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Sun 7th Nov 2021 06:25

Ghost Kids and Sparkle Boyfriends

by Lady of M'tannan Jessica Morgan

So our new home seems like it might be okay. When I think of warehouses, I think of the stuff from comic books where all the badguys always hang out and get beaten up. So seeing the kind of classy (apparently European-style) warehouse was actually a bit surprising. But we bought the place. I'm a homeowner! At sixteen. I own a home before I've had an in-person boy or girlfriend. I'm not sure if that's good or bad, but it's definitely something. I have my own room though, my own bed. Shared bathroom. Avery likes to sleep with me, which is fine. But now I can turn him away if I really need to and have a night alone. If I need to. Also we apparently own any cursed treasure trove that is on the premises.
Sometimes I feel like the baby of the group because I often get freaked out by things and everyone makes like they have to comfort me and stuff. Sometimes I need it, but sometimes I'm just dealing with it okay. Avery is, I suppose, the other baby of the group. Co-baby. But he's twelve, so that makes sense.
Jo figured out a way to power my phone back up, which was great. All my music and the few episodes of things I had saved are available. My photos too. Seeing my moms again made me really miss them. It's weird seeing me from just two months ago. No deer bits, and I've really come to think of myself as being Fei'nos in the time since, so that girl in the pictures seems less like me. That girl in the pictures never owned a home either though.
We had a conversation about vampires and Jo got very insistent that Twilight vampires aren't really vampires. I find the whole thing silly since vampires were never real anyway, but it's fun to imagine having a sparkle vampire boyfriend or werewolf boyfriend. Or girlfriend. I'm open to it. Really though, I mostly imagine myself with a Fei'nos boyfriend or girlfriend, despite the humor of imaginary sparkle boyfriends.
And then there's the ghost kid. Kids? I've only seen one, a little dead Fei'nos girl who warned me away. Told me not to go near the place of Wen'ded, whatever that is. I'm kind of inclined to listen to her, but we do have a job to do. I just have a REALLY bad feeling about all of this. I mean, ghost kids whispering to me in a creepy swamp? No amount of imagining sparkle boyfriends will make that better. But yeah, had a nightmare in the middle of hot dream. Then a leech was on me in the morning somehow. Yuck. And when I concentrate, I can still hear the kids. Ghost kids. Or ghost kid.
What is Wen'ded? Something Fei'nos related I suppose. An ancestor? Maybe a dark ancestor. Wen'ded ... wendigo? Eh, it's a stretch.