After midnight, outside of Bumble by Rimaia | World Anvil

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Fawn Moon

After midnight, outside of Bumble

by Rimaia Algol

We fucked up.
Children are dead. I knew nothing good could come of necromancy - but we didn't realize what it was until it was too late. I should have seen the curse sooner, or at least realized that skeletons couldn't be trusted.
As much as I wish there was something we could do to fix it, none of us have that kind of power. Leaving like we did was probably the best we could do - the townspeople seemed to want us gone.
We set up camp a ways outside of the town a few hours ago. The fire's died, but I think everyone else is asleep, or at least trying to be. I have the feeling there will be more than a few nightmares going around tonight. Damiel's not moving around either. I almost wish I'd taken his potion like Bell and Iltiari. At least I'd be able to sleep.
Writing isn't making it any easier. I hope those children are judged kindly, whatever afterlife they go to.