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18th of Nuan, 126 Year of the Tree

A Reminder to Take Action

by Luke Thomas

Dear Diary,
We have left the burning ruins of Ravensfield behind, a bittersweet goodbye to a village that had become our home, albeit briefly. The refugees were already a good distance ahead when we had escaped from our battle, a long line of weary travelers heading towards Keralon. The dragon cultists were regrouping as we made our getaway, waiting for the fires to die down before launching their next attack.
As we traveled, Hayley sent Fiachna to scout ahead, the little bird disappearing into the morning mist. We waited, a mixture of anticipation and dread filling our hearts.
Fiachna returned with news that the village had been completely engulfed in flames, but a sudden downpour had extinguished the fire before it could spread to the forest. The dragon-men, seeing their plans thwarted, had set up camp on the outskirts of the village, and so far seemed not intending to pursue us.
We pressed on, the refugee caravan our guiding light in the darkening landscape. The journey was long and arduous, but the shared sense of purpose kept us going. By nightfall, we found a suitable spot to rest. The world felt smaller, more vulnerable without the protection of the village walls.
I volunteered for the first watch, Gael by my side. The night was clear, the moon casting an eerie glow over the surrounding forest. As we scanned the horizon, a dark silhouette caught our attention. It was flying, larger than any bird we'd ever seen. Gael, with his eagle eyes, identified it as a dragon, far larger than the wyvern we had fought before.
We watched as the creature disappeared into the night, leaving us with a sense of unease. Something big was out there, something even more terrifying than the dragon-men.
The night passed slowly, filled with restless sleep and jumpy awakenings. We traded watches, each of us taking turns to keep an eye on the sky. The second watch, manned by Dadroz and Liliana, also spotted the mysterious creature, confirming our suspicions.
The morning sun finally broke through the remnants of the night, casting long shadows across the ravaged landscape. We stretched our stiff limbs and took stock of our situation. Ravensfield was gone, a smoldering ruin, and there was an insane cult that had sworn vengeance on us.
As we caught up with the refugee caravan, a wave of relief washed over us. The sight of so many people huddled together, their faces etched with fear and uncertainty, was a stark reminder of the chaos we had escaped.
Alistan went ahead to speak with the mayor and Dan. I could hear their voices, a mix of concern and determination, as they discussed the next steps.
While they strategized, the rest of us caught up with Zem and Saphira. They were eager to hear about our encounter with the dragon-men, their eyes wide with excitement. Gael, the most eager storyteller, took over, regaling them with tales of fiery battles and narrow escapes.
Saphira had tales of her own, and mentioned that while she was scouting ahead of the caravan this morning that she had found strange tracks. Several trees had been knocked over and scorch marks were everywhere. The tracks led to nowhere so she assumed that it might have been a flying creature. We immediately thought back to the large dragon we had spotted the previous night. However it also reminded us of Reynis, and his night-time form. Reynis had fled Ravensfield when the battle turned bad, and we did not know where he was.
We hit the road with the refugee caravan, a motley crew of weary travelers. Days turned into nights, and nights into days, as we trudged through the unforgiving wilderness. Our spirits were dampened by the constant threat of the dragon-men, but the sight of the villagers, young and old, clinging to hope, kept us moving forward.
One night, as we settled into our makeshift camp, Dadroz and Gael volunteered for watch duty. Their mission? Keep an eye out for any sign of Reynis, our shapeshifting friend-sometimes-potential-menace. As luck would have it, their night watch turned into a front-row seat to a rather spectacular show.
A colossal, armored dragon-construct, its body crackling with flames, descended from the sky like a fiery meteor. It landed with a thunderous crash, its glowing red eyes scanning the refugee camp. After a tense standoff for several hours, the creature took off into the night, leaving behind a pair of Dadroz and Gael.
The next morning, over a breakfast of questionable rations, we discussed the implications of this new threat. A giant, armored dragon-construct? It was like something out of a nightmare. Liliana suggested we try talking to the creature. I agreed with her as another unknown was the last thing we needed.
In the end, we decided discretion was the better part of valor. We would keep our distance, hoping the creature would lose interest and move on. After all, we had a long journey ahead, and facing off against a giant robot dragon wasn't exactly on our bucket list.
