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5th of Lugh, 121 Year of the Tree

What to do when your hostess has a Secret Society Membership

by Luke Thomas

Diary, buckle up because today was a whirlwind! We're finally rolling into Hillsfield, but let me tell you, the journey there was anything but smooth. Remember that epic snow wolf fight? Yeah, we're all still feeling the aches and pains, but hey, at least the weather's finally warming up.
While everyone else was nursing their wounds (both physical and emotional - looking at you, Alistan and Elsa), I was busy doing what I do best: studying magic. After hours of poring over dusty tomes and muttering incantations until my tongue felt like a knot, I actually cracked the code on a super cool spell! It lets me see glimpses of fate, like the future prewritten in a dusty library book. But the coolest part? I can actually tweak the loose threads, changing my own destiny and even the people around me. No more boring pre-ordained life for me, thank you very much! I'm taking charge, rewriting my story, and finding adventure, purpose, and maybe even... (sigh, Elsa) love. I am inspired by the legend of Zebulor, God of Time, an orphan who defied everything to protect his loved ones, even becoming a god. That's the kind of path I want to walk, minus the godhood thing (although that part seems a bit much, even for me). Just a little adventure, a touch of destiny-bending, and maybe a chance to rewrite my love story too.
Speaking of grand destinies, Ileas, our resident Satyr guide, dropped a bomb today. He's actually from around here! Apparently, there's a whole community of Satyrs living in the hills near Hillsfield. I thought it was pretty cool when I first heard about it, but thinks really took a turn for the dark later.
Things were already strange as we descended the hill towards Hillfield. We stumbled upon a group of guards, hunters, and lumberjacks just tearing down these ancient-looking stone things, covered in weird symbols. Even Ileas, the local expert, had no clue what they were. He said even his elders couldn't remember what these "menhirs" meant. Talk about a mystery!
So, we finally rolled into Hillsfield, and wouldn't you know it, Alistan suggests we stay at his family's manor. Not big enough for the whole caravan, of course, just our little "group." Gael, ever the cautious one, wasn't too keen on leaving the others. And guess what? Alistan even invited Edward and Elsa to stay! They said they were planning on an inn anyway, but hey, free mansion, right?
Now, diary, I'm not buying it for a second. Alistan's practically glued to Elsa ever since that whole "kiss-in-the-snowstorm-while-fighting-a-giant-wolf" thing. Is he just being friendly, or is this some elaborate plan to win her over? It's suspicious, that's for sure.
Adding insult to injury, Elsa and Edward couldn't even ride with us commoners in our humble cart. Apparently, there's some whole "protocol" thing for entering Hillfield, and it wouldn't be "proper" for high-born nobles like them to be seen with us. Double betrayal, diary, double betrayal!
Onvyr mentioned the caravan staying in Hillfield for a while – anywhere from three days to a whole week! Guess we'll see how many people are willing to brave the journey to Keralon with us after that.
Hillfield took our breath away for how huge it was. Walls, tons of people, farmers, lumberjacks, the whole shebang. Even the guards at the gate were like, a dozen strong! And it is supposed to be a “small” city! We cruised through no problem, but Elsa and Edward's carriage got held up. We stopped to see what the fuss was about, but Hayley, our passionate foodie, took the opportunity to check out the local street food near the gate, and stuffing her face with who-knows-what.
So we were just chilling in Hillfield, waiting for Elsa and Edward to clear customs, when suddenly, BAM! Satyrs, goat-legged troublemakers, burst out of the alleys with their vicious blink dogs, causing total mayhem!
Carts were toppled, people were shoved, and the blink dogs were growling like they hadn't eaten in days. The guards were still outside the gate, taking their sweet time, so it was up to us to step in.
Ileas, surprisingly, was the first to react. He played a rousing tune, urging Alistan to fight. Alistan, launched himself at one of the satyrs and knocked him out cold. Liliana, the divine warrior princess, joined in, blasting a blink dog with her holy powers. Quick-witted Gael sent an arrow flying, hitting another satyr.
