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**April 7, 1492

by Quierccirq

Quirk pulls Enya aside & asks for a favor:
preen his flight feathers
come to the balcony in the cathedral w/him
she agrees, sees Quirk at full wingspan, shining clean plummage
Enya shoves Quirk from the balcony & he manages to somewhat glide, but lands clumsily
Quirk is just glad he can manage anything at all, got a taste of flight & freedom
Quirk, Enya, Kunin climb into Bag of Holding & let Umber carry them down the chain using Rope of Climbing as security harness
giant blue fiends w/staffs commanding armies
devils & demons at war everywhere
use Cartographer's Map Case to generate a map to a landmark in Avernus
River Styx & landmark appear - looks like a handshaped structure
Lulu recalls a demon lord named Yeenoghu? wants to destroy Zariel's sword, Lulu has fought him before
fortified compound, finger like, rock, bone, & metal around a rust colored hill
6 guards
Enya resummons O'Reilly, who is now an imp for unknown reasons
attempts to talk our way in all fail, Kunin throws a rock & misses but antagonizes them enough to come out & open
gate to fight
as gate opens, I see a pair of Kenku inside, they notice Lulu and stare in awe, run off & return w/a hag & flesh golem
Mad Maggie - speaks Aarakocran, we introduce ourselves, asks about Lulu
we admit we're trying to save Elturel, seems to be on our side
she says she can jog Lulu's memory, wants to know about the fall of Zariel in exchange
(makes a face when Lulu
calls Zariel her best friend)
scrap metal may allow Kunin to repair glider to use as "training wheels" for Quirk
Quirk wanders over to Kenku to see what they're doing
Mad Maggie's ravens are staring and watching us
Umber & I drive madcaps away from Mickey & try to rig up a splint or crutch for his bum
leg, we pull a bone splinter from his leg, clean & bandage it
Quirk hops onto a crate & shits on a madcap
converse w/ravens, who are imps, Enya reads thoughts & finds out a madcap is going to
try to kill Lulu
we discover this is untrue & try to convince raven imps to exchange their honesty for
valuables, to no avail
Umber, Enya, & I gather to discuss our options
Umber spots a posessed madcap w/a scythe, nails it w/his shield
I go to inspect, but it jumps back up