The last day before reaching Keralon was filled with anticipation and unease. As I rode in the cart with Zem and Saphira, my mind wandered, lost in a haze of exhaustion and fear. Suddenly, something snapped. My staff, normally a tool of creation and control, was now an extension of my rage. Zim, caught off guard, became the unfortunate recipient of my newfound aggression.
Hayley's voice cut through the chaos, her words a stark contrast to the violence unfolding before me. I had no recollection of what had happened, only a vague sense of regret as I looked at my trembling hands.
A strange wind swept through the caravan, a chilling sensation that preceded a wave of madness. People turned on each other, their eyes filled with a feral glint. The peaceful caravan transformed into a chaotic battlefield, friends and family turning into enemies.
I managed to regain control of myself, the madness receding as quickly as it had come. Suddenly, a blinding light filled the caravan. A deafening roar echoed through the air as the construct dragon unleashed its terrifying weapon. The air crackled with energy, an invisible force that tore through the caravan. I felt a searing pain as the beam of light struck me, a sensation unlike anything I had ever experienced before.
The world seemed to slow down as I struggled to regain my senses. The screams of the villagers were a haunting melody, a stark reminder of the horror unfolding around us. As my vision cleared, I saw the devastation. The caravan was a wreck, bodies strewn across the ground, a testament to the creature's destructive power.
With a surge of adrenaline, I focused my magic, summoning a ball of flame. I launched it at the dragon construct, a desperate attempt to fight back. The fireball collided with the creature, a brilliant explosion of light and heat. The construct staggered, its metallic form momentarily distracted.
It was a brief respite. The dragon construct turned its attention back to us, its eyes glowing with an unnatural intensity. We braced ourselves for the next attack, our hearts pounding in our chests. This was a fight for survival, a battle against a force of unimaginable power.
The dragon construct, sensing an opportunity, turned its attention towards Alistan. With a swift movement, it slashed out with its metallic claws, aiming for the knight's unprotected side. Alistan managed to deflect the blow, but the impact sent him reeling.
Liliana launched a counterattack, her magic crackling with energy. Her strikes landed with precision, chipping away at the construct's armor. We were relentless in our attacks as we tried to hit every potential weak spot. The creature, enraged by the onslaught, attempted to take flight, its wings beating furiously.
We unleashed a barrage of arrows and spells, a desperate attempt to bring it down. My fireball exploded in a shower of sparks, temporarily blinding the creature. Liliana seized the moment, her magic weaving a net of energy that ensnared the construct. With a final, concerted effort, she unleashed a burst of divine power, sending the creature crashing to the ground. Exhausted but triumphant, we stood over the fallen beast, our hearts pounding with adrenaline.
The ordeal had taken its toll, but we had survived. And as we looked at the remnants of the caravan, we knew that this was just the beginning. The war against the demon dragon cult was far from over.
With the immediate threat neutralized, Alistan stepped up to play the role of calming influence, his voice cutting through the chaos like a beacon of reason. Liliana transformed into a blur of motion, tending to the wounded.
We approached the fallen dragon construct with caution. Its once-impressive form was now a mangled mess, its fiery aura extinguished. As we examined the creature, we discovered strange runic markings etched into its metallic skin. It was clear now – this wasn't just any dragon-construct, it was a product of dark magic, a brutish golem brought to life. We even managed to detect remnants of a strange metal harvested from the Hells, a nasty little surprise that explained our earlier bout of madness.
As we turned to leave, the realization hit us – we were looking at the remains of a very expensive, very dangerous piece of war machinery. We erected a makeshift warning sign to deter any unsuspecting travelers and resolved to get help from the Knights of Keralon.
Returning to the caravan, we found a somber atmosphere. A villager had lost their entire family to the chaos. Alistan approached them, offering words of comfort. They nodded, their eyes filled with a mixture of grief and resignation. The mayor, a pillar of strength in the face of adversity, had also fallen victim to the mind-control spell. We buried them both in a hastily dug grave, a silent tribute to the lives lost.