Me? I was frozen in shock, watching the chaos unfold like a horrifying play. Our past fights had been out in the middle of nowhere, away from civilization. They had seemed almost surreal, like a dream. But this felt more vivid somehow as I witnessed the carnage around me. This wasn’t how it was supposed to be. But as an innocent bystander fell victim to a satyr's blade, their blood scattered over the cobbled street stones, I snapped out of it. I am going to be a god-damn hero, and heroes protect the innocent. Rage filled me, and I blasted one of the satyrs with my fire staff, sending him running with a singed tail.
My sister Hayley wasn't far behind. She used her magic to put a satyr to sleep, whispering out a sweet lullaby. But then another one ended the life of a poor horse with a vicious swipe, these satyrs were not messing around! Before I could react, an arrow struck Hayley right next to me! Ileas jumped in to defend Hayley, stabbing the attacker with his rapier. But the satyr cursed him, calling him a traitor. Things just got even more complicated!
The fight raged on. Alistan, with a soft spot for dogs, knocked out one of the blink dogs instead of killing it. Liliana, channeling her inner paladin, burned another one to a crisp. Gael took down another satyr with a precise arrow. I blasted another one with fire, forcing him to retreat.
But Hayley, fueled by the attack, unleashed a vicious curse at the fleeing satyr. As the words hit him, he crumpled to the ground, defeated. Around us, Liliana tended to the injured bystanders, her divine magic offering some comfort amidst the chaos.
The guards finally showed up, and let me tell you, it was pure panic mode! Alistan, ever the leader, tried to calm the crowd while the guards yelled at everyone to drop their weapons. We obeyed, feeling like scolded children, and waited as they inspected the scene like detectives in a bad crime play.
The guards started poking around the satyr bodies and tying them up like oversized goats. Then, their captain, a guy named Berris, approached us, looking like he'd swallowed a lemon. He asked for our leader, and we referred him to Onvyr. After introductions, Berris' eyes widened when he heard Liliana and Alistan's last names – apparently, "de la Roost" is a big deal around here.
He questioned why we were in Hillfield (just passing through, on our way to Keralon, nothing shady!), where we were staying (a mix of inn and fancy manor, thanks Alistan), and then surprised us by thanking us for stopping the satyr attack. Seemed like even the guards were impressed!
Then things got even crazier. Berris grilled Ileas, questioning if he was one of those "satyrs from the north." Ileas played it cool, claiming some past connection (whatever that means), but Liliana and Alistan vouched for him, saying he was basically their adopted family. Berris seemed to accept it, but warned that someone needed to keep an eye on Ileas while he was in the city – apparently, there's some tension between the satyrs and the humans here.
Here's the kicker, diary: there's a rebellion brewing! Some big-shot merchant from the south is claiming he's a noble, buying loyalty with gold, and building an army of mercenaries. Those satyrs and fox-people we met earlier? Turns out they're part of his little rebellion crew. Crazy, right?
But that's not all. The destruction of those weird stone things (menhirs, I think they called them?) wasn't related to the rebellion – apparently, the De la Roost family ordered that. So, diary, here we are, smack dab in the middle of a political mess. A creepy merchant, a brewing rebellion, and a mystery surrounding the De la Roost family and those strange stones. What are we getting ourselves into?
The full caravan finally got the green light to enter Hillfield proper! After all that drama, everyone was a little shaken, but Hayley, ever the resourceful witch, whipped out a concoction that looked like spilled cherry syrup and chugged it down. Apparently, it perked her right up.
Hillfield itself was incredible! Towering buildings, a massive monastery that looked like it could house a whole army of monks, and bustling streets filled with people. We passed by the De la Roost manor, a walled estate right across from the Iron Shield Inn where most of the caravan was staying.
Gael and Hayley opted for the inn life, while the rest of us – me, Elsa, Edward Ileas,, Alistan, and Liliana – headed to the manor. Two guards stood watch, their armor sporting cool emblems: one for Hillfield (two hills with a sunrise) and another for the De la Roost family (a mountain with a dragon).
Here's the weird part: they didn't recognize Alistan or Liliana! They must have been new or something. They did still let them in, but it turns out the manor gates, usually open wide, were now under strict orders from Lord De la Roost to remain closed. Apparently, it's all due to this whole rebellion thing – gotta keep the riffraff out, right?
The guards also made some snide remarks about Ileas, suggesting they keep an eye on him. Ileas, unsurprisingly, wasn't thrilled, calling them out for being prejudiced. Alistan tried to back him up, but things weren't escalating further, so we just let it slide.
