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20th of Nuan, 126 Year of the Tree

A Grand Ball of Intrigue

by Luke Thomas

Dear Diary,
We finally made it to Robert Talespinner's room, a mix of excitement and trepidation filling our hearts. The door creaked open, revealing a surprisingly tidy room. Robert's backpack was propped against the wall, a collection of dragon-themed books scattered across the bed, and a few articles of clothing strewn about. It looked like a perfectly normal bachelor pad, if a bit cluttered.
But we weren't here for sightseeing. I decided to give the room a magical once-over, just to be sure there weren't any hidden traps or lingering enchantments. As I was channeling my inner mage, I felt a distinct magical aura emanating from Robert's backpack. With a mix of curiosity and care, I opened it up.
Inside, I found a treasure trove of mundane items – socks, a toothbrush, etcetera. But hidden amongst the everyday essentials was a small, unassuming object – a magical sending stone. This was definitely something Robert could be using to communicate with the cult.
Continuing my investigation, I discovered a peculiar set of keys. They were identical, down to the last detail. A dozen keys, all with the same markings. It was like a bad joke, a puzzle with no answer.
With no other clues to be found, we decided to leave the room, taking the keys and the sending stone with us. The mystery of Robert Talespinner deepened, and our quest for answers was far from over.
Our next stop was the Briar Ring, the mysterious fortress hidden deep within the Gloom. We needed to inform them about the dragon construct and ensure its remains were properly dealt with. As we approached the imposing structure, a guard emerged, his face etched with a firm scowl. Alistan explained the situation, his voice filled with urgency.
The guard led us to Selios, the head of the Briar Ring, who listened intently to our tale of the dragon construct. His eyes widened in shock as we described the creature's horrifying appearance and the magical nature of its creation. He assured us that the Briar Ring would take care of the matter, promising to send a team to retrieve the remains.
As we were about to leave, Liliana casually mentioned our invitation to the embassy ball. Selios' expression shifted from professional detachment to genuine surprise. He explained that the ball was a prestigious event, attended by royalty and nobility alike. Our presence was unexpected, to say the least.
With a newfound sense of importance, we left the Briar Ring. Hayley joined back up with us, and had already managed to organize the refugees from Ravensfield, ensuring their safety and well-being. Her compassion and efficiency were truly inspiring.
With the immediate threat of dragon-men and mind-controlled villagers behind us, we turned our attention to a more pressing matter – what to wear to the fancy dress ball. Liliana suggested a visit to our noble friend, Elsa Colline, for some much-needed style advice. I, being the shameless opportunist that I am, eagerly volunteered to accompany her.
Elsa's mansion was as grand as ever, a testament to the family's wealth and influence. Unfortunately, she was busy with royal duties, leaving us to explore the grounds. As we wandered through the gardens, a magnificent warhorse caught my eye. It was a creature of beauty and power, clearly not your average stable pony. It likely belonged to Edward, Elsa's brother.
Intrigued, we inquired about Edward's whereabouts. The servants informed us that he had arrived earlier that day, eager to attend the embassy opening. A reunion with our old friend was in order.
We were greeted by Edward with open arms, his infectious enthusiasm warming our hearts. He had returned to Keralon at the king's request, a testament to his growing influence in the kingdom. He had arrived a few hours ago and was a bit upset that his sister Elsa didn’t make the time to greet him when he arrived, mentioning how busy she has gotten.
We spent a delightful afternoon chatting with Edward, catching up on old times. He was as charming as ever, his stories a welcome distraction from our recent ordeals.
Just as Edward excused himself to go freshen up, Elsa made a grand entrance. She looked absolutely stunning, her beauty enhanced by a gown of shimmering blue. She was surprised to find us there, having only just taken a break from her royal duties.
Liliana wasted no time in asking for style advice. To our surprise, Elsa offered to lend Liliana and Hayley a dress each. The offer was met with an enthusiastic squeal from Liliana, and sly grin from Hayley. I doubt that my sister would be interested in any of Elsa’s more colorful styles, but she clearly had something in mind.
But the surprises didn't end there. As we discussed the upcoming embassy ball, Elsa casually mentioned that she was looking for an escort. Before I could even process the situation, Gael had volunteered me for the job. I managed to stammer out a polite acceptance, my face probably as red as a tomato.
Elsa smiled graciously, her eyes twinkling with amusement. She arranged for a carriage to pick us up at her manor at eight o'clock that evening, ensuring we would make a grand entrance. Liliana looked a bit nervous about arriving fashionably late.
