A number of days from Damerel by Rimaia | World Anvil

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A number of days from Damerel

by Rimaia Algol

I'm glad we're free of dealing with M. Channail. He's been a thorn in our side for far too long - we still haven't figured out exactly why he's doing all this potion-making and magic-stealing and environment-destroying, but everything he's had his hands in has been causing people harm, and he's working with a demon, so I'm satisfied that things will be safer with him gone.
Unfortunately, we didn't manage to take care of Tazra and the demon, despite Iltiari's best efforts to feed them to Cthulhu. What really concerns me is that the demon must have escaped from the ruins of the laboratory that we trapped it in before the Navy got there... or it was able to kill or get past whoever the Navy sent to deal with it. Either way, it seems like it's going to be harder to kill, or banish, or whatever we do to get rid of it than just tossing it into a void or stabbing it. Someone has to know the best way to get rid of a demon... the Incursion was stopped by the gods, but people were still fighting the demons off before that. Something about how to kill them has to have been passed down somewhere. As hard as I've tried, I don't remember being told any specifics by the priests, but it's possible that that information is kept more secret, or that another god's followers might know it... I'll keep an ear out for it.
We also picked up a new ally, right before taking on M. Channail. Radiance, as she introduced herself, is... strange. As far as I can tell, she's a paladin of Isis, but she's got some kind of strange power that involves radiating light, which didn't seem like anything I'm used to paladins doing? She looks human, but I've got some doubts about that.
Iltiari hates her. Usually I'd be biased towards anything Iltiari can't stand, but she kept referring to them as a thing instead of a person. Regardless of the ideological differences between us, Iltiari is a friend - a frustrating one, but a friend nonetheless - and if she doesn't start treating them with at least some respect, we're not going to get along well.
As if to remind me of why they're a frustrating friend, Iltiari threw up. All over me. They cleaned it up, but that's fucking disgusting and I'm not going to be able to feel clean, Prestidigitation or no, until I can soak everything I'm wearing in hot water and soap.
On a much cuter note, I have a pet rabbit now, I think! Part of ruining M. Channail's plans this time was freeing all of the animals he had caught to power his machinery, and while we shooed off most of the animals before we blew it up and then went to fight him, one of the bunnies stuck around with me! Her name is Moppet and she and Willow seem to like each other and she's very cute and I love her.
There was also a weird comment Radiance made to Damiel that keeps nudging at me? Something about him being nice looking... which, she's not wrong, but the attitude that comes with it... we're all used to him by now, but she isn't. I don't think she knows that about him yet. But I... don't really have any moral high ground to judge her from.
Yet, despite being rude to Iltiari, being generally defensive (although, I suppose that's fair - there are a lot of us, and obviously more willing to protect each other than trust her), and so far not getting along well with most of the group, Radiance still took the full force of M. Channail's lightning bolt to protect Zsoana. Glow healed her up quickly, but nearly dying to protect someone who's barely more than a stranger to her? It was reckless, and brave. I have to respect her for that.
So far, we share the same goals. Radiance wants to find Tazra, as do we - and if she's willing to help me keep everyone alive, she's not all bad.
Radiance seems to have some kind of connection with Isis, and Nabith's god gifted her an admittedly really badass weapon in a dream. I'm happy for her - it seems really powerful, and it'll make her even stronger in a fight - but what is it about them that causes their gods to answer them? Or what am I doing wrong, that Sekhmet hasn't spoken to me in such a long time? I still have my magic, so She hasn't revoked Her favor yet, but it makes me worry that I'm doing something wrong, or that I'm not on the right path.
I'll admit I haven't been searching as hard as I could, but nowhere we've gone so far has offered even the slightest lead and I don't know what else to try. Or should I be looking elsewhere entirely? But I can't just leave everyone.

note to future rimaia: Radiance keeps coughing. Might just be a cold, but ask her about it just in case!