We finally entered the De la Roost manor grounds, following a flowery path towards the main house. Ileas, bless his naive heart, headed for the servants' entrance, but Liliana stopped him and redirected him towards the grand front door. Apparently, the "ward" thing was a bit more literal than I thought – Ileas used to be a servant for the De la Roasts!
They announced their arrival, and guess who opened the door? Their mom, Sofia. Picture a regal-looking woman with a golden dagger at her belt and an even sharper tongue. She welcomed back Liliana and Alistan, but barely acknowledged me, which was fine by me. It's not like I was exactly thrilled with the whole "servants and nobility" vibes she was throwing around.
Sofia ushered us into a fancy living room. Turns out, she wasn't expecting us – "somewhat surprised," were her exact words. Then came the explanations. Apparently, there had been several recent satyr raids (the guards weren't exaggerating!), one even getting so far as to attack the manor itself. The cherry on top? Her husband, Alistan and Liliana's father, was off fighting the rebellion – or at least trying to hold them off until reinforcements arrived.
My curious sister Hayley then asked about the destroyed menhirs. Sofia, with a nonchalance that would make a villain blush, revealed she ordered their destruction. Apparently, she was researching some ancient fey magic, stumbled upon some "dangerous weapon" stuff, and decided to play judge, jury, and executioner with these ancient stones. Talk about taking control!
Hayley, naturally, wanted to see the research materials, and Sofia agreed but then quickly changed the topic by summoning Ileas (who appeared with tea like a magic trick). She swiftly ordered him to prepare rooms as all the normal servants were already sleeping. Now, diary, I'm not the confrontational type, but even I could tell how wrong this situation felt. Ileas was practically waiting on them hand and foot, and Alistan tried to defend him, calling him a friend, not a servant.
Sofia's response? "Everyone has their place in the world, and the world works when everyone knows their place." Talk about a masterclass in arrogance, right? I just kept quiet, hoping Elsa would arrive and rescue us from this awkward family reunion. But guess what? Sofia dropped another bombshell. Ileas' tribe is apparently part of the rebellion, but she assured him (and maybe the rest of us?) that he wasn't involved. Ileas, bless his unfazed soul, didn't even bat an eyelid at the news.
An hour crawled by like a snail on sleeping pills before Elsa and Edward finally showed up. Seeing them was like a breath of fresh air after the suffocating atmosphere of the De la Roost manor. The tension in that room was thicker than pea soup, and my sister, ever the bookworm, was too engrossed in deciphering the ancient fey book to offer much conversation.
Speaking of the book, she did manage to uncover some interesting details. Apparently, those destroyed menhirs? They were just territorial markers from the lost kingdom of Immerglade (remember that call-back?), according to the book, no mention of any ancient curses. So, either Sofia was embellishing the truth, or maybe the menhirs carry some additional secrets.
Meanwhile, conversation flowed between Alistan, Elsa, and Edward. They were comparing notes on their "errands," which sounded more like endless tea parties and polite chatter. Alistan the charmer, asked Elsa to join him for an evening stroll in the garden. She accepted, but luckily extended the invitation out to the rest of us too. I, not trusting them alone, immediately volunteered to tag along. Then Liliana and Ileas also decided to join too. Sorry (not sorry) to crash your date, Alistan!
The moonlit garden was beautiful, Elsa's hair catching the ethereal glow like spun moonlight. I couldn't help but be mesmerized by her, the world around us fading away. Suddenly, the mood was set with romantic tunes courtesy of Ileas on his instrument. Just then, Liliana spotted something strange – footprints through the carefully tended plants!
Intrigued, we followed the tracks, leading us to a hidden corner where we stumbled upon a sight that sent shivers down my spine – a single menhir, its surface etched with glowing runes. Alistan and Liliana, both supposedly from this family, had never seen it before.
This discovery set off a chain reaction. Liliana tried to push the massive stone, but it wouldn't budge. Sensing something dangerous, I intervened and started analyzing the runes. My magical senses tingled, detecting a mix of protective, illusionary, and summoning magic.
