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Sat 9th Jul 2022 12:01

Volume 62: March 30, 1492

by Quierccirq

After spending a few days in Candlekeep, everyone seems to have a lot on their minds, myself included.
To thank Umber for sacrificing his beloved sketchbook for the sake of my ever-dwindling sanity, I commissioned a custom leather cover from one of the many dwarvish craftsmen residing in the archives. He can use it to protect each new sketchbook he collects as he fills more and more of them. I hope he enjoys the design. I left it outside his quarters, but didn't leave a name with the parcel. No gratitude is needed, and so no credit is required.
During our stay, I met a fellow Aarakocran named Coo. He is quite old for one of our race, and a well-respected monk warrior. It's been many years since I've encountered another of my own kind. When he greeted me, it took everything in me to maintain any semblance of composure and not bolt away in shame. After speaking with him a while, though, he asked me to train with him. Begrudgingly, I accepted.
I'm grateful that Coo convinced me to learn from him. He taught me the foundations of the Way of the Kensei, a monastic tradition that views the weapon as an extension of the warrior's body, much like a caligrapher's pen or an artist's brush. Thanks to Coo's tutelage, I have the knowledge I need to continue my training alone. Through intense study and devotion, he assured me I may even one day regain bodily connection and usage of my wings. It's not the first time someone has promised me such a thing, but at least this time there are no hallucinogens involved.
I've been such a fool these last few years. How did I ever deceive myself so thoroughly? The ache is a constant, burdensome thing stabbing between my shoulders every instant, and still, my conviction was absolute. If I ever see Mort Vanthamper again, I'll have to apologize for the confusion that day by the sea at the Low Lantern. How peculiar he must have thought me.
The past weeks have impacted me profoundly. Despite my callousness, Umber has shown me incredible kindness and consideration throughout our unexpected journey together. Enya has gone out of her way to give me compassion time and again, even when I haven't deserved it. Even Kunin has warmed to me somewhat as we've traveled and fought together. More recently, the respect and kinship Coo extended to me, although hard to accept after so many years of shame and remorse, has given me some glimmer of hope that I may reclaim some honor yet.
We will arrive at Elturel, or the pit where it once stood, very soon. I shudder to think what awaits us below.