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1st of Lug, Year 121 of the Tree

Adventure Ahead!

by Luke Thomas

Dear Diary,
The festival lingered on, and I found myself waiting for Terrin, despite his earlier disinterest. Guess hope is like a stubborn weed, huh? The Colline family retired for the night, taking Elsa's dazzling smile with them. Sigh. Another missed opportunity, or so my heart moans.
As the party continued, I noticed that Hayley sequestered herself, engrossed in identifying her magical dagger. She's always been content in her own company, lost in the magical mysteries that swirl around her. Someday I'll need to pry her away from her studies and make sure that she actually has some fun.
As midnight crept closer, guess who finally showed up? Yep, Terrin, the old hobgoblin hermit. The grown-ups barely acknowledged him, but we were signaled over like we were about to witness some secret society initiation.
Terrin, with his gnarled fingers and even gnarlier nails, started carving weird symbols on the table. The festival's noise faded away, replaced by this strange hush. It hit me then – maybe that's why no one ever hears what he says at midnight! Turns out, the old hobgoblin wasn't just rambling about the weather. He asked about the festival, if we were excited (I mean, duh, adventure!), and dropped a bomb: he wants us to go into the Bramble – some creepy tradition that's apparently equal parts awesome and dangerous. Cool, right?. He made us understand it was not an obligation, but a choice. But who would pass up a chance for an awesome first quest like that?
Then he gets all history buff on us, revealing that our village used to sit on top of this magical kingdom called the Immerglade, ruled by a queen no one remembers anymore. Sounds like the plot of a forgotten fantasy novel. Turns out, the Immerglade got totally crushed by its rival kingdom, the Neverhold – major bummer, right? But here's the twist: the Immerglade ain't completely gone. Magical echoes, whispers of forgotten spells, and ancient ruins still linger in the Bramble. Spooky, but also kinda awesome!
Terrin spills more tea about the Bramble, calling it a cursed zone (yikes!) left over from the ancient fairy kingdom war. Apparently, there's a tower in the heart of it all, hiding some super cool test inside. Solve it, and you get a prize – who doesn't love prizes? He even throws us a riddle on a piece of paper, all cryptic and stuff: 'Forward, Backward, upside down. Given time, same is the sound.' My brain went into overdrive trying to decode that mess. Riddle me this, riddle me that, gotta love cryptic old hobgoblins! Apparently, the whole tradition started with some elf sorceress who rolled through town when Terrin was a kid. She spouted a prophecy about whoever conquers the tower becoming the new ruler of the Immerglade.
So, our path leads straight through this cursed Bramble. Terrin warned us about the dangers, of course – weird stuff happening, people disappearing (yikes!), the last one vanishing like a bad memory twenty years ago. Not exactly the most reassuring pep talk, but hey, who needs boring safety briefings when you've got a shot at becoming the new ruler of a forgotten kingdom? This whole Bramble thing is starting to sound less like a festival tradition and more like a recipe for disaster. But hey, where's the adventure without a little risk?
It also turns out this whole Bramble quest needs to be under wraps. Otherwise it might attract all kinds of unsavory folk to our humble village. Plus, we only have until the caravan leaves tomorrow morning to make this happen – pressure's on!
Speaking of pressure, Terrin threw in two healer kits for Ileas and Gael, those poor guys who got roughed up by the Reynards. Luckily, Hayley and I are first-aid pros, so kit duty falls to us. Terrin scratched out the runes on the table, ending the weird silence thing. As he shuffled off, he threw me a weird look and muttered something about the staff (seriously, what's the deal with that thing? I wish I had had the time to have a proper look at it). He wished us luck on our travels and mentioned we might not see him again for ages, if ever. Kinda heavy, right? Felt like a proper goodbye.
With Terrin gone, we faced the Bramble looming in the Lorewood, just a short walk away. Man, was it ever overgrown! I could barely see a stone building peeking through the tangled mess.
We squeezed through a five-foot tall entrance, the brambles clawing at our clothes like hungry beasts. To light our way, I whipped up some dancing lights – four magical globes that flitted around us like fireflies on a sugar rush. Feeling like a total mage-knight, I also slapped on some mage armor, turning myself into a shimmering, mystical warrior.
The path snaked through the thick brambles, twisting and turning like a giant's forgotten shoelace. As we got closer, the brambles seemed to twitch, adding a creepy vibe to our already spooky adventure. Hayley, ever the clever one, sent her raven familiar soaring high above, scouting for danger like a feathered spy.