With Elsa back to her royal duties, Edward suggested we take a trip to his personal tailor to outfit ourselves for the ball. As we strolled through the city, we shared stories of our adventures, the laughter echoing through the streets.
The day ended with a delicious dinner at a charming little tavern, the perfect way to unwind after a whirlwind of events. We talked about the future, about our hopes and dreams, and about the challenges that lay ahead.
The morning dawned, a mix of excitement and dread. I woke up with a start, the image of the dragon-construct still fresh in my mind. As I made my way to the common room, I found Liliana already there, her face etched with a mix of anticipation and apprehension.
She dropped a bombshell – her mother, the infamous Lady Sofia de la Roost, was in town and would be attending the ball. Given her history with the archfey Ulther, and the heated discussion we had with her five years ago about Liliana, the news was met with a sense of dread.
Hayley then made the curious decision to find a date for the evening. She set off to find Dan, our merchant friend, to ask for his company. Alistan and I were left to prepare for the grand event. I decided to purchase a bouquet of flowers for Elsa, a small gesture to show my appreciation for her kindness.
When we arrived at Elsa's mansion, she was waiting for us, looking more radiant than ever. The sight of her took my breath away. After exchanging pleasantries, Liliana explained our predicament.
As we waited for the carriage, Lady Sofia arrived, her presence casting a shadow over the group. Her disapproving gaze fell upon Galiene, Alistan's companion, her disdain barely concealed. It was clear that she had expected someone of higher social standing.
Finally, the carriage arrived, a luxurious carriage drawn by two magnificent horses. We climbed in, our anticipation growing with each passing moment. The ball was about to begin, and with it, a night of mystery, intrigue, and hopefully, a little bit of fun.
The carriage pulled up to a grand estate, an imposing structure that looked more like a fortress than a place of diplomacy. It was a three-story behemoth, built of red brick and surrounded by a low wall adorned with rather unsettling dragon imagery. Given the Fenhunter's penchant for all things draconic, it wasn't entirely surprising.
As we stepped out of the carriage, we were greeted by a sea of people, all dressed to the nines. The air was thick with the scent of expensive perfume and the clinking of jewelry. It was like stepping into a real-life fairytale.
As we stepped out of the carriage, the full extent of the embassy's grandeur hit us. It was a world away from the dusty roads and makeshift camps of our recent travels. The air was filled with the sound of laughter and clinking glasses, a stark contrast to the harsh reality we had escaped.
Liliana's mother beckoned us over. Standing beside her was a man, impeccably dressed and with a certain air of authority about him. This, Liliana explained, was Samuel Valeborn, her escort for the evening.
The moment I saw Samuel, a wave of memories washed over me. It was like looking into a mirror of my past, a reminder of a time when I had all of my happiness stripped away from me. The situation is tense and he makes a remark about the incident at the tournament. He clearly still holds a grudge against me for what happened to Darius. Despite all that has happened and everything that I have done, he still just thinks of me as a lowlife murderer. I wanted to do nothing more than scream in his stupid face that I had nothing to do with his friend’s death. But I didn’t want to make a scene in front of Elsa. So I just froze and I couldn’t think anymore what to say.
I just turned away as we silently entered the embassy for the party. My stomach still turning over the presence of Samuel. I always thought that if I would see him again, we would be able to bury the hatchet. I would be able to calmly explain what had happened that day at the tournament and that we would be able to put it behind us and move on with our lives. But being confronted with him just brought all of my anger and frustration back. The look on his face and his remarks made it clear what he thought of me, always his lesser.
However before I can dwell too much on those thoughts, we spot our next problem, Robert Talespinner is in the library and has apparently been hired to tell stories. But we decided to put a pin on it as we are overwhelmed by the entire situation.
We made our way through the bustling crowd, seeking out Ragnar, the host of the evening. Spotting him within the dining area, we approached his table. Upon recognizing us, Ragnar’s expression transformed into one of genuine surprise and admiration. With a thunderous clap, he announced our arrival as the honored guests who had saved the Fenhunter delegation several times.
Invited to join his table, we were bombarded with questions about our adventures. As we recounted our battles with the dragon-men and the terrifying construct, a hush fell over the crowd, their eyes wide with disbelief and awe. We also let him subtly know about our suspicions of Robert and his possible involvement with the dragon cult. Ragnar, clearly impressed, promised to have his guards keep a close watch on Robert Talespinner, concerned that the missing bard might be involved in something sinister.
