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Sun 16th Jan 2022 08:43

To New Beginnings

by Lady of M'tannan Jessica Morgan

Hello new journal. your predecessor has been beaten up, and Avery was kind enough to grant you to me. You seem to be built better and are hopefully more waterproof. Also you're made of leaves from the super-tree, so that's cool. Some sort of cultural heritage.
I've got a culture now! Being a white girl American made me feel like I just belonged to bland non-culture, though I do realize there was a lot of stuff involved. But now that I'm a deer girl, Fei'nos, I feel like I'm a part of a culture with ... more stuff! Antler ribbons! Deer Moot! Painted hooves! Maybe we grab antlers when we're having sex, I don't know! But it really feels like I belong to something and I'm wanting to lean into that.
Please excuse me if I write down weird stuff, I'm more than a little high right now. Monched my edible leaf weed because I panicked at the disco - ahem, at the gate check point. I ate it all, and I had probably three or so hits worth in that pouch still. It's taking its time to wear off, but I think I'm mostly normal by now. I was pretty wasted when I met the dryad, but maybe she's cool with that. Maybe embarrassed Carter, but not so much as when Avery said I wanted his cock (for the record, I don't). We talked a lot of sex stuff, and I probably said some stuff I'll regret, but whatever. I'm a teenager, and most people say it's normal to feel this stuff and all.
Back to the dryad. She is apparently sisters from the one in M'Tannan, and she said that she'd like me to return there and rebuild the city someday. Sounds tough, but I dunno, maybe I can start sometime? I'm just one girl, but I'm an adult here. Not that I really know where to start other than moving in. I have ... thoughts, but I'm not sure I should even write them down here. They're just vague forms and ideas. I might have a better feeling for it after Deer Moot, which I am super looking forward to.
But ... yeah, feelings. Maybe future ideas, I dunno. I'm supposed to be young back home, but here I'm an adult, and it's hard to do that transition. Should I really be thinking about the future and about ... things like that? Settling down? I was going to go to college, but I don't even know if that's a thing here. Ever since talking with Kadesh I've have a ... mental image, but it's embarrassing. I feel weird about it. Please don't tell anyone, but ... I've been imagining myself with a Fei'nos husband and wife ... like three of us together and it's just weird to think about that at my age. I don't even know anyone where I feel even remotely that way, but the idea implanted itself in me when he said that Fei'nos live in harems mostly. It just seemed right.
But yeah, anyway, less of that and more of things that actually happened. I used magic to cure Avery's eye and that Maugen woman's memories (just a little), so that was good. We drove through a dead-magic zone and ended up pushing the truck. That super-sucked. Thunderbolts and lightning, very very frightening, me. And yeah, we're in a Fei'nos city with a wall and moat and super-tree with a dryad who totally likes me. I'm going to dress up and see if I turn heads when I go shopping after I'm not-high.
That's all for now, new diary. This has been Jess. Signing out.