Finally, the brambles thinned out, revealing a ruined structure – the next stop on our mysterious quest. But just as we started to relax, the Bramble itself came alive! The twisted branches morphed into monstrous humanoid shapes, shadows come to life – Blights, Hayley called them. Talk about nightmare fuel!
Battle erupted faster than you can say "magic missile." The Blights attacked with a fury that sent shivers down my spine. Gael unleashed an arrow, followed by Dadroz, their shots echoing through the clearing. Hayley tried to confuse them with some fancy words, but the Blights were having none of it. Liliana, though, went full warrior princess, charging at one with her sword and cleaving it in two with a mighty swing. Like a boss!
I tried to hit one of the Blights in the back with a spell, but it just shrugged it off. Panic started to gnaw at me as one of the Blights snagged Liliana with its vine-like arms, squeezing her like a grape in a giant's hand. Alistan, her brother, tried to shield her, but the Blight had her firmly in its grip. Things were getting serious, fast. Ileas threw a dagger, and Gael landed another perfect shot, taking down another Blight. But Liliana was still struggling, her face contorted in pain. This was no time for heroics, we needed a plan… and fast!
Suddenly, like a shot of adrenaline straight to the heart, a surge of determination ripped through us. I unleashed a blast of frostbite at the Blight squeezing Liliana, and Alistan followed up with a sword swing, shattering its hold. But the biggest Blight, enraged by our resistance, lashed out with its viney arms, wrapping all them in a tangled prison!
Just when I thought we were toast, Gael pulled a total hero move. He spotted a weak point on the monster and unleashed an arrow that struck true, taking it down instantly. Talk about clutch! In the chaos, Alistan and Liliana tumbled free from the plant clutches, shaken but (mostly) unharmed.
Hayley, remembering her earlier taunts, aimed a final verbal salvo at the remaining Blight, and to our surprise, it crumbled into dust like an insulted sandcastle. Turns out, sometimes words hurt more than arrows! We teamed up and the last one didn’t stand a chance, as we turned it into firewood.
The Bramble, once a creepy obstacle, had morphed into a full-blown battleground. We emerged victorious, but the fight left its mark, a chilling reminder of the hidden dangers lurking in this twisted forest.
And if that wasn't enough, a strange sight awaited us beyond the carnage. In the distance, a majestic deer with shimmering golden antlers observed us with unwavering eyes. Hayley identified it as a Cernunnon, a mythical fey creature. Even more surprising, Gael addressed the deer in Sylvan, the language of the fey! Turns out, the guy has hidden talents. The deer, with an air of ancient wisdom, replied that it was just watching.
We pushed deeper into the ruins, the looming tower drawing us closer. At its heart stood a giant menhir, like a giant grey finger pointing towards the sky. Four stones, each etched with a sun symbol, circled it, humming with magic. Elven runes glowed faintly on the ground, and the golden-carved stones pulsed with an otherworldly energy.
This was it, the test Terrin spoke of. Eager to prove myself, I reached for his staff, only to realize with a pang of regret that I hadn't bothered to learn its secrets. Rookie mistake, Luke!
Then, my clever sister Hayley caught the answer from the riddle: a palindrome, likely the "noon" symbol. We poked, prodded, and even whacked the symbol with the staff, but nothing happened. Epic fail.
Then a second shot of insight. Using my dancing lights, we cast a shadow of the menhir over the noon symbol. BAM! A flash of light, and suddenly a chest materialized out of thin air like a magic trick gone right.
Dadroz, ever the cautious one, searched for traps like a paranoid squirrel, but found nothing. No lock either, so he popped it open, revealing a treasure trove of smooth, round stones covered in runes. My magic senses tingled like crazy – these things were definitely enchanted, evoking magic like nobody's business.
Turns out, these stones weren't just pretty pebbles. They were magical communicators, letting us talk over long distances like some kind of high-tech messenger system. Pretty cool, right? But the best part? They're full of potential, waiting to be unlocked. Just another mystery to add to the pile.
Gael, the quiet guy with the mystical connection, decided to consult our mysterious deer friend, Sylvesse. In a language that sounded like elven opera (seriously, that deer can SING!), Sylvesse told us we could grab a stone each, but taking more would be, like, totally greedy. We each snagged a stone, and poof! The chest disappeared faster than a rabbit down a hole.
The stones in hand, we walked towards Sylvesse, the white deer, who spoke in Sylvan, a language I couldn't comprehend. Thankfully, Gael translated, introducing Sylvesse as his mentor, the one who imparted the wisdom of the forest.
