Dear Bishop Kramer,
I write to you on this day, Gusterus the 17th in the 130th year of the Feroxian Era, in the Chapel of the Father Moon in the town of Yonara, in the colony of Alloyus, on the continent of Morado, to test the usage of the spell Robin’s Magic Missive. Bearing witness to this feat are Bishop Foltore Ron Hyouhaku of the Dusk Mage, Bishop Dafi’E Malgrave of the Father Moon and his clergymen, Priestess Sophia De Borel of the Mother Sun and members of her congregation, Alaric Blackintosh of the Dawn Warrior, Chieftain Vides’De of the Rosenhills Clan of Akacheta and his clan, a number of my traveling companions, and others of Yonara. I would like to thank you for your assistance in the verification of my arcane theory, as well as your cooperation in this exercise. I would also like to thank Mister Blackintosh for the creation of the focus with which I am sending this message.
I pray that Robin’s Magic Missive will serve to foster a spirit of cooperation and collaboration within academia and other disciplines; that it will facilitate communication from the scattered settlements of the colony and promote bonds between Verous and Morado; that the bonds of those who must be apart due to circumstance may continue to flourish; that bringing this vision to fruition might stoke the spark of inspiration into a flame of ingenuity and usher in an era of progress, of togetherness, and of peace. For no person nor organization is a monolith, and it is through unity that visions of that which may be are made to be that which is. I pray for all of those who live in this world and for their posterity, that this dream might come to pass.
Should this message reach you without incident, I eagerly await a response. To those who might bear witness to this message, I thank you for your time and I hope that we might all come together in time to complete great works and make greater discoveries.