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Sat 9th Jul 2022 12:07

In the event of my passing...

by Quierccirq

If you’re reading this, then I’m already gone and you’re the -nlucky bastard or bastardess I’ve entrusted to carry out my final wishes. Don’t worry. They’re fairly straightforward.
I have no family or friends left alive to notify, so don’t fret over tracking anyone down. I do have some savings from my Hellriders stipend. Take 5 percent for yourself, as a token of my posthumous appreciation, and donate the rest to the elders at the Last Aerie colony. You’ll find them at the headwaters of the Unicorn Run. As for my possessions, I bequeath any weapons or armor to the Hellriders of Elturgard. Take anything else of value for yourself. Donate or burn the rest.
I’d like my body to be burned to ash and then spread over --- -eaks of the Star Mounts. It’s not really in line with -arakocran tradition, but I’m not really a true Aarakocra, -------t least when you dump my dust over the mountains I’ll ------- know what it feels like to fly again. It’s still mo-- ---- Kri ever got. Everything burns in the end.
Lastly, there is a pretty good chance that, barring anything spectacular, my death is by my own talons. However, if it is suspected that I may have died under more interesting circumstances, it was probably a Tiefling woman named Damaia. If she bothered to come all this way, I can almost -uarantee that taking me out was just a bonus and she’s up to much worse. That bitch knows how to hold a grudge, trust me.
The first place you’ll want to check is Karak. It’s a coastal village on the Koryo Peninsula in northeast Kara-Tur. She used to operate a brothel there, disguised as an innocent bed & -reakfast, called The Innside Story. Look out for her pet -grillon, Surdrim.
But, like I said, odds are that this was a DIY job. I’ve bee- ---- for a long time. I hear voices. I replay the attack in m---------er and over. I see his shadow everywhere. Singe- flesh. Battle screeches cut short by gurgling swells of blood. My -eathers clumped together in a sticky crimson swamp.
Summer bright and bitter end
Birdy won’t fly home again
He’s in the clouds, the hunting clouds
It’s much safer on the ground
Early wyrmies get the bird
Feathers fall and chickies squirm
Battle brave, now conquered coward
Star Mount’s sons are overpowered
He is the clouds, the hunting clouds
It’s much safer on the ground
I’m so sorry, Junnen.