Stones in hand, we approached Sylvesse, who launched into another round of Sylvan. Thankfully, Gael, the forest whisperer, translated. Turns out, Sylvesse was his mentor, the one who taught him all the cool forest stuff. In another melodic speech, Sylvesse congratulated us on beating the test and offered to tag along with the caravan, just in case things got dicey. Hayley, ever the thoughtful one, tied a stone to Sylvesse's golden antlers – like a magical thank-you note.
Sylvesse, with a magical moonbeam blast (seriously, this deer is cooler than I ever thought possible!), opened a temporary path through the Bramble, like a glowing escape tunnel. We sprinted through, the vines snapping at our heels like hungry crocodiles. Man, was I glad to be out of there!
With one last look back, I saw Sylvesse disappear into the forest depths. This Bramble adventure was definitely more than just fighting plant monsters. We even made a magical deer friend! Who knows what other crazy stuff awaits on our journey?
Back in the village, the festival vibes still lingered, although most folks had already packed it in and hit the road. Our friend’s parents, like guardian owls, were waiting for us, relief washing over their faces when we staggered out of the Bramble.
The adults swarmed us, eyes filled with questions about the mysterious test. Their congratulations felt different – heavier, like we'd officially graduated to "grown-up" status. Even the priest, bless his sarcastic soul, congratulated us and quipped that we should get some rest and avoid doing anything he wouldn't do (which, knowing him, was probably anything remotely fun).
Exhaustion tugged at me, but excitement buzzed louder. Tomorrow, we join the caravan and roll out towards Hillfield, then onto Keralon. A whole new chapter is about to unfold!
The morning sun found me already awake, bonding with Terrin's staff. Turns out, it wasn't just a fancy walking stick – it was a staff of everburning flame! Not only did it look cool, but it amplified my fire magic and could light up the darkest corners. Sweet! It was also then when I realized how foolish I had been the day before. The light from the staff could have been used to solve the puzzle in the tower. Terrin had practically given us the answer to the trial! Also I further cringed to myself when I remembered I had neglected to learn any fire spells whatsoever, limiting my use of the staff greatly for now. Do better, Luke!
Hayley, ever the practical witch, soon appeared, needing my help restocking our healing supplies. Together, we made a pretty awesome team: she foraging for herbs, me whipping up potent poultices. Gotta be prepared for anything on the road, right?
Prepping done, Hayley and I head to the caravan. Three massive wagons groan under their cargo, flanked by a ragtag crew of mercenaries – our protectors on this journey. Familiar faces from past travels grin at us, but a new one sticks out: an ancient elf, barking orders and directing the chaos.
We hopped onto our cart, Thorin our trusty horse at the lead, and stashed our stuff. But before we took off, curiosity about this stranger needed to be satisfied.
Approaching the elf, dude was laser-focused on his job, didn't even see us coming. Startled, he whipped around, eyes like daggers, and demanded to know who we were. Turns out, the grumpy elf was actually Onvyr, the head honcho of the caravan.
He quickly figured out we were the newbie travelers, and Liliana, ever the brave soul, offered our help. Onvyr, still gruff, checked us out, seeing our sword skills and magic potential. Turns out, he had a special mission for us – defending the caravan! We could either scout ahead or guard the rear.
Liliana and Gael, their adventurous spirits on fire, volunteered for scouting. They couldn't wait to be the first to see new cities and stuff. Our cart, now positioned at the front of the caravan, got handed a map by Onvyr. Ileas and Gael huddled over it, strategizing our route like mini-generals.
Just as we were about to roll out, Sheriff Edna came charging over, looking like she'd run a marathon. Turns out, she wanted to make sure we'd met Onvyr, the grumpy elf leading the caravan. (Seriously, that guy needs a smile lesson.)
Edna, mindful of her prior oversight, presented us with a cool reward for the task we completed before – a bow she'd gotten from a merchant. She was also super curious about the Bramble test, especially what we found in the chest. Dadroz mentioned the weird communication stones, but guess what? Edna got a whole quiver during her test years ago! Apparently, the Bramble likes to keep things fresh.
To be honest, Edna seemed kinda nostalgic as she told us about Hillfield, the big city we're heading to. All fancy buildings and markets, but apparently, it wasn't her cup of tea. Made her miss good old Tarn, that's for sure.
Since Gael's the archery pro, we decided the bow went to him. Then, with goodbyes echoing around us and Onvyr's grumpy yell signaling departure, we hopped onto our cart, leaving the familiar village behind. It's finally happening, diary!