With the tension rising and the mystery deepening, we decided to contact Hayley through our magical stones. We were still puzzling over the mysterious menhir when Hayley and Gael arrived, and like a moth to a flame, she spotted it and immediately got sucked into research mode. I filled her in on my magical findings – the runes are different to the ones destroyed outside of Hillfield, but similar enough to suggest a connection. The magical script suggests illusions hiding or protecting something and other runes acting as a conduit for power from the Feywild.
Hayley then suggested we immediately report our discovery to Sofia, as the menhirs outside were labeled as dangerous and might be related to the satyrs somehow. Alistan, tasked with the job, headed back to the house. But things took a turn for the dramatic when he knocked on his mother's door and got no answer. Worried, he broke the door down, only to find the room empty.
Except, it wasn't completely empty. A secret passage stood open, leading who-knows-where. Alistan's worried shouts summoned us, and we all came running, expecting the worst. Just as Alistan was about to charge through the passage like a knight on a quest, a confused-looking servant appeared.
This guy seemed genuinely baffled by the whole situation. He tried to calm Alistan down, insisting his mother probably had "her reasons" for disappearing and suggesting they wait until morning. Alistan, understandably suspicious, wasn't buying it. The servant, clearly flustered (and maybe a little annoyed about the broken door), pleaded for Alistan to respect Lady de la Roost's privacy.
Seeing things escalate, Edward whisked Elsa away to their room for safety. The rest of us, however, were glued to the scene. Alistan was determined to find his mother, and the servant, well, wasn't exactly being helpful. So we decided to delve into the unknown. We descended into the dark depths of the passage, following the chilly air and flickering torches.
The passage felt ancient, like it had been carved alongside the house itself. After what felt like an eternity (but was probably just a few minutes), we emerged into a large, circular room. And what we saw next…well, diary, I'm still trying to wrap my head around it.
There, in the center of the room, stood an altar adorned with runes eerily similar to the ones on the mysterious menhir. But that wasn't the most shocking part. Kneeling before the altar, clad in a strange robe and a mask with unsettling brown eyes and sharp teeth, looking like the god of Death himself, was none other than Sofia. She was chanting in a language that sounded like whispers through leaves, praying (of all things) to Ulther. The whole scene felt like something out of a creepy novel, not real life.
Sofia, clearly startled by our unexpected arrival, jumped to her feet and demanded an explanation. Alistan filled her in on our frantic search and the discovery of the new menhir. Sofia seemed more annoyed than worried, shooing us away like pesky flies.
I tried to confront Alistan, but he brushed me off, leaving me feeling like a confused outsider in his own family drama. Hayley deduced that the hidden room was likely beneath the new menhir in the garden. Back in Sofia's room, we regrouped, the air thick with tension and unanswered questions. Elsa and Edward rejoined us, their faces etched with concern after witnessing our hurried departure.
Sofia returned to her room about ten minutes later and wasn't happy, to say the least. Apparently, barging into your mother's secret room while she's performing some kind of masked ritual isn't exactly considered polite behavior in the De la Roost household. She called it a "family secret" and demanded we keep it quiet.
Then came the bombshell. Turns out, the De la Roost family has been playing a dangerous game for generations. They made a deal with the fey hobgoblin king Ulther, pledging their service to his Neverhold kingdom.
Hayley, ever the sharp one, connected the dots. This explained why they destroyed those Immerglade border stones – following orders from their hobgoblin overlord. Sofia confirmed this, admitting she received the orders but remained clueless about the reason behind the destruction.
And the new menhir in the garden? Sofia revealed they had intentionally placed it there, moving it from the hidden chamber beneath the house after Alistan and Liliana left.
She tried to ease our worries, claiming it was all just "lip service," a few rituals here and there. Ulther, according to her, had "helped" them in the past, quelling a civil war in Keralon and ultimately boosting the De la Roost family to their current noble status.
But diary, I wasn't buying it for a second. "A few simple prayers" in exchange for a hobgoblin king's "help"? It sounded like a recipe for disaster. To make matters worse, we learned that Liliana, as the second-born, was promised to serve Ulther in the Feywild. This "deal" made generations ago was apparently dictating their lives.
Hayley and I were furious. Duty and honor were their excuses, but we saw it for what it truly was: a sacrifice of Liliana's freedom for their comfortable lives. We argued that she had a choice, that she could fight against this forced servitude.
