25th of Ches 1489

The Cragmaw Goblins

by Vladrek Ravenbane

After leaving Halvard and Tristan with the carriage, we followed Maggot to the entrance to the cave where the rest of the goblins were. As the party began bickering amongst themselves about Maggot, he fled towards the cave. Rosamel and I gave pursuit and together convinced Maggot to continue being our guide. Behind us combat had begun between the others and some goblins standing watch over the entrance from behind a nearby treeline. Rosamel and I returned to the group to find that they had defeated three goblins though Ernaldis was distraught over the (temporary) loss of his owl familiar Petri.
After we regrouped, Maggot informed us of the internal politics of the Cragmaw goblins at this location. Apparently there were two factions. The first is led by their chief, a bugbear by the name of Klarg. The second is led by Klarg's second-in-command, Yeemik, and Yeemik's brother Errk. We then met with Klarg and then Errk to gain more information on the situiation. From what we were told Klarg had been slowly falling away from the teachings of Maglubiyet and growing frustrated with their "king", Klarg's brother Grol. Klarg's faction longs for a chance to see what life without Maglubiyet could be like and what civilization may have to offer. Klarg even fashions himself as some sort of "king" like his brother Grol. Meanwhile Yeemik and Errk's faction is still devoted to Maglubiyet and is fiercely loyal to King Grol and see Klarg as weak and a heretic. Yeemik seeks to oust Klarg as leader of the Cragmaw here and establish Errk as his second-in-command.
We also learned that while Gundren and Sildar were captured, they were not captured on Klarg's orders. Rather they received orders from King Grol to capture Gundren and the map he had with him. Klarg handed Sildar over to Yeemik and Errk earlier to appease them and avoid combat breaking out in his tribe. Not only that but Klarg admitted that they were the ones that had attacked the Lionshield shipment to Phandalin earlier for supplies (mostly food) for his tribe. With us killing off the majority of the neutral party goblins in the tribe, a confrontation between Klarg and Yeemik/Errk's factions were immenent. We agreed to ally ourselves with Klarg under the following conditions:
1. Klarg and his faction officially and fully turn away from Maglubiyet and his pantheon.
2. They give the stolen Lionshield goods to us to deliver to Phandalin.
3. They tell us everything they know about King Grol and why they ordered the capture of Gundren and the map.
4. After we drive out the Redbrands in Phandalin, Klarg and his goblins will move in as a temporary protection force for Phandalin.
5. We negotiate with the leaders of Phandalin to allow Klarg and his goblins to live there.
We met with Klarg in his "throne room" and made a makeshift war room to discuss how we would take down Yeemik/Errk's faction. After some brainstorming we decided to deceive Yeemik using the fact that Yeemik and Errk were not aware that Maggot was only one of two surviving members of the neutral goblins. Maggot spoke with Yeemik and Errk and informed them that with the death of the neutral party, he had decided to join their faction. Obviously Klarg and Yeemik didn't trust each other so the next raiding party they send out will be made up of goblins from both factions led by Errk. When they began to leave the cave, we pulled up Maggot and the reet of Klarg's faction up onto the bridge and flooded the tunnels. As Errk and their goblins washed out of the mouth of the cave, some of us were waiting to kill off the survivors. The rest of us went with Klarg over the bridge to confront Yeemik and free Sildar.
Klarg and Yeemik then entered into a fierce duel over which of them would be chief of Cragmaw with Matthias and Melchior convincing the remaining goblins of Yeemik's faction to become neutral and honor the outcome of the duel. Seeing he was about to be defeated and his faction wouldn't disrupt the duel, Yeemik attempted to flee. Ernaldis began to cast a spell to stop him, but stopped when Klarg motioned for him to back off. Klarg then gave pursuit to Yeemik and killed him. With Yeemik and Errk dead and their faction gone, Klarg honored the terms of our alliance. He informed us that his brother Grol has a mysterious benefactor known only as "The Spider". The Spider gave Grol a castle and so Grol has announced themself as "king" of the Cragmaw tribe. Gundren had information and a map that the Spider wanted and had Grol give orders for their capture. Unfortunately Klarg doesn't know where Grol and "Cragmaw Castle" are but promises to aid us in battle should we find them.

Continue reading...

  1. Vladrek Ravenbane
    25th of Alturiak 1489
  2. The Redbrand Robbery
    27th of Alturiak 1489
  3. Baron Molikroth
    1st of Ches 1489
  4. The Clown
    21st of Ches 1489
  5. Goblin Ambush
    25th of Ches 1489
  6. The Cragmaw Goblins
    25th of Ches 1489
  7. Arrival in Phandalin
    28th of Ches 1489
  8. The Dendrar Home
    29th of Ches 1489
  9. The Sleeping Giant & Maggot's Redemption
    30th of Ches 1489
  10. Tresendar Manor
    1st of Tarsakh 1489