Our excitement about leaving Tarn quickly sputtered out when reality set in: none of us had a clue how to drive a cart. Alistan, bless his soul, hopped off and became our makeshift horse whisperer, guiding Thorin by walking alongside him. Not exactly the glorious chariot ride I pictured, but hey, gotta start somewhere, right?
Speaking of starting somewhere, guess who wasn't with us? Elsa, the girl with the smile that could launch a thousand ships (or at least a thousand butterflies in my stomach), was chilling in her fancy private carriage, way behind us. Out of sight, out of mind, I guess.
Disappointment stung, but I pushed it aside. Adventure awaited! Our five-day journey to Hillfield began with a blast of chilly air. Luckily, the sun decided to pity us and peeked through the clouds, offering a weak attempt at warmth.
Despite the weather, a sense of freedom buzzed through our little group. No parents, no chores, just the open road and endless possibilities. Hayley, ever the strategist, sent her trusted raven Fiachna on recon duty, soaring high above the caravan. And keeping her promise, Sylvesse, the magical deer, trotted along in the far distance deep in the forest, a reassuring guardian spirit against the vast landscape.
Around noon, a burly mercenary dude signaled lunch break. We were about to dig into our supplies when Edward, the noble boy who probably got tired of his fancy carriage, sauntered over. Gael extended a warm invitation, and together, we made our way towards lunch.
Turns out, Edward didn't seem too worried about leaving his sister behind and her sleeping in half the day. He casually mentioned Elsa needed a wake-up call. Sensing a chance to chat with my crush (thanks for the subtle push, sis!), I grabbed some food and hot tea before heading towards her fancy carriage.
My heart did a little flip when I saw her curled up under a blanket, looking all peaceful and stuff. One gentle "Elsa, wake up!" later, she was stirring, lured by the promise of lunch. Feeling adventurous (and maybe a little cold), she asked if we could take a walk before eating. I was more than happy to oblige, secretly enjoying the warmth of her arm brushing against mine.
Lost in the glow of her company, we talked about anything and everything, just basking in each other's presence. Time flew by – Alistan's signal to get back to the cart went completely ignored. We shared laughs, stories, and maybe even a stolen glance or two. Back at the lunch break, we joined everyone else, filling them in on our walk.
Meanwhile, the others were hanging out with Edward, having their own conversations. As lunch started to wrap up, Edward announced he was ditching the boring carriage and joining the front cart. But before he could leave, I had a question: "What about Elsa?"
Turns out, she was just as over the carriage as Edward was. So, with a bright smile, Elsa declared she was joining our group too! She grabbed a thick coat and joined me in the back of our cart.
Just as we settled back into our rhythm, drama struck. The mercenaries, grumpy about their assigned duties, complained to Edward. They argued they couldn't protect both nobles if Edward insisted on riding ahead. Edward, being the noble he is, pulled rank and ordered them to stand down. To help calm the tension, I made a vow to protect Elsa with my life right then and there: she was safe with me.
The afternoon rolled on, and guess what? Edward and Alistan became best buds, bonding over their love for swords and fighting. They were practically BFFs, leaving me to watch Alistan completely ignore Elsa. Frustration gnawed at me – here's this amazing girl, and he couldn't care less? Even though we both liked her, I couldn't help but feel annoyed by his rude dismissal of the girl.
But then, just as the sun began its descent, casting long shadows across the land, Gael's sharp eyes caught a plume of smoke in the distance. A camp. Dadroz and Liliana, ever the responsible ones, went to report the sighting, while Gael, ever the fearless one, volunteered to scout ahead.
Gael, bless his adventurous spirit, stumbled upon a creepy camp of Reinards arguing with a lone human in a very fancy hat. Turns out, the Reinards weren't exactly offering tea and cookies – they were trying to rob the dude blind. Gael, being the hero he is, intervened, and let's just say the Reinards weren't happy about it.
Hayley's awesome raven spotted the whole thing and sent us a quick heads-up. Without missing a beat, Edward, Hayley, Ileas, and Alistan raced off to help Gael, leaving me with Elsa. Not ideal, but someone had to keep her safe, right?
Worried about the Reinards and Elsa's well-being, I asked her permission to cast a protection spell. She totally understood, and with that, I gave her a magical shield against any danger lurking nearby.
Later, my sister and Edward filled me in on the epic fight. Apparently, it was a close call, filled with danger and bravery (mostly on their part, since I was busy guarding Elsa). They described how the Reinards, obsessed with gold, attacked the defenseless human, and how Gael got seriously hurt by an arrow. Things were looking bleak, but then Sylvesse, the ethereal white deer and Gael's mentor, emerged from the forest, charging at the Reinards with righteous fury. In a united front, Ileas, Edward, Hayley, and Alistan battled against the remaining Reynards, their collective strength prevailing over the menace. As the final blows were struck, the threat was extinguished, and they emerged victorious. By the time we arrived at the scene, Sylvesse had slipped back into the shadows of the forest.
