29th of Ches 1489

The Dendrar Home

by Vladrek Ravenbane

After the unpleasantness of yesterday morning, we spent most of the rest of getting to know the town and its inhabitants as well as figure out the Redbrand situation. We did hear from some of the locals of a recent tragedy: the town's woodcarver, Thel Dendrar, finally stood up against the Redbrands for harassing him and his family. In retaliation, the Redbrands killed him and took his wife and two children as hostages.
A few of our party decided to go check in on their home and potentially investigate if we felt there might be some clues there. Seeing as I had nothing to do for that day and Ernaldis was going, I decided to go as well. When we arrived there, we found more than just clues. Some of the Redbrands and their goblin allies had returned to the Dendrar family to loot it. Seeing as they had not yet noticed our presence we retreated away from the home and came up with a plan: Ignatius and Matthias would enter first and draw fire to them as they were more likely to survive and hood their attention as paladins. After the Redbrands engaged and we gained a greater grasp on the situation the rest of us would follow them in.
Unfortunately, we were not expecting a bugbear to be hiding in the rafters attacking our paladins and nearly killing Ignatius and Tristan. As Ignatius engaged with the bugbear, I followed Alphonse into the building to back up our frontliners. As we fought, we could hear the smashing of wood and cracking of wood in another room. Ernaldis used his quick thinking with his innate power of starlit step to get into a better position for fighting the Redbrands and casting sleep to remove several of them from the fight. As we made our way towards the noise we heard earlier, we realized it was one last Redbrand who smashed out the window and set a fire before jumping out of it. As Ernaldis pursued him, the rest of us realized the Redbrands had planned to burn down the home after looting it and had poured oil all over the house. We all fled the building before joining Ernaldis in chasing after the fleeing Redbrand with Ignatius throwing a javelin with the bugbear's head on it and the rest of us casting spells and using ranged weapons. As the Redbrand approached the Alderleaf farm, Alphonse shot a firebolt that finally took them down.
After retrieving the stolen goods, we joined Matthias in rallying the townsfolk in putting out the fire at the Dendrar family home and saved the house (though it will definitely need some repairs). We then left the recovered belongings with Daran with the promise that they'll be returned to their owners after we rescue them from the Redbrands' hideout: the ruins of Tresendar Manor.

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  1. Vladrek Ravenbane
    25th of Alturiak 1489
  2. The Redbrand Robbery
    27th of Alturiak 1489
  3. Baron Molikroth
    1st of Ches 1489
  4. The Clown
    21st of Ches 1489
  5. Goblin Ambush
    25th of Ches 1489
  6. The Cragmaw Goblins
    25th of Ches 1489
  7. Arrival in Phandalin
    28th of Ches 1489
  8. The Dendrar Home
    29th of Ches 1489
  9. The Sleeping Giant & Maggot's Redemption
    30th of Ches 1489
  10. Tresendar Manor
    1st of Tarsakh 1489