Late evening, in Radiance's family home in Wright by Rimaia | World Anvil

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Summer Moon

Late evening, in Radiance's family home in Wright

by Rimaia Algol

Sailing to Wright went without incident - it's astonishing how much less stressful a trip is when you don't invite shady people who are probably cultists along.
Everyone is still here, which - truthfully, I half expected that at least one or two people would decide they didn't want to risk their lives trying to deal with all of this. Not Radiance, certainly, or Nabith or Hail or Damiel, but Glow, Iltiari, and Zsoana... they don't have any personal stake in this, other than whatever friendship they feel about the group and not wanting the world to be destroyed. Which I suppose is a pretty large personal stake now that I think about it.
We split up into groups to cover as much ground as we could while we prepared, but I don't think that we did nearly enough to be ready to go after Tazra. Radiance and Damiel went to the Navy, to use her connections to them to convince them to join us, Hail, Zsoana, Glow, and Nabith went to buy supplies, and Iltiari and I went to find Risf, who was supposedly somewhere in the city. We had varying levels of success - the Navy is joining us, as is Risf, but we could definitely use more supplies than what they brought back. Some better weapons would be ideal, and some healing potions; no matter how many we've got stored away, a few more couldn't hurt. And if we all die, it's not like we can use the money for something else.
Iltiari and I found Risf in the magical district, which is a step up from where I expected to find him given his penchant for getting into trouble, but it turns out that the trouble he found this time is worse. Much worse. Apparently, he took up adventuring after we last saw him, which... is mostly my fault. He assumed I was dead after the Cthuhlu portal incident, which, again, fair. I kind of expected that to kill me too. But while Risf was adventuring, he got killed... kind of. Anubis spoke to him and asked him to become his acolyte, and Risf refused him. Which is immensely brave of him and exactly what I would expect, but he's lucky that it turned out as almost okay as it did. He's half-undead now, or something? I don't understand it completely yet, but he's still here, which is more important.
Also, I'm going to have to fight Anubis now. I never thought I would have to consider that, but he cursed Risf so he'll have to face the consequences.
We have a few new allies along with Risf - specifically Dagon Huxley, an aasimar that Glow's group picked up in the market, who's immensely shady, and three people Radiance knows; a relative or family friend of hers, Lt. Gore, a woman named Arundhati, and someone named Troy Hultch. Aside from Dagon, they seem like valuable allies. Dagon might be too, but I know almost nothing about him and like I said, he's shady.
I'm concerned about Radiance, and how her relationship to Tazra could compromise our goals. She's made it clear that she wants to reason with her and try to convince her to stop all of this and come home, which - fine. I don't think it will happen, not with every terrible thing she's done to get this far, but it can't hurt to have Radiance ask her to give up when we confront her. The problem is when that fails. Radiance will protect her sister no matter what, even if we have to fight or kill her to stop this.
I get that it's hard to consider. If Risf committed the same sort of atrocities Tazra has, I would be reluctant to kill him. But the fate of the world and the survival of every living thing is at stake! Most of the others underestimate the horrors of the Incursion, but I suspect that the stories the temples have preserved are only a part of what really happened, and even those are nightmarish. It can't happen again.
Tazra has to die, and if Radiance has to be killed to ensure that... I don't want to have to do it, but I will.