil, and not war

by Professor Macrochelys

woke up, did some tinkering, made a spell crystal, i got the idea from spell scrolls and wondered if i could make a more... durable... spell storing thing
a day and a half with the assistance of MPN and i managed to pull it off
it's pretty, and far weaker than any spell storing item i've heard of, limited to only weak spells, however, it works, i can infuse the item with the spell and someone else can cast it, helpful
i ended up doing some other things which ended up completely irrelevant to what ended up being needed that day, and mpn almost broke the crystal
looks like a war was brewing, i kinda like my house and would rather not see it burned to the ground, nice houses don't really survive civil wars or societal uprest, so i decided it was in my best interest to try to quell the mob because it would be a lot of work to pack up my lab and move elsewhere
we approached the angry mob and found out that the taxes have been unreasonable lately, with some quick math me and gpk figured that there is no reasonable situation where all that was being taken for taxes could be STORED let alone used, so something was up
we approached the castle, met with the king, arc had a lovely conversation with him
eventually we managed to convince him to end his pact and we promised to save his wife
his kids ended up suffering too due to the backlash of cancelling the pact, that was... not planned for, but i think i can still work with this
whatever was affecting them was neither magical nor anything medical i've seen before (not that i've seen much in that department)
but we had an ace up our sleeve... in exchange for 25k gold we used one of our wishes to cure the queen and her children, i was working on some very careful wording before remembering that "oh yeah, i'm wishing to my friend, not to a god", and gave it to him straight
plans ended up working, for once, and we walked away 25k richer and i'm looking forward to the things i can do with this money, but for now i'm just glad i didn't have to move house, that would have been a pain
talked to the mob, we managed to neutralize the situation, tensions are still there but they are more in line with a standard aristocracy instead of and angry vengeful anarchistic mob
in all seriousness this was fucking painful, way too many lives were at stake and i'm shaken by what could have happened if we didn't have gpk... and i'm still not sure if i made the right decision...