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Sun 26th Sep 2021 06:03

We Had a Demon Problem

by Lady of M'tannan Jessica Morgan

My concerns, it seems, were founded. It turns out that Legatr (sp?), her dark-soul murder-bird, was actually possessed by a demon. Some sort of Tanary (sp?) called a Vrock (sp?). Bird demon in a bird. Legatr attacked Avery and really hurt him, even injured one of his eyes (on his Birthday!). Jo kind of broke through her darkness funk and started to kick the crap out of Legatr and killed it, which only lasts for a day apparently. Killing it almost killed her too.
Rethan, the Kith guy who can smell demons or something, gave us some advice and fetched Lemay. Lemay is a nice Phae'nos woman who heals and can apparently banish the demon out of Legatr, but the Vrock thing is supposedly pretty damn tough. Lots of stuff happening. Jo kind of comes back to her normal self and we all start forming a plan! She says that Legatr will reform in one day. I make an offhand comment about being underwater when it happens so Legatr can't fly away, and Jo jumps on this. So we come up with our plan!
Carter has a mace that can make a boulder. Neat trick. We get a well or something that doesn't leave room. So Legatr reforms with Jo, Jo is underwater in her aquatic form. Legatr gets the demon banished out of him and I swim down to grab him through a chain fence that we set up. The Vrock appears and can't get through, hopefully it can't breathe water, but at least it probably can't fly or ... turn into a worm or something. Then Jo will collapse the chain net thing onto the Vrock as Carter tosses his boulder down the well to crush the Vrock. Jo hides into an alcove that we prepare ahead of time. So the Vrock is stuck in a metal net and crushed under a boulder, all underwater. I mean, that sounds super-deadly to me. Demons do need to breathe, right? Lisa seemed to think so, and she's a former Japanese anime fan, but now a Celestial Kith Paladin. Must hang out.
Turns out that they do, probably. The plan went off super-well, though Jo got really beat up and had plants burrowing into her. But me and Avery and Scott were just blasting the heck out of the Vrock while it was crushed at the bottom of the well. At some point it died, though all that elemental energy put some super-strain on my brain. The most important thing though is that Legatr faded away into nothing and now Jo seems free of it. She seems free of all her super-abilities though, and I told her she should train in being a ninja. I was kind of elemental-overload-drunk at the time though. Seriously though, she's back! She's better!
We had a girl spa night, it was good. I was dumb because I blasted my brain and I was sort of in heat or something. I could not get sex off the mind. But we painted our nails and my hooves, had a good time, didn't do anything dumb other than just talking about stuff.
Now we're being invited to join the Cagebreakers who are anti-mind control or something. Not sure if we're going to do that, but they have chocolate, so I'm going to at least listen to them.