Finally, we reached the gates of Keralon, a beacon of hope in the darkness. Alistan introduced ourselves as the refugees from Ravensfield, our voices filled with weariness and relief. The guards, after a brief moment of hesitation, allowed us to enter the city. The villagers were free to go, but we were detained for questioning. It was a long, tedious process, filled with paperwork and endless questions about our identities and origins. But hey, at least we were safe.
For now.
With the immediate threat neutralized, we gathered to discuss our next steps. It was a long list: transfer the prisoners, warn the knights about the dragon cult, find Robert Talespinner, and secure the dragon construct's remains. It was clear we couldn't do it all at once, so we split up. Alistan and Hayley headed to the headquarters of the Circle of the Long Table, while the rest of us prepared to deliver the prisoners to the Briar Ring.
Alistan and Hayley returned, their faces a mixture of relief and frustration. The promised reinforcements had never arrived in Ravensfield, and we had not encountered any sign of them on our own journey. It seemed our knightly allies had dropped the ball on this one.
Meanwhile, we navigated the labyrinthine maze that led to the Briar Ring, a prison hidden deep within the Gloom. We were greeted by a rather grumpy-looking elf named Sileos, a jailor. After a brief explanation of our situation, complete with dramatic reenactments of the dragon-man attack, he agreed to take in our prisoners.
Sileos warned us that the Briar Ring would hold the prisoners for questioning, and if they turned out to be innocent, we would have some explaining to do (Well, Dadroz would, since we used his credentials). With that, he handed us a key and pointed us in the direction of the cells.
Exhausted but relieved, we left the Briar Ring, the weight of our responsibilities slightly lessened. The quest ahead was still long and uncertain, but at least we had made some progress. And as for the missing cultist champion, our good friend Robert? Well, that was a mystery for another day. For now, we needed sleep. Lots of sleep.
Exhausted but relieved, we returned to our lodgings. As we were nursing our wounds (both physical and emotional), all of us discovered a rather fancy-looking invitation. It was an invitation to a ball, hosted by the representatives of Velora Morenthene to celebrate the opening of their new embassy. Excitement bubbled up within us, but a tinge of caution crept in. After all, whenever the Fenhunter does a public move, the dragon-cult is sure to follow.
The next morning, we sought out Feyris, the innkeeper, to inquire about Robert Talespinner's whereabouts. He confirmed that Robert still had a room at Erna's Wish, but hadn't been seen in a few days. A chill ran down my spine. Something wasn't right.
We acquired the key to Robert's room and ascended the creaky staircase. As we approached the door, a sense of foreboding washed over us. Dadroz, with his uncanny ability to spot trouble, noticed something amiss about the door. A trap, he warned. With a deft touch, he disarmed the mechanism, saving us from a potentially explosive encounter.
The door creaked open, revealing a darkness that seemed to swallow the light. We stepped into the unknown, our hearts pounding in anticipation.

Continue reading...

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  12. Too Many Goodbyes
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  13. Letter to Hayley I
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  14. Letter to Hayley II
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  15. Letter to Hayley III
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  16. Letter to Hayley IV
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  17. Letter to Hayley V
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  18. Letter to Hayley VI
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  19. The Reunion
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  20. The Emissaries of the Fenhunter
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  21. The Fall of Cairn Fussil
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  22. Festival Frenzy
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  23. The Terror of Ravensfield
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  24. Dragon Bones in the Dark
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  25. The Determination of an Undead Kobold
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  26. Battle at the Burning Village
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  27. A Reminder to Take Action
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  28. A Grand Ball of Intrigue
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  29. The Search for Norgar
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  31. A Royal Reward and a Challenge
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