Early morning, outside of Bumble by Rimaia | World Anvil

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Fawn Moon

Early morning, outside of Bumble

by Rimaia Algol

Sleeping turned out to be even harder than I thought it would be last night. It's probably the same for some of the others - Iltiati's probably writing too, judging from the scratching noises coming from their bedroll, and Bell's not in her tree. Maybe the potion Damiel gave them doesn't keep you asleep. He's not where he set up last night, but I suppose he doesn't really sleep like we do. As far as I can tell, everyone else is still asleep, or at least trying to be. The sun's still barely above the horizon - I doubt anyone's willingly awake now.
Last night's writing was a poor record, and with all that happened, I suspect I'll need to remember it.
I did get to talk to Bell about her sudden outburst during All Crims' Eve, along with some of the others. Whatever's going on with her runs deeper than I thought at first, and I have to admit it's concerning. What little I was able to get out of her was that she punched the mirror because her reflection reminded her of her father, who she clearly hates judging by how hesitant she is to talk about it. I think she's told more to Damiel, but it's all in Elvish and I can't understand a word. There was something about a basement mentioned, though, and that's not a good sign. If her father did her any harm... he had better hope he never meets us.
Zsoana seemed concerned as well, but she wasn't able to learn much more from Bell. Whatever it is that happened with her father, she doesn't want to share. Nor does she seem all that thrilled to talk to me, still - can she not see that I'm trying to fucking keep her from getting hurt? I'd get if she didn't want me to pry, but when she isn't able to cope with whatever's troubling her....
Whatever's going on with her will have to wait for now. There's Damiel to figure out too. He's.... confusing. He's got little patience for most of us and even less for Bell, and what he said to her before Iltiari coaxed her into coming back to the group was downright cruel. And yet he didn't seem to mean it to be insulting? He left a gem for the townspeople before we left, too, and although he was excited about having Iltiari as a test subject for his potion, he offered it to them when they mentioned their nightmares. It was kind of him, even if it wasn't meant to be. And when he talked about a mountain in the Elven Kingdom, and explained to me what snow was, he was almost wistful.
Ilitari and I compared notes on what we've learned about him so far after we left the town. They seem mistrustful of his motives, and I can't say I blame them. With what we pieced together, we came up with the idea that Damiel's here not by choice, but because he was banished. When I asked him.... we've seen him fight, and he's always annoyed, but that's the first time he's ever been really angry. There's more emotion in there than he lets on. It's... intriguing. I think. I'm not sure what else to call it.
Bell will probably come back and start making breakfast soon. I'm going to try to help her, to see how she's holding up, if nothing else. So long as she doesn't revert to refusing to speak to me at all.