25th of Ches 1489

Goblin Ambush

by Vladrek Ravenbane

After we arrived in Neverwinter, we quickly said our goodbyes to Altan and Dustyn and we were all relieved at the departure of that ass, Alareck. The rest of us had all decided to take the quest Tristan mentioned to me and Ernaldis though not all for the same reasons. We rushed on over to meet up with Ernaldis and Tristan and then made our way to our meeting with our patron: a dwarf named Gundren Rockseeker. When we got there we were introduced to Gundrun's friend and bodyguard, a Lord's Alliance member by the name of Sildar Halwinter, as well as other adventurers that came to take the job. Among them were Bart's wood elf ranger friend Ilvarus, a human cleric/paladin named Halvard, a half-orc named Dorog but goes by "Donut", and a fire genasi druid/sorcerer named Alphonse.
Gundren told us that he and his brothers, Tharden and Nundro, had found something "big" but failed to elaborate on what that was. All were were told was that, as a result, he and Sildar needed to leave immediately to return to Phandalin as quickly as possible. Our quest was to transport and protect supplies to Barthen's Provisions in Phandalin as bandits were attacking shipments to Phandalin and the town was beginning to suffer as a result. In addition to our original carriage, Gundrun supplied a second with the supplies already loaded onto it.
After about two days of travel, our carriage turned off of the High Road onto Triboar Trail and we came across the remains of an ambush. Halvard spoke to the horses and was able to confirm that they were Gundrun and Sildar's and that their riders had been taken captive by goblins. Before we could formulate a plan, we ourselves were ambushed. The members of our party in the front carriage; Bart, Halvard, Tristan, Alphonse, Melchior, Matthias, Ernaldis, and myself fought against the goblins while the others protected the carriages. The last goblin standing, an albino white one, surrendered to us. We tried to question him but we found that the only party member that spoke goblin was Ilvarus and he was with the other carriage. As luck would have it, we found that we had a strange looking goblinoid stowing away in our carriage. He introduced himself as "Robert" (though I doubt any of us believed that was his actual name) and offered to translate so long as we transported him the rest of the way to Phandalin. Seeing we had no other options available to us at the time, we agreed.
Rosamel informed us that the pale goblin's name was Maggot and that his tribe, the Cragmaws, had a hideout was in a cave nearby in Neverwinter Wood and that there was a path to it, but it was littered with traps set by the goblins. With Maggot as our guide and "Robert" as our translator we have decided to go and confront these Cragmaw goblins. Halvard and Tristan will stay behind to both guard the carriage and inform the others once they catch up.

Continue reading...

  1. Vladrek Ravenbane
    25th of Alturiak 1489
  2. The Redbrand Robbery
    27th of Alturiak 1489
  3. Baron Molikroth
    1st of Ches 1489
  4. The Clown
    21st of Ches 1489
  5. Goblin Ambush
    25th of Ches 1489
  6. The Cragmaw Goblins
    25th of Ches 1489
  7. Arrival in Phandalin
    28th of Ches 1489
  8. The Dendrar Home
    29th of Ches 1489
  9. The Sleeping Giant & Maggot's Redemption
    30th of Ches 1489
  10. Tresendar Manor
    1st of Tarsakh 1489