Our conversation with Ragnar was interrupted when we heard a commotion erupting from the grand hall. Curiosity piqued, we hurried towards the source of the disturbance.
The sight that greeted us was nothing short of breathtaking. Snowflakes were gently falling inside the hall, a magical spectacle that had the guests in awe. At the center of attention was Vivienne, her arrival causing a stir among the crowd.
Vivienne approached Ragnar and made an elegant bow. She announced that the High King Ulther, unable to attend in person, had sent her as his representative.
Liliana, her face a mix of surprise and apprehension, approached Vivienne. The two women exchanged a brief greeting, their conversation a hushed murmur that was lost on the rest of us. We had encountered Vivienne before, and while it had not led to a confrontation, we still did not forget what she had done to Liliana. Her presence here, as the High King's envoy, was a twist we hadn't anticipated. Only Gael makes some small talk with the fey, the rest of us stayed as far away as possible.
Samuel, my eternal source of irritation throughout the evening, immediately questioned how we were so well connected to Vivienne. Liliana explained the circumstances of their meeting, revealing fragments of the deal her family had made with Ulther. Samuel remarked with surprise that we (and specifically me) would willingly associate with fey.
I stepped forward, my voice shaking as if we were teenagers again. I tried to explain that Liliana had been forced into the deal, her choices limited by the circumstances. I wanted to explain that it was different from what had happened to Emily and Darius, but I couldn’t bring myself to speak their names.
As the evening progressed, Gael found himself mingling with a group of distinguished guests headed by Sileos of the Briar Ring and the two heralds. Among them were Sir Callos, the head of the Circle of the Long Table, Lady Leah of the Court of Thorns, and Lady Thoma of the Bronze Hand.
Recognizing Gael as the guest of honor, the group greeted him with a mix of admiration and respect. They had heard tales of his bravery and cunning, and were eager to meet the man who had saved the Fenhunter delegation.
Alistan, meanwhile, was having a fanboy moment, chatting excitedly with the knights of the Octagon. He regaled them with tales of his adventures, his voice filled with enthusiasm. The knights, impressed by his bravery, listened with rapt attention.
Hayley and Dan, ever the opportunists, took advantage of the gathering to network with the Fenhunter dignitaries. Dan discussed potential business ventures, his eyes gleaming with the prospect of expanding his trade. Hayley, with her usual charm, focused on the plight of the Ravensfield villagers, hoping to secure aid for their rebuilding efforts. She did get a reply that they might be willing to help relocate some of the villagers, but they weren’t inclined to intrude upon the territory of Keralon to help with the rebuilding. Despite the new embassy, it was clear that tension between the two nations was still high.
As the music swelled, I took Elsa's hand and led her onto the dance floor. The crowd parted, creating a small circle around us. I couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy as I spotted Liliana and Samuel twirling gracefully across the room.
Determined to prove myself, I remembered the dance lessons Emily had given me years ago. With newfound confidence, I began to lead Elsa through a series of intricate steps. It was a battle of skill and style, a silent duel between me and Samuel.
With a surge of determination, I pulled out all the stops. I twirled Elsa with a flourish, dipped her low, and finished with a dramatic flourish. Samuel, visibly impressed, retreated to the sidelines, a rare show of defeat. I couldn't help but smile.
As I danced with Elsa, my eyes scanned the room. I spotted Vivienne chatting with Gael, her words a soft murmur lost in the din of the music. A wave of unease washed over me. I knew Vivienne's intentions, her seductive charm a dangerous weapon. I watched as Gael listened intently, his eyes filled with a mix of curiosity and wariness. I strained to hear their conversation, but the music and the chatter of the crowd made it impossible. Just as I was about to give up, a fanfare sounded, announcing the arrival of Queen Adelaide.
The crowd parted, creating a path for the queen and her entourage. She was a regal figure, her presence commanding attention. After a brief speech apologizing for her husband's absence, she began her tour of the embassy.
Sir Donovan escorted her towards our group. As she approached, I could feel a wave of anticipation wash over me. The queen, her eyes scanning the crowd, finally landed on us. She smiled, her voice warm and inviting.
She asked who among us had been knighted. Alistan, Hayley, and Dadroz stepped forward, their chests swelling with pride. The queen congratulated them, her words a balm to our weary souls.
Turning to the rest of us, she offered a chance to join one of the knightly orders. Gael, ever the adventurer, expressed his interest in the Rosegarden. I, with a newfound sense of purpose, declared my intention to join Myrdin's Circle. Liliana, however, hesitated. Her past with Vivienne cast a shadow over her, making her unsure of her worthiness.
