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Sat 10th Jul 2021 07:13

Journal Entry in Traveler's Cottage - 2

by Lady of M'tannan Jessica Morgan

Hello second traveler's cottage. We found you in a poor state, and have mad## made you better. Things have been going fine, if somewhat difficult. We have stones from spirits that are, in theory, giving us knowledge about the world.
I'm a Fei'nos now. A deer person. Antlers and ears with some other minor deer features up top. Down below I'm all fur with digitigrate legs and hooves. I'm a bit bummed about my future in ice skating, but I find the mobility to be fine. It's weird dealing with fur when I used to be very concerned with keeping shaved, but I'm going to try to get used to it. Oh, and there's the tail, which is absolutely cute. I'm honestly kind of digging it. I really want to meet other Fei'nos and get a feel for what "our" communities are like. Polyamorous relationships? Something like that. Harems? It's a weird idea, but it doesn't squick me out or anything. I feel like it's something I could deal with. I wonder if I can make a living with my hobby, cosplay, in this place. Go full tailor or something. Not sure what else I'd be able to do, I don't really have any skills that would be useful in a world like this. Dancer maybe? I'm a good dancer, but I don't know if that's a profession or just a thing you do.
Jo is a Kith. She can apparently see mana and has movable hair, and has a very creepy-looking bird spirit that has some relation to her mind. She seems to be handling it mostly all right, though does lapse into bits of self-pity every now and then whi## which might be ... No, I don't want to go into theories here. She is still all sorts of fun, and is helpful and supportive, so I don't want to give the wrong impression.
Scotty is a Kuvael. He seems to be taking it in stride with little to bemoan other than losing some height. I'm kind of wondering if it's just Scott or if Kuvael are a bit more horny, because he's been making no shortage of sexual comments. Honestly I don't really mind them as much as I pretend to. Maybe I'm growing more comfortable with that part of myself as well.
Avery is also a Kuvael, but he has become ...
Avery was physically male back on Earth, but now he has a mixture of male and female umm parts. Apparently it's quite common for Kuvael. He has been panicking a bit about it, but has been really putting on a brave front too. I'm trying to be helpful and supportive. It's only been a few days, but he's been showing much more interest in more traditionally feminine things from fashion to having at least some interest in men. He still identifies as a male and is opposed to the idea of possibly developing a female figure. Still, whatever choices he makes, I want to help him, and I'm actively trying not to let ## my own interests get in the way of what's good for him.
Carter is apparently an Ogren. Not sure if that's spelled correctly. He has massive muscles and a much bigger frame, which might be a result of the moon or moons. He puts on a brave front, but he honestly seems very worried about losing control and going on some sort of rampage. I feel he's a stronger person than that, but I honestly have no idea how difficult this is for him or what he's even going through. ### His lo## love of meat is just a dietary thing like my own interest in vegetarian fare (vegetarian + even!), so I don't associate anything with it.
So we are just going along. Cleaning up this place which was left an absolute mess. The guys are out hunting right now. I'm feeling very domestic. My moms would be proud since I kind of hated cleaning when I was back home. Here though, I kind of feel a sense of responsibility especially when it comes to Avery.
I absolutely love the idea of decorating my antlers. Having these ribbons is so cute. I want more stuff like them. Little dangly jewelry. Going to be so bummed when they fall out in the winter.
Soon we'll get to what is supposed to be a mining town. Wish us luck.
-Jessica Morgan