On the way to Wright by Rimaia | World Anvil

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Summer Moon

On the way to Wright

by Rimaia Algol

Our attempt at sneaking into the Yuan-Ti camp was much easier than I expected it would be, but as usual, unforeseen complications ruined what had been shaping up to be a pretty easy success. Lighting fires around the camp to distract them so everyone could sneak into the ruin and we could get into a fight if we needed to without immediately being swarmed by guards worked, and although there was a puzzle with riddles and stones that confused all of us for a few minutes, we solved it without too much trouble.
Behind the puzzle door, we encountered the boy we were looking for, and someone who I believe we've seen mentioned in papers we've taken before - Margoth. She's a tiefling spellcaster of some kind, with similar eldritch magic to Iltiari, and she's going to keep being a problem for us. Fighting her was rough - she did have allies with her, but the two Yuan-Ti went down in seconds and as intimidating as facing a demon still is, it wasn't nearly as threatening as she was. Everyone was still standing, somehow, by the time she decided to make her escape, but it was a close thing; if I wasn't less affected by fire magic, she would have killed me, and judging by the amount of healing spells we threw around after the fight, other people were in danger of that too. Margoth shrugged off damage that I know should have hurt a lot more than it seemed to, too... her not minding fire magic is probably a tiefling trait, but holy magic? I would have assumed that someone like her would be more susceptible to it...
We returned the boy to his mother, who answered some questions for us, and gave us an idea of where to go next. It's almost certain now that Tazra and Margoth are trying to do something with the reality scar; Margoth took Hyrsam because of his abilities with portals and the two of them have gathered an army and are bringing it to Dread Isle. I don't know what it is about wanting to take over the world that makes them think that summoning demons is a good idea, but they need to cut that shit out before something terrible happens. And since they don't seem inclined to do that, we'll just have to kick their asses. So to do that, we're traveling to Wright now, to gather allies to help us confront them. Radiance thinks she can get the Navy involved, with her connections, which would be a relief. The Fey Queen suggested that we need Risf with us to succeed, and that we'll find him there - while I'll be glad to see him, getting him involved in all this might get him hurt. But I suppose if we didn't, and we did need him, the world ending would get him hurt too.
The Queen did tell me, though, that the odds of my relation to the Demon Lord causing my blood to have any kind of magical impact was unlikely, with how distant the relationship is, and... that's a relief. I didn't want to have to worry about whether or not my getting a paper cut could be dangerous.
P.S.: I tried to hit Damiel with a snowball and he dodged it. Rude. Iltiari betrayed me by hitting me with a snowball when I suggested they throw one at someone - I will have my revenge for this. I don't know how, yet, but when I do, they'll rue the day they turned against me.