The queen reassured Liliana, her words kind and encouraging. She praised her bravery and her unwavering loyalty. With a newfound determination, Liliana accepted the queen's offer, her eyes filled with hope.
Before departing, the queen reminded us not to hesitate to ask for help if we needed it. She assured us that we had allies at court, nodding towards Elsa by my side as she did so. As she turned to leave, I couldn't help but feel a surge of gratitude. Our journey had been filled with challenges, but we had survived, and now, we had the support of the queen herself.
As the queen departed, a guard approached us, his expression a mix of urgency and concern. He informed us that Lord Ragnar requested our presence. Curiosity piqued, we followed the guard upstairs to a small sitting room.
Ragnar, pacing nervously, greeted us with a mixture of relief and worry. He explained that his adopted son, Norgar, had gone missing. Given our recent encounters with danger and intrigue, Ragnar believed we might be able to help.
Reluctant to cause a scene, Ragnar asked us to investigate discreetly. He handed us a key, a symbol of his trust and a sign of the desperation he felt. Chills ran down our spines as we realized that it was the same type of key we had found in Robert Talespinner's room. Could Robert be involved in Norgar's disappearance?
We mentioned this to Ragnar, our voices filled with urgency. He listened intently, his face a mask of concern. Alistan had a thought on how we could further track Norgar. Rangar confirmed that Norgar indeed still possessed the gem that the cult had tried to steal during the parade. With renewed determination, we set off on our search, our hearts heavy with the weight of responsibility.
The air grew heavy with tension. The disappearance of Norgar, the lingering threat of the dragon cult, and the presence of our old enemies – it all added up to a perfect storm of intrigue.

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  1. A Festival of Foxes and Frolics
    30th of Dagda, Year 121, Era of the tree
  2. Elsa
  3. Adventure Ahead!
    1st of Lug, Year 121 of the Tree
  4. Rosebloom's Bookworm
    4th of Lugh, Year 121 of the Tree
  5. What to do when your hostess has a Secret Society Membership
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  6. The most useful kind of magic
    6th of Lug, 121 Year of the Tree
  7. A Betrayal of Satyrs
    7th of Lugh, 121 Year of the Tree
  8. Maladies of the Mist
    8-11th of Lug, 121 Year of the Tree
  9. The Hunter
    11th of Lug, 121 Year of the Tree
  10. A Hidden Path to Logvale and Beyond
    12th of Lug, 121 Year of the Tree
  11. A Master of Fire
    13th of Lug, 121 Year of the Tree
  12. Too Many Goodbyes
    20th of Lug, 121 Year of the Tree
  13. Letter to Hayley I
    1st of Ogan, 122 Year of the Tree
  14. Letter to Hayley II
    3rd of Solstice, 122 Year of the Tree
  15. Letter to Hayley III
    24th of Edon, 123 Year of the Tree
  16. Letter to Hayley IV
    17th of Gobu, 124 Year of the Tree
  17. Letter to Hayley V
    7th of Daga, 125 Year of the Tree
  18. Letter to Hayley VI
    14th of Mannan, 125 Year of the Tree
  19. The Reunion
    14th of Mannan, 126 Year of the Tree
  20. The Emissaries of the Fenhunter
    15th of Mannan, 126 Year of the Tree
  21. The Fall of Cairn Fussil
    4th of Nuan, 126 Year of the Tree
  22. Festival Frenzy
    10th of Nuan, 126 Year of the Tree
  23. The Terror of Ravensfield
    13th of Nuan, 126 Year of the Tree
  24. Dragon Bones in the Dark
    15th of Nuan, 126 Year of the Tree
  25. The Determination of an Undead Kobold
    16th of Nuan, 126 Year of the Tree
  26. Battle at the Burning Village
    17th of Nuan, 126 Year of the Tree
  27. A Reminder to Take Action
    18th of Nuan, 126 Year of the Tree
  28. A Grand Ball of Intrigue
    20th of Nuan, 126 Year of the Tree
  29. The Search for Norgar
    20th of Nuan, 126 Year of the Tree
  30. Why you can never trust a bard
    20th of Nuan, 126 Year of the Tree
  31. A Royal Reward and a Challenge
    28th of Nuan, 126 Year of the Tree
  32. An apple a day...
    29th of Nuan, 126 Year of the Tree
  33. Dealing with the fey
    30th of Nuan, 126 Era of the Tree