But Liliana, to our utter disbelief, seemed nonchalant about it all. She even called it an "adventure," completely missing the severity of the situation. We argued that this was essentially selling her off for a fancy house, but our words seemed to fall on deaf ears.
Ileas, unsurprisingly, sided with his adoptive family, declaring it wasn't our place to interfere. Sofia, seemingly accustomed to such reactions, defended the deal, comparing it to any other service or religion. It was clear why she kept it hidden, fearing judgment. She even blamed Alistan for not being more careful.
As for Elsa and Edward, they had remained silent throughout the whole ordeal. They seemed to understand Sofia and Liliana's perspective, which left me a little confused, to be honest. While I can understand the whole "duty" thing that so many swear to, I can't condone this deal. Liliana being shipped off like a prize? Absolutely not!
Seeing this going nowhere, we left the confrontation. With a heavy heart, I couldn't stomach staying the night in their house any longer. But then Alistan, of all people, surprised me. He followed us and admitted he also disagreed with the deal, harboring a desire to break it, even if it took generations. He then privately pleaded with Hayley and me to research Ulther further, a request we readily agreed to.
So, diary, I'm now at the inn with Hayley and Gael, sharing a spare bed in their room. My head is spinning, filled with a cocktail of anger, confusion, and a burning desire to help Liliana, even if she doesn't want it. Alistan's secret dissent gives me a sliver of hope, but the weight of generations-old deals and deeply ingrained beliefs hangs heavy in the air.

Continue reading...

  1. A Festival of Foxes and Frolics
    30th of Dagda, Year 121, Era of the tree
  2. Elsa
  3. Adventure Ahead!
    1st of Lug, Year 121 of the Tree
  4. Rosebloom's Bookworm
    4th of Lugh, Year 121 of the Tree
  5. What to do when your hostess has a Secret Society Membership
    5th of Lugh, 121 Year of the Tree
  6. The most useful kind of magic
    6th of Lug, 121 Year of the Tree
  7. A Betrayal of Satyrs
    7th of Lugh, 121 Year of the Tree
  8. Maladies of the Mist
    8-11th of Lug, 121 Year of the Tree
  9. The Hunter
    11th of Lug, 121 Year of the Tree
  10. A Hidden Path to Logvale and Beyond
    12th of Lug, 121 Year of the Tree
  11. A Master of Fire
    13th of Lug, 121 Year of the Tree
  12. Too Many Goodbyes
    20th of Lug, 121 Year of the Tree
  13. Letter to Hayley I
    1st of Ogan, 122 Year of the Tree
  14. Letter to Hayley II
    3rd of Solstice, 122 Year of the Tree
  15. Letter to Hayley III
    24th of Edon, 123 Year of the Tree
  16. Letter to Hayley IV
    17th of Gobu, 124 Year of the Tree
  17. Letter to Hayley V
    7th of Daga, 125 Year of the Tree
  18. Letter to Hayley VI
    14th of Mannan, 125 Year of the Tree
  19. The Reunion
    14th of Mannan, 126 Year of the Tree
  20. The Emissaries of the Fenhunter
    15th of Mannan, 126 Year of the Tree
  21. The Fall of Cairn Fussil
    4th of Nuan, 126 Year of the Tree
  22. Festival Frenzy
    10th of Nuan, 126 Year of the Tree
  23. The Terror of Ravensfield
    13th of Nuan, 126 Year of the Tree
  24. Dragon Bones in the Dark
    15th of Nuan, 126 Year of the Tree
  25. The Determination of an Undead Kobold
    16th of Nuan, 126 Year of the Tree
  26. Battle at the Burning Village
    17th of Nuan, 126 Year of the Tree
  27. A Reminder to Take Action
    18th of Nuan, 126 Year of the Tree
  28. A Grand Ball of Intrigue
    20th of Nuan, 126 Year of the Tree
  29. The Search for Norgar
    20th of Nuan, 126 Year of the Tree
  30. Why you can never trust a bard
    20th of Nuan, 126 Year of the Tree
  31. A Royal Reward and a Challenge
    28th of Nuan, 126 Year of the Tree
  32. An apple a day...
    29th of Nuan, 126 Year of the Tree
  33. Dealing with the fey
    30th of Nuan, 126 Era of the Tree