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10 April 1492

April 10, 1492 - Letter to Coo

by Quierccirq

Thank you for all your teachings. I am working hard to honor your lessons in spite of where I now find myself. My companions and I have seen more of this realm than I think any soul should ever have to bear. And there is still so much farther yet to go.
Enclosed, you will find my private journals which will attest our experiences here as well as my own personal history before the Fall of Elturel. I'm confident there won't be another opportunity to get any communication beyond the limits of Avernus, so I am entrusting this story to you and to the stewards of Candlekeep in the faint hope that I may yet live to finish it. If luck favors, I will return to Candlekeep to tell it to you and Sylvira myself.
You will also find my last will and testament tucked inside one of the journals. It is now null and void. My final wishes, should such events transpire that necessitate their execution, are as follows: Return me to the Star Mounts and send me to Syranita as tradition dictates - under the open sky.