I feel like there is a lot to catch up on. First of all, we talked to the unhappy guard at the prison and it seems he is simply mourning his wife. I wish there was more I could do for him, but we don't have the time and I'm not sure I have enough training.
Oh, and then there's Rupert's drinking. There was a lot of it. And eventually, he forgot all about what had happened that morning. A greater restoration spell returned him to normal, but I still worry.
Next, we finished one thing on our to-do list. And possibly added another, but we'll see about that. We found Ellywick's cousin at the Garl Glittergold temple where she seemed quite happy. I hope her family will have the sense to live and let live since the whole thing seems to stem from them having kicked Arakaia out for being gay. And that started a terrible series of events that led to Kaia now being here.
Apparently, they are investigating the Temple of the Harvest, a newly opened temple known for treating people for free but not being very friendly towards any other clergy. And I agree - even temples need to pay upkeep and feed those working there. Who is funding them and for what?
Picking things from the list of things to do, we had another go at finding Phennyr's drug involved uncle. Getting a bit fake drunk I got on his dealer's good side and purchased some product. Should be able to make further inquiries the night after.
The undeath investigation has finally yielded some results, to say the least. Gathering all of our suspects under the pretence of an extra lecture, I cast a zone of truth to interrogate. Which mostly went great as one of them rather teleported away than answer our questions. Naturally, we gave chase.
Seems the old man living with Leo is a mage, necromancer I assume, too. He teleported to his... Master? Student? In any case, past the zombie remains of Leo's family, many traps, and a labyrinth of corridors - we seem to finally have caught up.
Oh... I should probably do an Ellywick update. I tried to talk but happened to mention that if she needs more time that's ok. Which she immediately declared she does. I hope she will soon. I want to explain what happened with Magoria. How I still love her, Ellywick, but it hurts to know that if anything, she's embarrassed about me. I'm not sure I can move on... But I'm certain I can't unless she tells me to. I need to still have hope. I need to think of my body being curled up around hers.