25th of Alturiak 1489

Vladrek Ravenbane

by Vladrek Ravenbane

The Grimhilde family has begun living in a secondary home they purchased in Neverwinter. As their ward, they've dragged me along. Though I spend most of my time in my bedroom in the lower level beneath the home, I definitely find Neverwinter to be far better than Baldur's Gate.
During my time studying there I met an elven wizard by the name Ernaldis. He seems to value the Art above all but is a great scholar of all forms of knowledge that he can find, especially ancient histories such as the Netherese. Speaking of which, I also made another acquaintance at this library: a half-elf cleric and scholar of dragons named Talis Kasterel. She and I have had many conversations about the difference between arcane/divine magics as well as the theories on the properties and nature of souls. When I mentioned I was looking for somewhere to rest and be alone, Talis recommended that I try the Neverdeath Graveyard. After looking into it, I found that the Neverdeath Graveyard is hallowed ground, which gave me some unease at first but was well worth the safety and silence. I am beginning to become more accustomed to being on hallowed ground and find it becoming more and more comforting. Occasionally I think I hear someone whispering to me, but when I look nobody is there. I would typically think it to be a phantom of sorts but with the graveyard being hallowed ground that is very unlikely.
Unlucky for me, Mother has found a group of mercenaries acting as local law enforcement that has several members that are now being paid by her to report to her about my comings and goings and to occasionally act as security. This has made my rendezvouses with Ernaldis and Talis much more difficult as of late. However, with fate seemingly on my side once more, one of these mercenaries has been covering for me when I have gone out to spend time at the library and Neverdeath. He is a tiefling paladin of Hoar that, despite his somewhat intimidating appearance, is actually quite friendly and compassionate. He has introduced himself as Sir Ignatius "The Infernal" Shadowflame. Apparently Ignatius's father was a Hellrider that succumbed to the infernal energies of the Nine Hells while participating in the Blood War. Ignatius first attempted to become a knight of Elturel to prove that the sins of his father did not define him but after realizing how much persecution he must face if he remained there he turned to life as a mercenary but is now having doubts about that as well as many of those in his mercenary group abuse their authority and power to bully the common people. For what it's worth, I hope my new friend is able to find his path in life.
Between my at-home tutor and Ernaldis's insight, I have become a proper wizard and though I am not able to cast anything greater than first tier magic, I have decided to make my specialization the School of Necromancy. I plan to begin doing research into the planes, their properties, and their inhabitants. Perhaps I might be able to find a source of power greater than I possess that will be able to assist me in my own ambition.

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  1. Vladrek Ravenbane
    25th of Alturiak 1489
  2. The Redbrand Robbery
    27th of Alturiak 1489
  3. Baron Molikroth
    1st of Ches 1489
  4. The Clown
    21st of Ches 1489
  5. Goblin Ambush
    25th of Ches 1489
  6. The Cragmaw Goblins
    25th of Ches 1489
  7. Arrival in Phandalin
    28th of Ches 1489
  8. The Dendrar Home
    29th of Ches 1489
  9. The Sleeping Giant & Maggot's Redemption
    30th of Ches 1489
  10. Tresendar Manor
    1st of Tarsakh 1489