28th of Ches 1489

Arrival in Phandalin

by Vladrek Ravenbane

Yesterday we finally arrived in Phandalin. First we completed our original quest of delivering the shipment to Barthen's Provisions and then delivered the recovered goods to the Phandalin Lionshield Coster. I went with Ernaldis, Bart, Matthias, and Melchior to secure rooms at the Stonehill Inn along with Sildar who was in great need of rest and recovery after his time with the Cragmaw tribe. After we all settled into our rooms Bart ran off to join the others while Ernaldis and I followed Melchior and Matthias in meeting with Sister Garaele. This priestess of Tymora mentioned that she was having trouble negotiating with a banshee near Conyberry and was hoping to find adventurers capable of approaching the banshee on her behalf. When the Lathanderites tried to offer our party's services to her for free, I objected as unlike them several of us were in desperate need of finances and we cannot risk ourselves picking up every potential quest we come across. It is in our best interest to be more selective with what quests we do or do not agree to take.
While the four of us debated this, the others found us and informed us that the Alderleaf family was allowing anyone who didn't have anywhere to stay while in Phandalin to stay in their barn and that they would keep us fed while in town. Not one to turn down such hospitality and free food, I gladly accepted their offer. On our way there, Ignatius pulled me aside to ask what my earlier argument with the Lathanderites was when he and the others arrived. When I explained how I found it foolish to take on quests with no financial compensation, he admitted that taking such a dangerous quest for nothing in return like the Lathanderites proposed was a bit foolish. However, he also reminded me that gaining influence and favors as I travel as an adventurer is another form of payment. I had been trying not to think like Mother and deal in such things, but to cut myself off from social investments that could later help me just out of spite is also foolish. I agreed to later touch on this with the Sister and the Lathanderites after we had dealt with the Redbrands.
That night we shared a rather nice dinner at the Alderleafs before we all turned in. Later, after dinner had ended and everyone was turning in, Ernaldis and I went back to Stonehill Inn to rest and recover from our journey.
This morning we awoke and headed over to the Alderleafs to meet up with the rest of the party. To our surprise, we walked in to quite a strange sight. Mrs. Alderleaf had been seriously injured while in her home and while Alphons healed her, Halvard and Bart argued with Rosamel who was in turn healing a very badly bruised Maggot. As the discussion continued, it became clear what had happened. Maggot, not being used to being in civilization and without a "chief" had asked for orders from Rosamel as apparently Rosamel had promised him that the life of an adventurer was filled with murder and loot. Rosamel, as a joke, told Maggot to go murder the Alderleafs and loot their home. Maggot then set out to follow these orders with Rosamel following behind to "see what would happen" though I'm not sure what other outcome could have possibly happened besides what did happen other than someone actually dying. When Rosamel attacked Qelline she screamed and Halvard and Alphonse rushed to save her. Alphonse began healing their mother while Halvard punted Maggot across the room and into a wall.
Halvard and Alponse tried to explain that while this may not have been the intended outcome, Rosamel was responsible as he was the one who sent Maggot to go do this. Even if it was meant as a joke. Rosamel argued that he shouldn't be held responsible for any of his behavior lately and how it has negatively impacted the party and nearly resulted in the death of both a party member's mother and our new ally. Halvard and Alphonse tried to explain that while they weren't going to hold it against Rosamel this time as it truly wasn't his intention, he needed to see reason and learn from this. Rosamel refused and stated that he can do whatever he wants and whatever happens when others are affected by it has nothing to do with him, even with the evidence to the contrary in front of him in the form of the nearly dead Mrs Alderleaf and Maggot. As he refused to acknowledge that his words and actions have very real consequences and he has a responsibility to himself and his party, many of us now have a rather negative view towards him. I just hope that his idiocy doesn't put any of us or others we care about in danger like this again. If he does it might be best that he no longer be part of this party.
On a happier note, Qelline has forgiven Maggot and is going to take him in to teach him how to be moral and civil while he stays in Phandalin. If she manages to pull it off I will be impressed.

Continue reading...

  1. Vladrek Ravenbane
    25th of Alturiak 1489
  2. The Redbrand Robbery
    27th of Alturiak 1489
  3. Baron Molikroth
    1st of Ches 1489
  4. The Clown
    21st of Ches 1489
  5. Goblin Ambush
    25th of Ches 1489
  6. The Cragmaw Goblins
    25th of Ches 1489
  7. Arrival in Phandalin
    28th of Ches 1489
  8. The Dendrar Home
    29th of Ches 1489
  9. The Sleeping Giant & Maggot's Redemption
    30th of Ches 1489
  10. Tresendar Manor
    1st of Tarsakh 1489