Robert Talespinner, a bard with a voice like honey, emerged from his cart, showering Gael with thanks for rescuing him from the Reinards. Turns out, the fancy hatted dude was a traveling musician, heading to Hillfield to share his musical magic.
Liliana, ever the healer, moved through the group, her divine light soothing wounds and bruises, leaving a trail of relief in her wake. Even the gruff Onvyr, our caravan leader, stopped by, inquiring about the fight. He wasn't known for compliments, but a grudging "good job" from him was practically a medal of honor.
Night settled in, and Onvyr decided to set up camp right there, a safe haven after the day's excitement. The weary travelers, glad to be alive, settled into their familiar routines.
Alistan and Edward, always up for a good show (and maybe a little competition), started bragging about their fighting skills. Despite their rivalry, they agreed to a friendly spar later that evening – a chance to test their mettle without any angry Reinards around.
As the campfires crackled to life, casting a warm glow on our faces, I couldn't help but feel a thrill of something beyond relief. We'd faced danger together, emerged stronger, and the shared experience seemed to lighten the air between us. My gaze drifted towards Elsa, bathed in the firelight, a faint smile playing on her lips. Perhaps, amidst the chaos of the encounter, an opportunity had arisen. The embers of the day's tension had faded, replaced by a spark of connection. Even though adventure continued to beckon on the horizon, my heart held a glimmer of hope that this journey might bring me closer to her, too. Stay tuned, diary, for whispers of romance amidst the roar of adventure!

Continue reading...

  1. A Festival of Foxes and Frolics
    30th of Dagda, Year 121, Era of the tree
  2. Elsa
  3. Adventure Ahead!
    1st of Lug, Year 121 of the Tree
  4. Rosebloom's Bookworm
    4th of Lugh, Year 121 of the Tree
  5. What to do when your hostess has a Secret Society Membership
    5th of Lugh, 121 Year of the Tree
  6. The most useful kind of magic
    6th of Lug, 121 Year of the Tree
  7. A Betrayal of Satyrs
    7th of Lugh, 121 Year of the Tree
  8. Maladies of the Mist
    8-11th of Lug, 121 Year of the Tree
  9. The Hunter
    11th of Lug, 121 Year of the Tree
  10. A Hidden Path to Logvale and Beyond
    12th of Lug, 121 Year of the Tree
  11. A Master of Fire
    13th of Lug, 121 Year of the Tree
  12. Too Many Goodbyes
    20th of Lug, 121 Year of the Tree
  13. Letter to Hayley I
    1st of Ogan, 122 Year of the Tree
  14. Letter to Hayley II
    3rd of Solstice, 122 Year of the Tree
  15. Letter to Hayley III
    24th of Edon, 123 Year of the Tree
  16. Letter to Hayley IV
    17th of Gobu, 124 Year of the Tree
  17. Letter to Hayley V
    7th of Daga, 125 Year of the Tree
  18. Letter to Hayley VI
    14th of Mannan, 125 Year of the Tree
  19. The Reunion
    14th of Mannan, 126 Year of the Tree
  20. The Emissaries of the Fenhunter
    15th of Mannan, 126 Year of the Tree
  21. The Fall of Cairn Fussil
    4th of Nuan, 126 Year of the Tree
  22. Festival Frenzy
    10th of Nuan, 126 Year of the Tree
  23. The Terror of Ravensfield
    13th of Nuan, 126 Year of the Tree
  24. Dragon Bones in the Dark
    15th of Nuan, 126 Year of the Tree
  25. The Determination of an Undead Kobold
    16th of Nuan, 126 Year of the Tree
  26. Battle at the Burning Village
    17th of Nuan, 126 Year of the Tree
  27. A Reminder to Take Action
    18th of Nuan, 126 Year of the Tree
  28. A Grand Ball of Intrigue
    20th of Nuan, 126 Year of the Tree
  29. The Search for Norgar
    20th of Nuan, 126 Year of the Tree
  30. Why you can never trust a bard
    20th of Nuan, 126 Year of the Tree
  31. A Royal Reward and a Challenge
    28th of Nuan, 126 Year of the Tree
  32. An apple a day...
    29th of Nuan, 126 Year of the Tree
  33. Dealing with the fey
    30th of Nuan, 126 Era of the Tree